Elon Musk thinks he is bigger than life, he is NOT. Elon Musk has certain people in the world thinking he is special he is not. I have to assume this insecure child tells his ex-wife to inform the public of how big his dick is because he lacked attention as a child. Obviously, ELON MUSK NEEDS ATTENTION is why he's always being interviewed to let the world know how intelligent he is. Have you ever noticed when he is asked a QUESTION, the answer he provides makes no sense most of the time. It's like he is trying too hard to sound intelligent and winds up sounding ridiculous. For example during an interview, "Elon Claimed", he knows all about the UNIVERSE because he knows "space stuff". Those were his words, I thought how STUPID, he doesn't shit about space any more than I do unless I study it and you're still not an expert!
Did mommy not breastfeed you, is that what happened? Did daddy not pay attention to you or play ball when you were a boy because he too was a SELF - ABSORBED ASS WAD? Like father, like son. He certainly has an agenda lately kissing TRUMP'S ASS LIKE HIS BITCH! ELON THINKS STICKING HIS FUCKEN NOSE IN POLITICAL AFFAIRS IS GOING TO HELP HIM RISE TO POWER. WATCH OUT ASSHOLE, YOU MIGHT GET A PUBLIC KICK IN THE ASS IF YOU KEEP PISSING PEOPLE OFF!! NO ONE IS GOING TO TOLERATE YOUR BULLSHIT!
Let's begin with everything this piece of shit is trying to do.
Threatening the AMERICAN PEOPLE by sticking his fucken nose in affairs he has no business commenting on or influencing anyone about where to make cuts. You're not a fucken lawmaker or politician stay the fuck out of it!
An unelected shadowing of Government by gutting numerous policies and programs. Who the fuck are you to CUT anything that affects people's jobs and the lives of the AMERICAN PEOPLE?
Elon thinks he has the POWER TO CUT MEDICARE and SOCIAL SECURITY. Why are these STUPID ASSWAD media asking this fucken question to begin with? Trump does that and allows this piece of shit to participate in this? If you think you have authority there will be hell to pay and if you want to keep your balls in one place you better hold on to that penis you admire so much or someone will cut it off! STAY THE FUCK OUT OF SOCIAL SECURITY!
Using X ownership and white house position to push TRUMP PRIORITIES, intimidate detractors.
Killing off the US Department of Education and Musk is on board with that because HE IS A JACK ASS trying to convince the public maturity begins in Middle School. Now all of a sudden this asswad knows how and when maturity takes place in a human being?
I'm going to get ANGRY and rip into this piece of shit. What really annoys me is how this SCUMBAG MUSK has the public convinced he actually thinks he KNOWS when emotional and mental maturity affects every human being? Is that incredibly fucken STUPID OR WHAT? Frankly, I going to pray to the DEVIL this man has the worst car wreck and turns into a Quadriplegic from the neck down.
It will turn his life around and open his eyes hopefully because he is so fucken insecure with himself, he is not a man, but a loser. He failed at fatherhood, he refused to have a relationship with one woman because he was scared to get close to anyone. He is not a man or a father to all those illegitimate children he conceived and the women are whores he married. Then he whines like a bitch claiming Amber Heard (WHORE) complains she had the best of him. No one can have the best of you unless you let them! Grow the fuck up! You are not mature mentally or emotionally yourself but you can lecture on the subject as if you are a fucken expert of the human mind! Shut the Fuck Up, please! Elon Musk there are two reasons you worked at having money 1) pussy and 2) emotional attention you never had at home from mommy and daddy, so you get that from the STUPID media that is full of shit!
Uh, no one told you to stick your dick in her knowing she is expecting you to pay her for sex and having a child for financial leverage.
Whenever I listen to him speak he is so FULL OF SHIT! He really is. A bigger problem is giving this loser the ammunition he desires with these STUPID INTERVIEWS boosting his EGO which I am confident it's bigger than his dick. He needs a serious tragedy to happen in his life, he needs a wake-up call and TRUMP NEEDS TO DROP DEAD!