- Read the program thoroughly and understand each class description.
- A few courses are given once a year so take those first and get them out of the way, if you don't complete them you will not graduate.
- Sit down and carefully arrange your classes each semester but mix up each semester with other courses such as art, swimming, psych, literature, math whatever you enjoy whether it be online, or not, just mix it up so you get a good variety. Do not take all GWS every semester it doesn't work out that way. Some girl did this and she was stuck.
- Be a full-time student don't spend your life at this school as some people have so their boss would pay the bill because this person was too cheap to pay it herself or get financial aid. (I'll speak more on this later)
- Be on time to classes as teachers will notice and blackball you if you make excuses why you were late or didn't drop the class in the required time. I observed this and noticed the teachers will ignore you like you're not there. Remember they carry your grade in their back pocket.
- Speak up in class when needed as I said these women don't structure their class and no one is a mind reader. They won't explain anything on your first day or ever. Marth Lopez Garza is the worst bitch here and Breny Mendoza.
- Find out ahead of time the books you need. Please be frugal there are ways to buy books cheaply or find them online (free PDF) or try using the reference area in the library as they carry a variety, save money.
- Ask teachers if they teach from the textbook many will not and expect you to spend 100 dollars and read it (this pissed me off) try to avoid these teachers. They won't open the book in class. Be mindful that you don't want to waste time and money.
- Advisors are lazy-ass wads and will not tell you what you need to know about this program. It is NOT SPECIFIC, meaning there are no specific areas to study it's a wide range of areas. This is why you need a strong master's to back up your career. It doesn't hold much value alone.
- You will be expected to attend lectures and activities on campus which I found "Love Your Body Day" to be racist. It's about bigger gals feeling good about their bodies, frankly, it is pathetic with the hypocrisy "It's okay to be FAT, just be WHITE". Women of color were never selected. This is why it's RACIST, which this school promotes and so do the teachers and staff!
- This GWS program is best for electives or a minor degree. I don't see it worth a Bachelor unless you plan to travel, write research, and maybe study groups of people around the world.
- Breny Mendoza is the worst next to Garza try to avoid this bitch, unfortunately, she is now the chair of the department which is really bad. I told Sheena Malhotra that her buddy Mendoza copied AN OUTDATED class syllabus from another teacher and gave it to the students. She was NEVER punished and Sheena took over the class. Sheena used to be the chair. I regret not reporting both of them. There is too much bullshit and favoritism in the department. Breny Mendoza is a lazy bitch who has no business being a teacher or anything else she should be FIRED!!!
- If you have self-discipline, take online courses with different subjects. I found it rewarding and better teachers from other departments. As I mentioned, mix up your schedule every semester; you don't want to drown in GWS. Whatever you do please avoid Diane Bartlow from writing out your schedule, she pulled this crap on me and I never asked her, it was a mess so I changed everything. Take Control it's your career.
- Personal advice NEVER ALLOW your employer to pay for your academic career. It's a FAT RIGHT OFF for this ass-wad. Karla was STUPID she was a classmate who worked for Legal Zoom and allowed her boss to PAY IT because she was too cheap to pay it herself. Karla fucked herself as she could have had the tax right off and money back from her tax refund, claiming the cost of the education when filing her taxes. Instead, she gave it to her boss and he fucked her over and declined approval for classes she needed to finish the program. In addition to that she bitched about working overtime and the $1000 bucks she earned went into taxes. I told her it usually does because you are a single person (pays the highest tax) no kids, no home, and nothing to claim so UNCLE SAM FUCKS SINGLE PEOPLE THE HARDEST. She would have had a phat refund if she would have paid for her own education instead of giving the credit to her scumbag employer. I don't know if she ever graduated, but I was gone after three years and Karla was still there at CSUN halfway done. NEVER TRUST A FUCKEN MAN ESPECIALLY AN EMPLOYER!
As for the dorm, the meal plan is the biggest scam, if you get in and your dorm has a kitchen you don't have to buy a meal plan unless you choose to, but if the dorm doesn't have a kitchen then you're forced to buy a meal plan. Most dorms don't have kitchens. I believe the food should be free of all of it or at least included in the tuition. Those plans are over 3500 hundred a year. Nothing like ripping people off. Watch out for perverts and scumbags men who want to rent to hot little gals so they can go after you with sexual perversions. My advice kids should get together and just rent an apartment, if say 6 or 7 people pitch in you can afford a two-bedroom at 1800 a month you actually might save money at least on food. Otherwise don't get sucked into the bullshit with parties, drugs, and booze, be careful who you hang out with. People lead to problems more than help most of the time. Develop good study habits, most kids you can't depend on to study with, I found them to be unreliable and disrespectful.