The dark and depraved side of human nature is within all of us, it is a
matter of degree and balance. I strongly believe most people know this but
will never admit to it and those who speak about it in a way as if these
behaviors belong to certain people, they live in denial of their own shadow
and its dark characteristics. This young woman who wrote about Jodi Arias
makes it obvious she denies her own shadow written in the article on the
"medium". I don't know
Jodi Arias
I briefly viewed her case as it didn't interest me, but there was something
that caught my eye during a particular interview she had with a white man.
Numerous negative attitudes have surfaced from the media, which are white people. This
didn't surprise me, but when a white person kills their children or a
white woman runs over and kills kids with her car, the media never has
a nasty attitude about those people or having a California Driver's License for the world to see.
As you notice another white cunt Amy Larson exploiting personal
information. Why don't you do that to Rebecca Grossman, she too is a
cold-blooded KILLER! For those morons who believe themselves to be a
news reporter writing about white women who MURDER, carefully
choose their words labeling white women as socialites.
Rebecca Grossman should have been killed with lethal injection, she
murdered two kids in "cold blood"
and didn't give a fuck or apologize. Her punishment is 15 years which she
might get out in half the time, but Jodi is in prison for life because of
one white male adult. This white male TRAVIS is NO SAINT but that STUPID MOVIE makes
Travis out to be such a nice guy. Yeah, a nice guy who was using this girl for sex and leading her on emotionally.
I'm breaking this
shit down and then pointing out what the interviewer said to Jodi which
pissed me off. I want you to see another perspective. This young woman
focuses on the
"borderline personality" everyone probably has, but she is not a doctor. Just because some
idiot went to college and studied psychology doesn't mean they are experts
of the human mind or soul. Numerous factors and experiences shape and mold
children from the time they are born until they are adults and die. No one
walks on water, we live in a world filled with evil because it comes from
humans (WHITE RACE) and all of us are
MURDERS? What was the compensation to people for Bill Gates' killing and
spreading a man-made virus to the human population? $1200 shit dollars
fuck that's less than a dollar a day.
Now the writer assumes no abuse or anything was disturbing in her home
growing up, but none of us know that. So let's say for argument's sake there
wasn't any abuse and she had a perfect upbringing. Frankly, I don't see what
that has to do with anything. The same bullshit was expressed about Jeffery Dahmer
and look what happened to that sick fuck and the police refused to do their
job right! Too much emphasis on the environment, when killing is in all of
us. However, if you want to use the environment as an excuse look at this
shit BODY OF CRIMINALS WHO CALL THEMSELF A Government who are murderers, slave owners, child molesters state and
federal agencies enslave the human race, and war.
Bush administration and Obama are extremely guilty of mass murders, but
people continue to protect and serve murderers in the white house and
disregard their crimes! Let's keep voting for rich murderers!
I've speculated that people are born with pre-dispositions; again, it
is a matter of degree. The media uses words to attack
Jodi because she is NOT WHITE. Cleo Rose is a spoiled bitch
who grew up the only child of Sam Elliot and has attacked her mother with
violence numerous times cutting her arms with a knife but the media doesn't speak badly
of her at all, why not? Because she is white, it's only when people are
not white is when the press will slam them or call them cold-blooded
killers. Instead of having Cleo Rose locked up and sent to jail, everyone continues to enable her, do you think
Cleo is a borderline sociopath? Maybe or maybe it's in her nature to
want to kill her mother. This bitch has never worked and claims to have talent, doing what exactly? Playing a guitar?
This writer doesn't know how
feels or how she grew up. She doesn't know how her parents spoke to her, how
they made her feel, and when parents have too many kids in a family it's
never good. I do not believe women should have so many children, any more
than two kids is too much. The energy in the home is overwhelming if parents
don't have a good relationship but keep having kids, it affects everyone.
Maybe she was rebellious most kids are unless the parents are beating up the
kids. Abuse in the home comes in different forms. Verbal, physical, sexual,
emotional, and mental.
Let's start with criticism for example. A friend in
school tried to talk to her mom who was self-absorbed about a boy she liked
and who was once my boyfriend. I watched this and remember well her mother
talked shit by expressing
"Do you want her leftovers"?
She didn't want to listen to her daughter. Those moments are precious to
any kid when parents refuse to listen instead they knock the kid's
self-worth right down. These experiences will repeat in a person's life
over and over again from many people family and outsiders in life. Later in life, these feelings begin to form how we feel about ourselves and how we view the world we live in.
This behavior stirs resentment and anger, eventually it will
manifest into something greater. Now if a person can grasp this and ground
themselves which is very hard to navigate all that crap over the years then
you can find peace, but when you are young many feelings are stirred and no
one handles rejection well or at all. As for Jodi's parents, they were
wrong, calling the cops instead of handling it themselves is a lack of trust
and responsibility. Two parents can't handle one kid?
I would have never
trusted them either. It's like this story I once heard. The father is trying
to teach his son how to swim, and he tells the kid don't worry, jump, and I am
here to catch you. The child was scared of the water. He jumps and the
father moves away to let him fall. That child will never trust his father
again, he broke his word and loyalty. Most of all, the child will not instill
confidence after this lack of trust? It will affect a child as they grow
into adulthood.
What I am sick of listening to is all the bullshit about "borderline
personality" and bipolar crap which is thrown around so easily to label
people. I'm confident there are those special cases of people who need
something to help them, but we live in a world of energy, every human has
energy, negative and positive. The pressure of people having to make a lot
of money, if you don't, you are a loser, if you are not important or don't
have a talent to show off to the world, you are nothing. If you are not
someone, you are no one, and all the shit of rich and poor is just
And I will say it again, the root of all evil is SEPARATION!!!
Why do you think white people have to be in the spotlight? Have to portray
their lives as good and positive even when they fuck up and murder their
kids for money? War crimes are justified in white men's military to kill
people of color for monetary gain, now who is a sociopath? Yet street gangs
are a problem to society, yes they are, and look at who is the mother of
influence, the US Corporation of white men who call themselves a government
are the biggest gang!!
I am pointing this out about society, which is at its end peak of existence
because we live in a dangerous society where people want to kill, it's
already in human nature, which has ALWAYS been out of control. People and
the media want to crucify one young woman but those same ass-wads won't do
shit about the crooked politicians and the abuse of law enforcement or
people like
who keep getting away with crimes and why? Because this scumbag has money?
Trump never worked he inherited his father's money.
He is a loser with a prostitute for a wife. Epstein Asset girl.
As humans, we should be living healthy lives and have loving connections,
but people are not doing that. With the booze, drugs, sexual affairs, men
cheating, and dating underage girls, the US is pimping and pandering and
human trafficking, yet everyone
still supports Facebook with CHILD TRAFFICKING, indulging in social media because it's so
important. The world is NOT OVER POPULATED, but the cities are and
people are at each other's throats. The cities are toxic and we live in a world that
is being destroyed, the land and the sea. People are NOT BALANCED. Children
are spoiled and learn nothing from their shit parents, and don't want to
work (especially white kids) but these brats are given cell phones, and have access to
pornography by the age of 10.
I am not here to defend or encourage her crimes, but as usual, the white
race once again publicizes this young woman who murdered someone as the
cold-blooded killer, actually, that might stick for the
"zodiac killer"
who was never caught, and possibly a white man who was a cop. Whatever was
going on with her she should have just walked away but her emotions got the
best of her and the anger set in with whatever this guy said to set her off.
Males are good at that if they're scared of the female or choose to be
insulting. People in general have shit attitudes and portray nasty behaviors
in everyday life with fake smiles and intentions you will never know of. I
dealt with two bitches who complained because I sat at the table they wanted
to sit at. Is that ridiculous or what? Everyone take a look at
Men go hunting for the kill of wild animals because they can, it's viewed
as a sport, and no one cares, it's a living organic being of flesh and bone.
There are no laws. I have witnessed people abuse their pets all the time, and
in their mind it's okay. People lie and gossip all day, every day, and it's
okay, no problem. Manipulation is variously used all the time, people
never talk straight, because using manipulation is a tactic that works well.
Jodi is an adult, she is taking responsibility for killing Travis.
Joe Biden's son
should be in prison but he is not and why not? He is not better than Jodi or
anyone else. I'm sure you understand my point now. All of us are guilty of
crimes and all of us should take responsibility, but many people never do.
it right to target one person who kills another compared to a collective of
men who murder again and again, killing millions with COVID or dumping toxic
waste on the population?
No reason or excuse for war. The Elites and politicians are to blame
for most of the world's problems. And who are the politicians? The SCUM in the Vatican and the White House and all Gov around the world
deluding their sick perverted minds with abusing children and killing
people all for money. These white men are in power and better than
everyone else.
Yeah, you're in power alright of being child molesters
and murderers. I'm glad to see the white race has a BLACK heart filled
with HATE!!
Either way, it's still MURDER, ISN'T IT? As for the interview, he criticized
Jodi because she NEVER APOLOGIZED to the family for killing TRAVIS, and
neither did
Rebecca Grossman,
the white socialite who was trying to bribe the judge to dismiss the charges
of killing two innocent children. Favoritism for the white race,
Mark Zuckerberg didn't care about human trafficking children and being a MURDERER!!! So why should Jodi care that she killed her boyfriend, she is one person,
and her life is ruined. I will end with this, Jodi needs to stop talking. The
more she spoke, the more she convicted herself.