In Los Angeles, there are too many attorneys and too many doctors all of which are GROSS NEGLIGENT in my mind because their EGO blinds them; frankly, after any internships or working as a clerk attorneys DO NOT know everything about the law or this country hell, they don't know their own human and legal rights. It's all about fame, making a name for themselves, making as much money as possible, and growing relationships to move up in society so they can be important. It's the same for a doctor.
They don't know shit but the public expects they do, assuming they do when healthcare is involved. All these asswads have to learn their trade for the rest of their career and every day their in school (or at least they should be) because work is a work in progress. Doctors have no understanding of the human mind and soul, or the entire anatomy of any person. Both of these careers take a great deal of dedication to learning which will change over time, laws change, and in turn, an outcome of a case can sometimes change the laws. As for the medical field, these corrupt institutions are concerned with ONLY money and bureaucracy, not patients so in turn patient care is at the bottom of the shit pile.
Doctors don't care how a patient feels because they never ask? They're not concerned with doing their job, any more than an attorney is concerned about people and corporations who break the laws. I have experienced corruption with both doctors and attorneys and none of them knew what the fuck they were doing. Let me share this story, before Todd died, the police harassed him claiming he had a warrant but he didn't. Some Whittier black cop harassed him at the YMCA and took him to downtown Los Angeles jail. Todd had Dementia at the time before it was diagnosed by the doctors.
So when I appeared in court with him I witnessed this scum attorney EFRAIN MATTHEW ACEVES AND THIS BITCH TAMARA SHAYNE KAGEL was the defense (supposedly), both were cocky ass wads, especially Efrain, there was a white guy with red hair who had the biggest EGO PROBLEM who was on the prosecution side (unknown name). This immature jackass was shooting off his mouth the entire time in court as white people do and wouldn't shut the fuck up. So I just sat there and stared at him the entire time making him feel as uncomfortable as possible in hopes he would shut up!
I could hear her yelling in the back office at Todd and another man who was being held. The court always has a jail cell in the back, so I want the world to know TAMARA is "CUNT OF THE MONTH" and just another shitty attorney. I never asked for her help the DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSIGN CASES TO THESE ASSHOLES AND THE THREE OF THEM EFRAIN - TAMARA THE FIREBALL WERE PUTTING ON A REAL SHOW IN THE COURTROOM. THESE ASSWADS WORK TOGETHER GIVING JUDICIAL CORRUPTION A WHOLE NEW MEANING IN JUSTICE. In the end, Todd was let go that day and I was told to pay three hundred dollars which I never paid, and I am glad because this corrupt system doesn't deserve 300 dollars. FUCK YOU PEOPLE AND FUCK YOUR STAFF WHO TALKS SHIT INSTIGATING RETALIATION IF I DIDN'T PAY. TELL YOU WHAT I HAVE 300 HUNDRED RIGHT HERE BETWEEN THE DEVILS LEGS. EAT ME!