Bristol Farms of Beverly Hills is racist and this location is filled with sexual harassment, racism, and mental cruelty. Let me explain my experience with this company and its many unethical and illegal practices. I was working at Occidental College when some young guy told me to go to Bristol Farms because he was making 15.00 dollars an hour then, and this was six years ago. Of course not everyone was treated the same, the hardest working people (who were women of color) were treated the worst and paid the lowest compared to the white kids who took all the credit, worked very little, or only appeared to work and were paid the highest. It's usually the situation with racism!

It was my first time working at a market and this place was filled with toxic customers and staff who were predominately white, abusive, and extremely racist. Many times I would see movie stars and musicians that were famous, of course, it didn't matter to me, people are people and these rich assholes were not always pleasant. They just had a better-paying job but nothing of interest, they had shitty attitudes with the delusion they're better than most people. 

Here I am learning the food industry as fast as possible from supervisors who NEVER trained me, but I paid attention since no one else bothered and the orientation took place six months after I was hired. I picked up as many hours as I could to show I was reliable in hopes they would give me a permanent position, Tony never did, he favored white people far more than women of color. He said to me how he knows everyone is on drugs, well, I guess that must include you as well, Tony, you are not innocent but a thief and a liar and a racist cocksucker!  Bend over I know you like it up the ass! Don't you?

The assistant director placed me in the Deli, which is the hardest department to work in, and it's why people hated it the most. As it has the highest traffic and is the most stressful with demanding customers. It doesn't matter which company you work for its all the same shit. And I have worked for a few other markets that were just as bad after Bristol's. First, let me say the work environment was and still is very toxic, it's because of the people, and their attitudes. They come to work with their problems, then you have complainers, backstabbers, ass kissers talking shit and verbally making sexual derogatory sexual remarks, racism you get the picture. Regardless I stayed to myself I didn't mingle with employees, and I didn't care to, management was lazy and abusive, especially in the meat department and let me not forget that fat bitch Alana.


Alana was an assistant manager and useless, she had no understanding of the services in any department. Alana would sit on her fat ass upstairs fucking around on the internet all the time instead of doing her job. Anytime a customer complained or lied about a worker, Alana would attack us instead of asking what happened? It was easy to be a target of racial abuse and not just a customer wanting to take their personal shit on a worker, but fellow co-workers were just as bad, especially management.

It's only when a complaint from some irate customer, Alana would jump to the situation because she loved being a bitch on wheels. What pissed me off is how this cunt would never ask what happened? 99% of the time these customers would lie and talk shit just to cause trouble and Alana would believe anything they told her. Most of the time I was dealing with fucked up women coming into the store yelling at me or giving me dirty looks, calling me foul names. I recall this one white bitch with long blonde hair started screaming about why nobody was working in the cheese department? I replied I have no idea, maybe they're at lunch. I told this ignorant white trash I don't write out the schedule.

She was ranting, it was BeBe who was in cheese but at the time she was in the toilet. That girl was always in the bathroom. The next thing I know BeBe starts balling me out, blaming me for that white trash psycho yelling at her. I told BeBe don't you dare blame me because that cunt has a hair up her ass. I was beyond fed up with all the abuse.

After working in the Deli as long as I could stand it, there was talk of the position in produce and no one wanted to stay because it was very hard work. This position consisted of cutting up fruit and making the Guacamole for three different sections in the store. It was a very hard job and the production was very demanding. However, I was kicking ass by myself and my sales were good, do you think Tony cared fuck no, that piece of shit was so ungrateful. 

He took advantage of me and I was mistreated very badly with mental cruelty demanding my production be twice the amount, and sexual harassment from Lizardo (produce manager) and Deli manager Reyes. Later verbal abuse from other managers that were new at the store. I don't recall the name but I remember this mother fuckers face! IF I EVER SEE HIM AGAIN YOU CAN BE SURE I WILL CUT HIS DICK OFF!

That position was a three-man job and Tony never bothered to get me the help I needed, he took advantage that I could do it alone, yeah so he didn't have to pay. At some point I had this guy helping me but he didn't stay long after a few weeks he walked out and expressed working like a slave was not worth it, since he was in the music business. This kid and Tyre were also having a sexual relationship. Now this is what really angered me, Tony came to me one day when I asked him for a raise, and he said, "I don't like giving people raises because they won't do their job". I looked at him in disgust and realized this white trash motherfucker is a racist fucken pig and so is Adam Coldcott (vp). Tony McAndrews has never worked a day in his life, he is a lazy fuck, who sucks Adam's dick so he can keep his managers position, so he can hold on to his slut wife, and keep living in Manhattan Beach. 

Tony is WHITE TRASH WHO APPEARS TO WORK, BUT IN REALITY SUCKS DICK!! By the way, Tony STOP STEALING the 500 in cash Adam gives you to feed the managers lunch during those meetings. He prefers to pocket the MONEY and feed the manager's LEFTOVER FOOD from the kitchen!! Fucken Theif! I only pray Tony catches a disease and his dick falls off. Tony and Tyre were also fucking. Did someone tell Tony's wife?

So after months of hard labor, Tony never gave me a raise and never got me the help I needed, I worked a three-man job alone and was underpaid, but to get the production out, I bumped up my hours from 40 to 55, to get the work done. Tony didn't like it, but I kindly told him to go fuck himself. If you want the production out then get me the help I need. He never bothered to. See white people try hard to intimidate but they're really scared of people of color. Tony should be scared of his wife, someone needs to tell her his dick is in another hole! Bristol Farms was founded on Luciferanism, that's right the founders were into all that black magic, but not for the right reasons. These fucked up white men founded their businesses to be successful and it has been. Bristol Farms was founded on Black Magic and Satanism. This one location profits about 3 million a year, maybe more. Regardless of their ridiculous overpriced shit THAT IS A SERIOUS RIP OFF!!!! Before the renovations, the internal phone system for many years was #666 then after it was changed. The land and the whole place are toxic filled with shit people and shit customers! 

Fast forward one day, I woke up and my entire hand and arm were paralyzed and twisted up from the work I was doing, the weight of the tubs, the repetition of the mixing because everything was done by hand, not machines. I was in severe pain and emotional distress do you think these racist mother fuckers cared of course not, they tried to cover up the incident and lied about everything. There was a woman named Carolyn, who broke her arm as an object fell on her. This happened before my incident, Carolyn had her arm in a cast. It was rumored the company gave her 500 dollars in cash and let her stay on the clock as long as she didn't report the incident. Carolyn agreed. I on the other hand asked Colleen Pratt for help and I already explained how this cunt treated me. See, Bristol's never gave the employees training and Danny (a worker) was told to walk around and make sure everyone signed off on safety procedures that were never told to us, we were threatened by management if we didn't sign off, we wouldn't have a job or hours would be cut. Thanks to that whore Colleen Pratt is why I was cheated out of so much money my case needed to go to trial, but that dyke cunt refused to help me and do her fucken job instead, she FUCKED ME OVER. This dyke who calls herself a lawyer got paid to sit on her fucking ass and do nothing.

So when I got hurt Tony immediately called in three employees and fucked me over. Colleen was horrible, she did nothing to help and refused to find me a doctor in the network. I was being blocked by Bristol Farms' fucked up insurance company Zenith, a corrupt Insurance Company which Claire Versailles who is another bitch cheated me and fucked me over. I won't forget you, Claire!!! I was under great stress and this dyke bitch gave my personal information to Mirella Flores who later I found out was scamming and stealing monies from educational vouchers with City Councilman Salvador Franco. I questioned Colleen about this and she had nothing to say. She gave my information to Mirella this is why this GREEDY WHORE was harassing me, but nothing became of it. Colleen is guilty of fraud herself, lying to me and never providing representation. She is a whore with a license to practice fucking people out of money. Every dog has his day and these motherfuckers are getting theirs. SEXUAL HARASSMENT, MENTAL CRUELTY, RACISM, VERBAL ABUSE, at BRISTOL FARMS ADAM CALDECOTT and TONY MCANDREWS ARE TO BLAME FOR IT ALL!!!

I'm sure we'll meet again in the depths of hell where you white trash pieces of shit need to burn for all eternity for the abuse you caused on me. Oh, I almost forgot Lynn who is a corporate CUNT and works at the corporate office. She thought she was smart fucking me over with the work schedule when choosing not to provide it to me. As for Joe who is a homosexual faggot sucking Adam's dick to keep his job, he likes Lynn too, as he enjoys being her bitch! At the corporate office, the workers sit on their fat asses talking shit and starting shit. It's what the white trash mother fuckers do best. I'm not Luciferian, but I am a black witch, who practices witchcraft, and all you have it coming!!! See you in Hell! THESE MOTHER FUCKERS CAUSED ME GRIEF!!

If you have a workers' comp case, you can file on your own, and see a doctor immediately, and get copies of all records. Contact the State of California and see the website. If you have an attorney and they screw you over as I was, you need to file a lawsuit for Legal Malpractice within a year from the time of services. As for an appeal judge if you get screwed over with the money you have 20 days, don't waste time take action and ignore calls from SCAM ARTIST, speak to no one, and record all conversations. DO NOT TRUST THE EMPLOYER, HIS INSURANCE IS OUT TO GET YOU, NOT HELP YOU! ZENITH INSURANCE IS BAD NEWS!! They have been taken to court many times and have horrible reviews, they will fuck you over, not help you.



"The Financial War Against Iceland - Being defeated by debt is as deadly as outright military warfare." 

It reviews its key information in advance of Hudson's April 14 scheduled appearance on The Global Research News Hour to discuss. What's true for Iceland holds everywhere, including the developed world, the idea being to enrich finance capitalism through state-sponsored debt bondage and neo-feudal impoverishment. The global economic crisis was no accident. It was long ago hatched and has been brewing for years, gestating, percolating, then bubbling into the 2000 tech crash, a mere prelude for today's greater one spreading everywhere like cancer but hitting the developing world and most indebted nations hardest. Hudson: "Iceland is under attack - not militarily but financially." Like many others, "It owes more than it can pay" and is bankrupt. 

It was planned that way, and the idea is to strip-mine the nation and its people of their resources, enterprises, assets, land, homes, jobs, and futures through perpetual debt bondage. Bankers get enriched. Nations and people, however, are discarded like trash, with the IMF as enforcer, to be reinvigorated with an additional (G 20-pledged) $750 billion, quadrupling its resources to $1 trillion if fulfilled. Wall Street and Western European bankers planned it and now ordered the government "to sell off the nation's public domain, its natural resources and public enterprises to pay (its) financial gambling debts." Also, raise permanent taxes at the worst possible time, then suck the maximum wealth from the country leaving behind an empty hulk and an impoverished, desperate population. It's called dystopia Merriam-Webster defines it as: "an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives," the opposite of utopia under conditions of deprivation, poverty, disease, violence, oppression, and terror, much like in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. Permanent debt bondage "is as deadly as outright military" defeat. Loss of livelihoods and assets leave people vulnerable to sickness, despair, and early deaths, much like what happened to post-Soviet Russia under Washington-imposed "shock therapy:" -- 80% of farmers went bankrupt; -- around 70,000 state factories closed;

-- unemployment became epidemic; -- a permanent underclass was created; -- poverty rose from two million in 1989 to 74 million by the mid-1990s, and in half the cases it was desperate; -- alcoholism and drug abuse soared; -- so did HIV/AIDS 20-fold; -- suicides also and violent crime four-fold; and -- the population declined by 700,000 a year; by 2007 it was 10% lower than in 1989 because of sharply reduced life expectancies. Iceland, the developing world, and the West take note. This cancer is heading everywhere, courtesy of banker-imposed diktats, mainly from America and the UK. They insist Iceland "impoverish its citizens by paying debts in ways (they'd) never follow" even though the government has no way to do it.

No matter. "They are quite willing to take payment in the form of foreclosure on the nation's natural resources, land and housing, and a mortgage on the next few centuries of its future" - perpetual debt bondage no different than the spoils of war under permanent occupation. However, in this case, debtors are convinced to pay voluntarily "to put creditor interests above the economy's prosperity (and) national interest." Their indebtedness comes at a huge cost - "chronic currency depreciation (and) domestic price inflation for many decades to come." Contrast this to how developed countries, like America, handle debt - by inflating (not deflating) their way out to pay it off with cheap (reduced purchasing power) money because inflation erodes its value. It's simple - by printing money and running budget deficits the way Washington did after Nixon closed the gold window in August 1971, ended the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement, and no longer let dollars be backed by gold or converted into it in international markets.

A new monetary system creates money like confetti and lets us spend and live beyond our means, then have developing and indebted nations pay the price. In recent years, dollar weakness and price inflation "wiped out much of the US international debt." The Iceland model turns "this inflationary solution inside violation of traditional credit practice." Instead of currency inflation, Iceland "inflate(d) its way into debt, not out of it, (by) indexing (it) to the rate of inflation," thus guaranteeing "a unique windfall for banks at the expense of wage earners and industrial profits." The result: the destruction of its traditional way of life. Iceland must "repudiate this debt bomb" to escape. It's indexed to inflation and "will never lose value." It's caught in a destructive whirlpool creating economic shrinkage, falling assets and wages in the face of perpetually burgeoning debt, the same global model needing to be exposed and renounced "now." Otherwise, economies will be hollowed out, "capital formation will plunge," people will be impoverished, and most won't survive. Maybe the prostitutes and cock roaches.


Hudson's Background His expertise comes from "having been an insider to imperial-style plundering....for forty years" - as an economist for Chase Manhattan Bank, Arthur Andersen, and the UN Institute for Training and Development (UNITAR). He's also taught economics since 1969, heads a Harvard-based economic and financial history group, is a Research Professor at the University of Missouri, and organized the first sovereign-debt fund in 1990 at Scudder, Stevens, and Clark. "All these jobs (except his current professorship) involved analyzing the limited ability of debtor countries to pay - how much could be extracted from them through foreign-currency loans and how much public infrastructure (could) be sold off (through) voluntary virtual foreclosure (under) creditor-dictated rules." He advises countries not to borrow in foreign currencies, instead "monetize their own credit for domestic spending and investment." Iceland broke "the cardinal rule of international finance: Never borrow in a foreign currency for credit" that can freely be created at home. "Governments can inflate their way out of domestic debt," not the foreign kind. Post-Soviet economies did it the wrong way, and now suffer, and recent riots highlight their problems. "Instead of helping them industrialize and become more efficient," Western bankers loaded them with debt and exploited them - not for manufacturing and infrastructure development, as loans against existing real estate and infrastructure, but to suck as much wealth out quickly. It produced "bubble economies built on debt-financed real estate and stock market inflation," illusory wealth "bubbles (that) always burst." The only sustainable financing of imports is through enough exports for a favorable balance of trade. De-industrialization destroys economies by shrinking them, the result of plunging property valuations, rental income, and exchange rates. READ THE FULL REPORT HERE. 

Foreign currency mortgage costs exceed property values producing defaults and losses for lenders. It's hitting Sweden, Austria, and leading creditor states like America and the UK. Real estate, stock market, and employment are declining "in a straight line unprecedented even in the Great Depression." It's turned neoliberalism into a nightmare. "Just as individuals can't live off a credit card forever, neither can nations. As any classical economist knows, societies that only manufacture debt are unsustainable." Eventually, they collapse into bankruptcy just like a business or household. The old saying applies. Things that can't go on forever, won't. No matter. Predator banks want to prolong the game as long as possible, grab all the wealth they can, force debtor nations to sell state enterprises at distressed prices, and then get new business by lending to investors who buy them on the cheap. Will it work? Only if targeted countries go along. In the case of Iceland, its very future is at stake. Sound v. Imprudent Banking For centuries, banks created credit responsibly - loaning money for sound

investments to debtors able to repay with interest. No one imagined a world like today's with massive defaults occurring globally. In America, one-third of home mortgages are in "Negative Equity;" that is, "the mortgage exceeds the (property's) market price pledged as collateral." US national debt tripled in one year, from $5 - $15 trillion, and according to some economists like John Williams, it's much higher under GAAP accounting - including unfunded liabilities around $65.5 trillion, an amount exceeding world GDP through FY 2008, meaning America is bankrupt. Williams also puts unemployment at 19.8% by reengineering it to include discouraged and involuntary part-time workers and excluding fictitious birth-death rate ratio inclusions. Blunt Truths about the "Dismantling of Industrial Capitalism" Instead of extending credit to construct and grow them, financial oligarchs turned indebted nations into "casinos (through) debt-leveraged gambles," redistributing wealth upward and creating "debt peonage for most citizens." Even in America, nearly half the population has no net worth, and the gulf between the richest and the rest is unprecedented.

"This is the unfair system that the world's top creditors would export to Iceland - if they can convince its voters (and leaders) to accept neoliberal debt pyramiding as a way to get rich." It's not working throughout post-Soviet states that see it as the road to hell if public riots are a gauge. "Better alternatives (are) the only defense" as it's impossible for "astronomically indebted economies to 'work their way out of debt.' " Trying will "collapse the currency's exchange rate," divert huge amounts of revenue and property to creditors, and produce "a new kind of post-capitalist (unjust, unsustainable) non-production/consumption economy" too gruesome to imagine or tolerate. Iceland's financial crisis is the result of lawless predation, an "international (austerity demanding) Ponzi scheme" under rigged market rules imposing public and private "asset stripping" to pay debt. A simple scheme transfers wealth. Economies and populations are trapped on a "debt treadmill from which there is no escape. (Lenders) pile on credit and let debts grow (through) the 'magic of compound interest,' knowing that loans cannot be repaid - except by asset sell-offs." They're strip-mined through unending debt service so the parasite keeps feeding on its food source. The idea is to get it all, leaving empty hulks behind, then on to the new victims. It's "euphemistically dubbed post-industrial wealth creation," the kind that's collapsing economies globally and destroying people. Obama is the commander-in-chief of the process.

America as Lead Predator It's a viciously ugly scheme that's "trapped other countries into a nightmarish system in which (they're practically forced) to recycle their excess balance-of-payment dollar inflows back to the US," mainly as loans to the Treasury. "When foreign central banks receive dollars for their exports (or asset sales)," their choices are limited. "Congress won't let them buy important domestic companies or resources," or get paid with US gold reserves. The alternative is to buy Treasuries and

mortgage-backed securities like Fannie and Freddie debt. Icelanders and other nations must remember that America is the world's largest debtor, and as Adam Smith explained in The Wealth of Nations - "no nation ever repaid its debt," and he never envisioned one as large as America's. We grow it by issuing paper for real assets and services. Until other countries demand more than confetti, this "Madoff-Ponzi scheme" will persist - for tiny states like Iceland (population 319,000 as of January 2009) until nothing is left to hand over. Today's road to riches isn't through capital investment. It's by "foreclose (ing) at pennies on the dollar and mak(ing) 'capital gains' by flipping property onto (central bank-inflated) world financial markets." In a word, socializing risks, privatizing profits, preying on the weak, and getting "a free lunch" at public expense. It's a zero-sum game. One side's gain is another's loss, and when it matches America against Iceland, it's easy to exert pressure, but no certainty it'll prevail. 

As a sovereign state, Iceland can choose. More on that below. Throughout the process, "financialized wealth is extractive, not productive....because loans, stocks, and bonds are claims on wealth," not the kind produced by making things. This is Iceland's dilemma. "Homeowners are paying tribute, not in taxes to (an occupier), in interest to (debt pyramid, international creditor) sponsors of "over-financialization," aiming to strip-mine the country of everything, the way it's worked in many developing states. "Yet many Icelanders are heading into this future voluntarily" with little understanding of the trap, propelling them toward debt peonage destitution under the guise of an IMF rescuer - like a spider to a fly.

It shouldn't happen and won't if countries refuse to be trapped and extricate themselves in time. Iceland is at a crossroads, still able to avoid what ruined Russia, other post-Soviet states, South Africa, and many other nations misjudging America and the IMF are saviors, not world-class predators. "Back to the Future" - A New Age of Neo-feudal Debt Bondage Conventional banking works by extending credit in the form of interest-bearing loans and seizing collateral only in cases of default. Central banks were created to finance governments and commercial ones to "expand trade, related infrastructure, mining and shipping," and develop other forms of business and industry. More recently, "financial managers persuaded many countries to sell off public enterprises, like their water or energy supplies, mainly to pay debts or cut taxes" for the rich. It's turned debtor nations into "tollbooth economies in which basic services become a vehicle to extract greater and greater portions of national income and wealth for the benefit of the few." It's the opposite of how classical economists define "free markets." Today, financial interests control them to extract labor and capital investment-produced surpluses - for themselves under the guise of "economic democracy." The result "pushed much of the Third World into poverty since the 1960s," and now the same cancer is heading everywhere.



What is it about white people, being the poisonous essence of killing and abusing children? The white race is below SHIT? This whore marries this CHILD RAPIST and MURDERER and all these fucked up people behave like nothing happened. It's all so NORMAL to be a CHILD RAPIST and SEX OFFENDER. Let me pay off the COPS so I don't go to PRISON and keep working in the film Industry as a CHILD RAPIST! I'll just relocate to Europe where law enforcement won't extradite me. This fucken loser ROMAN POLANSKI had Sharon Tate MURDERED, he did and people decided not to believe it (or maybe they know) and pretend it's not the truth. Polanski personally knew Charles Mason and his group of fucken goonies. He promised to pay him $50,000 for a human sacrifice, which I don't think they got the money but took the rap for the crime (as they should). It would have been simple not to pay once Charlie Mason was arrested and now that he is dead ROMAN thinks he is free and clear? Not exactly.

How quickly these scumbags were arrested because the same person who hired that MASON, is the same person who called the police about the murder. This murder was a "HUMAN SACRIFICE" I know it's hard to believe but it was and this is why Polanski gets away with sex crimes because the fucken losers who think they're (GateKeepers) are the ones running the movie Industry to protect him. Ice Cube once said the shit who owns the prison systems in America are the ones running the Movie Industry. All these losers are SATANISTS and for the wrong reason, they enjoy hurting kids, human trafficking, and murdering people the more they do it, the more famous they think they are and the money they will make, so they believe. You are a sick white bitch marrying a fucken piece of shit like Polanksi he deserves to be beaten and have his dick cut off. He deserves execution! You fucked up white people are a poison that pisses on HUMANITY! You commit the most heinous crimes in society and you walk around with money thinking your shit doesn't stink and all of you are are abusers and child rapists. Sharon Tate was a human sacrifice, nobody just happens to walk through the Hollywood Hills by chance and happens to know by chance the house is empty other than a pregnant woman alone waiting for her scumbag husband who lies claiming he is out of town, how convenient. 

Vanity Fair ENDORSES CHILD MOLESTERS!! VANITY FAIR IS FUCKED UP MAGAZINE THAT SHOOTS FAGS, CHILD RAPISTS, AND UGLY OLD BITCHES WHO ARE A 100 YEARS OLD, AS LONG AS THEIR WHITE, IT'S ALL GOOD! The white race needs to be exterminated as their crimes never Stop!!! America is a CESSPOOL OF CHILD MOLESTERS, and all of them are at the top of the food chain. And NO THIS IS NOT FUCKEN HATE, but it is HATE AGAINST CHILD RAPIST GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER AND SEXUALLY ABUSING CHILDREN. It's only if YOUR BLACK OR MEXICAN you go to prison for raping babies. Of course these pieces shit should get the ELECTRIC CHAIR and so SHOULD ROMAN POLANSKI!! Nothing makes me sicker than these fucken animals believing it's okay to hurt and kill children. 

They're not the only ones Polanksi hangs out with so many child molesters and baby killers, don't you Roman? Paid off law enforcement so you can escape, but Europe should have deported your sorry ass back to the States. You must have paid a lot of cash to bribe officials. Roman Polanski I'm going to curse your ass you deserve to be tortured to death you worthless piece of shit. This system in America is corrupt and infested with child murderers and a cesspool of sex offenders starting in government, the Movie Industry, the Music business, and all throughout society. Hurting kids. I am fed up with every time I go on the net some fucked up white person is murdering, molesting, and killing a child. Law Enforcement does NOTHING! Law enforcement is a pathetic excuse for asswads who REFUSE to ARREST PIECES OF SHIT LIKE MARK Zuckerberg and anyone else participating in sex offenses and trafficking of human beings and children. Another scumbag who needs to be in prison instead of living large as this white trash does. You fucked up white people are the poison in society, the poison that pisses on humanity. Law Enforcement is also GUILTY OF CHILD ABUSE CHILD EXPLOITATION AND CHILD RAPE!!! WHEN IS IT GOING TO FUCKEN STOP? I remember when I was a kid only 15 and I was walking home in the middle of the day and a piece of shit old white guy with long white hair was waiting in his truck trying to hurt me. I noticed he was a predator like these two fucken scum bags. He kept following me and I just ran all the way home. YOU UNDERSTAND WHY? CHILDREN NEVER TELL THEIR PARENTS BECAUSE THE TRUST IS NOT ESTABLISHED IT'S THE SAME FOR COPS!!

America and all over the world is filled with predators and this country of STUPID LAZY FUCKEN ASS WADS REFUSE TO STAND UP AND FIGHT AGAINST THIS SHIT! As parents today don't give a fuck about their kids, pimping them out for money, whores getting pregnant, and using children for financial leverage. Pimping out kids to hold on to a man, abusing children, stringing them out on drugs. Burn in hell both of you, burn in hell. The media is just fucked up parading around writing articles on these fucked up white people as if bragging about them is NORMAL. When Polanski appeared on television after Sharon Tate was brutally murdered did he look sorry? Did he look devasted? No, he went on the show to BRAG about having her killed and allowed CHARLIE MASON TO COMPLETE ROMAN POLANSKI DIRTY WORK FOR HIM. IT'S TOO OBVIOUS IF ROMAN DID THE WET WORK HIMSELF. IT'S EXTREMELY OBVIOUS TO ME HE IS A RAPIST AND MURDERER, AND FUCKEN CHILD MOLESTER WHO SHOULD BE ELIMINATE IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR AND HAVE HIS DICK CUT OFF!



PayPal on Trust Pilot has the highest Complaints but has no problem providing online support to common prostitutes using the platform, such as Amy Taylor and Tiffany Champagne. Society is infested with prostitution and transgender and with all the disgusting influence younger children will only view this as a way to make a living instead of progressing with real values and sustainability in their lives. As for online prostitution, it's running a muck, there are millions of young women influenced by the Kardashians who are no different than any whore on an escort site. All females are claiming their professional models which in turn is a lie and mask to cover up their prostitutes. As for Paypal online merchants who don't seem to care that online hookers such as Amy Taylor use their services so her "jons" can send their transactions is a contradiction against their policies. Don't forget to check out "former Twitter" Amy loves to brag about the money her jons send her, which could make for a nice Christmas card to the IRS. 

The social slut of New York claims how educated she is and a public figure and her "ego" has blown up to believe it. Eventually, it will come to an end either her "Jon" will kill her off with rage and jealousy or she'll go to prison for tax evasion. Either way, at this moment Paypal doesn't care about their customers being so unhappy with the services as there are over 30,000 complaints on "Trustpilot" of how PayPal is screwing over the customers. Still, this online shit merchant has no problem accommodating online whores such as Tiffany Champagne and Amy Taylor. It's depraved when online prostitution takes over as I can only assume the CEO must be paying for sex from both cunts just the same to ignore and allow these common prostitutes to use the online service. Alex Chriss and Dan Shulman are responsible for all those complaints and breaking compliance with PayPal. People eventually find out the truth as it's so transparent when visiting these whores websites. Customer Service what does it mean to the customer? It should mean complying with guidelines which this company does NOT do. It should mean resolving problems for customers, this company does not do that either. Customer Service means listening to complaints and fixing the problem by providing a resolution. This company doesn't do this at all, they have ignored all 30,000 complaints, but the media is so fucked up talking shit about Temu's complaints. Temu complaints don't come close to PayPal complaints. A few hundred is nothing compared to over 30,000 the media should make a public announcement about that. 

Or better yet complain about the fraud with Biden's son. Society is deprived when placing people who pay for a service and use these services with good intentions only to be lied to and cheated. Customer satisfaction is not a concern or a priority and customer service does nothing to resolve problems. Yet they continue to SUPPORT business for all online whores to keep doing business with no interruptions. Trust Pilot has been accepting customers' negative reviews for years and it continues to grow as these white men at the top sit on their asses and do nothing to help customers resolve the problems, let's just ignore it all and see if it goes away, but in the meantime make sure the girls (I MEAN THE ONLINE WHORES) HAVE ALL THEY NEED TO KEEP THEIR BUSINESS RUNNING. These online sluts lie so much about their perfect lives and how great their childhood was and how educated they are. Right, both of you bitches are so educated, and well bread is the reason they're on their knees sucking dick to support their ass and still DEPENDING ON A MAN for his money. 

VENMO is another online merchant that is under the umbrella of Paypal and it too makes allowances for the online sluts to have male pimps send them money. If you ONLINE WHORES are so educated find a real job, because you're not a real model? Christy Brinkley and Cindy Crawford are real models, for hair, makeup, and clothes, they're not displaying their asses on ESCORT (hooker) websites sucking and fucking, claiming "I'm a public figure" and pro model. This is the cover-up, a facade. Get over yourself, your common sluts, and have admitted to this numerous times, so why be a hypocrite? As for Paypal, it needs to be shut down and all those complaints of people need to come together as a collective and start suing those mother fuckers, and haul everyone into court since this shit online company doesn't care about their customers, doesn't care of how customers are treated, and cater to the online WHORES with no problem allowing these bitches to use the platform as they choose to collect monies from their pimps and johns. Is their restitution for such behavior from a company controlled by ass-wads who are CEO of PAYPAL and yet do nothing because they too are whores collecting their fat checks another reason this shit company allows certain individuals with their vices of prostitution do whatever they want whenever you want, who cares as long as we make money? 

Society has gone off the deep end with too many people getting away with online criminal activity and law enforcement sits on their asses doing nothing but jerking off to the same shit material. All are to blame for this insolence and stupidity disregarding your customers and providing privileges to online whores. Glad to see you have your priorities straight. As for the modeling who cares, about generic online advertising shit, Vogue Magazine is not going to allow prostitutes to be on the cover. Well maybe they might, they allowed HOMOSEXUAL FAGS, if they ever did, that would be a day of reckoning. Boy, this magazine has gone downhill. Plus I doubt these people pay that well, or that often. Nobody cares about Playboy Magazine every whore in America has posed her ass on that cover, it only confirms your whore. A person would need to have several jobs every day to support themselves in California and New York appearing in a magazine just to make the rent. All whores online lie about who and what they are especially women. Women seem to get away with far too much these days and all in the name of money and yet WOMEN are far more vicious bitches compared to men. Women will always use men for money if not with prostitution it would be marriage (another form of prostitution). Women use pregnancy for financial leverage, women do anything for the money and will use any man. Just look at TIGER WOODS, see white women are not special like all you stupid people want to believe, they are BIG WHORES and will suck a black man's dick all for the love of money. These whores actually have the public believing their 5-star bitches who are financially well off. 

Law Enforcement should have them arrested for prostitution long ago and their Jons, maybe then their perspective on life will lessen their shallow way of thinking. Men are actually the STUPID ONES since they fall for hookers and online whores all the time it's the only way they can get close to females while walking around with an erection in their pants. Especially since they're getting old. THIS WHORE IS NO MODEL SHE SUCKS DICK FOR A LIVING. THESE BITCHES LIE AND CLAIM THEY ARE MODELS THEY ARE NOT THEY'RE WHORES!!! Regardless not all rich men will support their whores and not all men who are sugar daddies will continue to pay for their ass, as everything is temporary. While we're on the subject of men, women know how to be the master when they're hooking up, but she will never respect you as long as you pay for sex. You men have no self-respect if you have to pay for a woman's company or to suck your dick. It only confirms you're a pimp to pay for a woman to have sex with you and how weak-minded you really are. Why would any woman have respect for you as a man under those circumstances? ACLU IS CORRUPT AND PAID CASH TO DEFEND PAYPAL POSITION!! THESE PEOPLE ARE LIARS. PayPal get your shit together and treat legit customers better and stop catering to the whores online such as these two. Horrible customer service with over 30,000 complaints of bad service. These prostitutes are not models no more than Ray Charles had a vision. Another reason could be why the public is purposely blind to accommodate such insolence is because these whores are white? Could be white women have always been whores only to pretend to be something else. You bitches are NOT MODELS, YOU ARE A PROSTITUTE lying claiming to be a public figure and a model, every whore today online claims she is a model. You are not you suck dick and fuck for money, you are a WHORE!!! Don't feel bad there are no jobs in America and at least you are not hurting anyone but have a backup plan as you get old, ugly, and wrinkled no man will want you then. I hope you have a backup plan to support yourself. 60 and 70 old whores are not popular. ACLU WON'T LISTEN TO COMMONERS BUT THEY'LL LISTEN TO MONEY AND BRIBES!!!  WHORES GIVING SUPPORT TO OTHER PROSTITUTES!!! YOUR NOT A MODEL JUST AN OLD WHORE SUCKING DICK!



Catholics and Christians, all religions claiming to serve a higher purpose and Philanthropy to help their fellow man are liars and self-serving thieves!!. All these religions have nothing to do with God or Christ (as for Jesus he is not blonde and blue eyes) that is the white man's version because white people believe their own lies trying to claim white is pure (not when it has a black soul and all white people do especially those in congress). These organizations built on false beliefs using Jesus as the scapegoat to financially secure their personal lives for one purpose to collect as much cash as possible. 

Yet the masses of people from all over the world support these criminals. These people are too STUPID, to believe otherwise and think if they're good, they'll go to Heaven. Heaven doesn't exist for anyone and no human living on earth is good, all humans have created great SIN 1) so the white man can profit and support himself richly and give very little back to the communities. 2) It's to control the people and induce mindfucking bullshit to manipulate all those who are willing to follow the lies. The church doesn't believe in universal intelligence and why? Man can't control "an intelligence far smarter than the man himself". So the criminals in the Vatican and the False Government work together to manipulate the world into believing a false God exists, it doesn't and the smaller non-profits such as the Gary Center gain support with this false belief, and keep the racism and slavery mentality in check. White people are the ones to be hired with jobs and get paid, not people of color ever. If America was Christian then why does this "FALSE GOVERNMENT" YOU stupid PEOPLE continue to support corrupt elites and politicians murdering humans and children for money? When exactly did it all start? Many eons ago when Rome took over and began killing and then its corruption eliminated millions and other disasters took place and the white man looking for a new piece of land to start over and run from his sins and their past of murder and corruption calling themselves "CHRISTIANS" for the white man it sounds kinder and practical than calling themself Pagans. 


Have you ever heard a clergyman say "It's God's Will"? This phrase is an excuse for the mercilessness and God because if God was benign and in control then why are people killing, setting off wars, filled with financial greed, and institutions locking people up when they speak out against the establishment causing abuse and this fraud system of human trafficking children and prostitution? Look around prostitution stems most from this fraud government Trump himself married a whore but pays for prostitution and people call that slut the "The First Lady", another false label but people look the other way and now that piece of shit is president again? It's disgusting and proves once again the corruption and abuse in this country nothing has changed because the white man came to America to kill again, and abuse children to fulfill their perversions so therefore Christians are Satanic. 

People confess their sins to clear their conscious and be free to go out and sin again, so what is the point of confessing? Satanism is the false religion known to man as he is and promotes the rationale of turning a bad thing into a good thing. Social Media has so many organizations FaceBook (guilty of killing children) prostituting children (Trump too is GUILTY of these CRIMES) and yet people call themselves Christian. All churches and Organizations support FaceBook being a child murderer. No one is Christian most people are guilty of murdering children and prostitution, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, I would say YOUR SATANIC not CHRISTIAN! How long has Catholic Charities been around? Since 1910 and it's been Incorporated since 1986? How much money do they collect? Federal Gov gives 2 million annually in grants including another 600,000 from Dept. Justice and $595,000 from the US Dept of Housing which I'm confident it's all taxpayer monies. WOW, and people still have no place to live, where is all the money going because it's HOUSING NO ONE? The Department of Homeland Security donates $244,000 because one hand washes the other, it's not to benefit anyone just those at the top. Philanthropy is a word thrown around to convince people of the good many rich white men claim they're doing, but they're not, they're murderers. There is no GOOD IN THE WHITE MANS SOUL when he spreads virus and disease instead of feeding the world. Bill Gates is NOT into Philanthropy he is a LUNATIC GONE MAD with GREED AND HELPING TO SHAPE AND DESTROY HUMANITY ALL IN THE NAME OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Church organizations collect millions of dollars every year and so do all the organizations of non-profits claiming it's to support lives and help the people, it's not. The goal is MONEY, that's it and no one intends on sharing money. 

Just as no one intends on housing anyone because of the lies of spending billions of dollars is a FUCKEN LIE!! All this money is to support their personal interests and personal lives. The lies that are told are to support health and wellness, house the people, free food (food banks) all of it are just lies it's to keep people begging while these greedy non-profits continue to collect millions in cash to show they have a cause! The Gary Center is an organization and example of corruption that collects millions in cash and Scott Miller is the piece of shit who runs it paying white women to work and telling people of color to volunteer for free. He believes in paying white people not women or men of color. Keep racism alive collecting cash and keep people begging. Scott Miller is a lying sack of shit I can confirm, nothing he says is honest or true. 

Another sleazy white man who has SLAVERY MENTALITY! No church or organization with white people running it to collect cash to support their way of life is honest or for the people while WHITE PEOPLE CONTINUE TO PROSPER!!. It's a rotten corrupt organization to keep white people working and people of color enslaved!! JUST SO YOU KNOW THE CITY OF LAHABRA POLICE DEPT ABUSES CHILDREN PLACING THEM IN FRONT OF LIQUOR STORES ON IDAHO ST. THE CHILD IS COACHED TO ASK ADULTS WALKING IN TO BUY HIM BOOZE AND CIGARETTES SO THE POLICE CAN MAKE ARRESTS. THEY TOO SUPPORT FACEBOOK INSTEAD OF ARRESTING CHILD MOLESTERS LIKE MARK ZUCKERBERG!!


White Women are not what you think for many years women have become the new aggressors and abusers in society and within family and friends. Let me describe sensitive circumstances and provide examples so the reader has a clearer and broader understanding and hopefully, you men will open your fucken eyes to how bitches can be your worst nightmare. Let me begin with this "abuse" is a cycle of behavior that continues to recycle itself. Yet the person is aware and "conscious" of their actions. I don't care who you are and how much money you have or not, people know what they are doing including serial killers, who consciously make the choice at a split moment of their true intentions. Abuse comes in many forms verbal- physical - psychological - emotional - mental and sexual abuse. Since I was a kid I recall all the women I have crossed with family and friends and some strangers who are abusers. Step Sisters - who would try to control me, they would push me around and tell me what to do. 

People in the workplace white females were always a problem, at the gym shopping at Walmart, it didn't matter where I was there was always some bitch at every corner either talking shit or starting shit. As for men, well men are STUPID because most men believe women are the weaker sex and are helpless and fragile they have no idea about anything, and women are innocent. No women are not innocent, women are cunts they are not innocent and always have an agenda, this UNIVERSE IS BASED ON FEMALE ENERGY. TRUST ME WHEN I SAY MOST WOMEN ESPECIALLY THE ONES WHO LOOK TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, HAVE A CERTAIN MINDSET. OF COURSE, ABUSERS COME IN ALL SHAPES AND SIZES. Just as this white bitch with that smirk across her face. Arrested for abusing children. And this whore poisoned her kids!

YOU'RE ARRESTED AS A SEXUAL PREDATOR AND YOU'RE SMILING ABOUT IT? If a female is a store manager or property manager and is young she usually is a problem, watch her behavior. If she works for a certain state or federal agency she will lie and become abusive with other women of her own peers or anyone she feels threatened by. Women who work at places such as banks, libraries, social work jobs, social security, county and city jobs where the bitch sits on her lazy ass she is more insecure than your average female. She will be the biggest problem in the work environment and favored by upper management. These work environments are some hot spots but these bitches are everywhere. Women of all sorts are more likely to abuse children and younger females when they are children. White women are more prone to be sexual predators. Just look at this white bitch, she thinks she's funny with a stupid smirk across her face after being arrested for sexual abuse of a student. 

This Human Race needs to be wiped out for good, people are so fucked up for the shit they do I'm sick to my stomach just looking at it. For those parents who DO LOVE YOUR CHILDREN - PROTECT THOSE KIDS AT ALL COSTS. YOU CAN'T TRUST FRIENDS or FAMILY MEMBERS. PEOPLE CLOSE TO YOUR CHILDREN ARE MORE LIKELY TO ABUSE THOSE CHILDREN. Every female I came into contact with as a child and an adult was abusive toward me, but as I grew older people realized they couldn't push me around, but it didn't stop white women from being a problem as they usually are. Rosie who was a welfare witch (a friend of my mother's) attacked my daughter for no reason other than to be a cunt, she was only 10 at the time. Another bitch who lost her sister in death attacked my child to take her rage out on her just because it was easy to do. Terry Segura's mother Yolanda was an abusive bitch who hit my child when she was a toddler again just because. My ex-husband's girlfriend was abusing our children during times I had to give him visitation until I exposed it all in court. There are other examples but this is to paint a picture of female abuse of children. My daughter was being attacked anytime an adult female was around. Including that step-sister of mine who was a lying bitch and sexual predator. As a child myself I was being harrassed and sexually abused. Later as a young woman, I was sexually harassed in the workplace. A few times cops sexually harassed me. 

As time went on everywhere I went I was dealing with a bitch who would start shit or talk shit so the more abuse I was subject to I turned callus from it all. You can't trust anybody especially white people (women) are the biggest problem, especially towards women of color. Let me give another example after Todd died this older female approached me because she needed help. I drove her around and helped her with a few things but during this time I needed to heal from Todd's death (which the police caused me problems with their abuse) I didn't want to be bothered by anyone. Later a cop calls to question me about some money Elleka accused me of stealing. I was fucken pissed. Her son stole it and she knew it but she tried to pull this crap on me. I proved my case and let it be publicly known. This rotten 75-year-old bitch does this to me after I go out of my way to help her drive her all over town to pay her bills and clean her kitchen which her house was a fucken hoarded mess. It doesn't matter women are cunts and will pull some shit every time, it's not worth investing your time or trying to be friends with anyone. The point I'm stating is women are a problem in society and have become the main aggressors and abusers compared to today. 

Pay attention to your children at the school they attend, around family members, and the sitters who watch your kids. Predators are everywhere, especially in families and family friends, you can NOT trust teachers either and many of them are predators. A California teacher arrested in October 2023 no longer faces child endangerment charges. Wendy Munson, then 57, had a BAC of more than twice the legal limit while teaching at Nuestro Elementary School. However, the district attorney’s office determined that her intoxication technically wasn’t illegal. Yeah, why not allow these white trash bitches to go to work DRUNK and subject children to their alcoholism and irresponsibility. Another white person who is a fuck up and loser has no business around children and the judge allows her to walk claiming it's not illegal what she did. Just another shit excuse for a white bitch to walk free and subject children to abuse and drunkenness. 

The white race is definitely at the top when it comes to abuse and irresponsible behavior, another fucked up INJUSTICE! After viewing several comments there is one piece of shit who had something ignorant to say and of course, I replied with an attack here is the screenshot of his stupid remark. Parents stop sending your kids to public school, you can't trust staff or teachers. Teach your kids at home, children are being abused too much by this kind of crap, there is no excuse and there was no punishment or loss of her job? ONCE AGAIN AMERICAN PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM AND A BROKEN JUSTICE DEPARTMENT ALLOW WHITE WOMEN TO SEXUALLY ABUSE CHILDREN - MURDER CHILDREN AND WALK FREE. WHITE WOMEN WHO ARE TEACHERS DRUNK ON THE JOB! THIS SYSTEM IS A CESSPOOL OF DEGRADING ADULTS WHO ARE IRRESPONSIBLE AND SUBJECT CHILDREN TO ABUSE AND MURDER. THESE WHITE BITCHES NEED TO BE EXECUTED!!!