Bristol Farms of Beverly Hills is racist and this location is filled with sexual harassment, racism, and mental cruelty. Let me
explain my experience with this company and its many unethical and illegal
practices. I was working at Occidental College when some young guy told me
to go to Bristol Farms because he was making 15.00 dollars an hour then, and
this was six years ago. Of course not everyone was treated the same, the
hardest working people (who were women of color) were treated the worst and
paid the lowest compared to the white kids who took all the credit, worked
very little, or only appeared to work and were paid the highest. It's
usually the situation with racism!
It was my first time
working at a market and this place was filled with toxic customers and staff
who were predominately white, abusive, and extremely racist. Many times I
would see movie stars and musicians that were famous, of course, it didn't
matter to me, people are people and these rich assholes were not always
pleasant. They just had a better-paying job but nothing of interest, they
had shitty attitudes with the delusion they're better than most people.
Here I am learning the food industry as fast as possible from supervisors who NEVER trained me, but I paid attention since no one else bothered and the orientation took place six months after I was hired. I picked up as many hours as I could to show I was reliable in hopes they would give me a permanent position, Tony never did, he favored white people far more than women of color. He said to me how he knows everyone is on drugs, well, I guess that must include you as well, Tony, you are not innocent but a thief and a liar and a racist cocksucker! Bend over I know you like it up the ass! Don't you?
The assistant director placed me in the Deli, which is the hardest department to work in, and it's why people hated it the most. As it has the highest traffic and is the most stressful with demanding customers. It doesn't matter which company you work for its all the same shit. And I have worked for a few other markets that were just as bad after Bristol's. First, let me say the work environment was and still is very toxic, it's because of the people, and their attitudes. They come to work with their problems, then you have complainers, backstabbers, ass kissers talking shit and verbally making sexual derogatory sexual remarks, racism you get the picture. Regardless I stayed to myself I didn't mingle with employees, and I didn't care to, management was lazy and abusive, especially in the meat department and let me not forget that fat bitch Alana.
It's only when a complaint from some irate customer, Alana would jump to the situation because she loved being a bitch on wheels. What pissed me off is how this cunt would never ask what happened? 99% of the time these customers would lie and talk shit just to cause trouble and Alana would believe anything they told her. Most of the time I was dealing with fucked up women coming into the store yelling at me or giving me dirty looks, calling me foul names. I recall this one white bitch with long blonde hair started screaming about why nobody was working in the cheese department? I replied I have no idea, maybe they're at lunch. I told this ignorant white trash I don't write out the schedule.
She was ranting, it was BeBe who was in cheese but at
the time
she was in the toilet. That
girl was always in the bathroom. The next thing I know BeBe starts balling
me out, blaming me for that white trash psycho yelling at her. I told BeBe
don't you dare blame me because that cunt has a hair up her ass. I was
beyond fed up with all the abuse.
After working in the Deli as
long as I could stand it, there was talk of the position in produce and no
one wanted to stay because it was very hard work. This position consisted of
cutting up fruit and making the Guacamole for three different sections in
the store. It was a very hard job and the production was very demanding.
However, I was kicking ass by myself and my sales were good, do you think
Tony cared fuck no, that piece of shit was so ungrateful.
He took advantage of me and I was mistreated very badly with mental cruelty demanding my production be twice the amount, and sexual harassment from Lizardo (produce manager) and Deli manager Reyes. Later verbal abuse from other managers that were new at the store. I don't recall the name but I remember this mother fuckers face! IF I EVER SEE HIM AGAIN YOU CAN BE SURE I WILL CUT HIS DICK OFF!
That position was a three-man job and Tony never bothered to get me the help I needed, he took advantage that I could do it alone, yeah so he didn't have to pay. At some point I had this guy helping me but he didn't stay long after a few weeks he walked out and expressed working like a slave was not worth it, since he was in the music business. This kid and Tyre were also having a sexual relationship. Now this is what really angered me, Tony came to me one day when I asked him for a raise, and he said, "I don't like giving people raises because they won't do their job". I looked at him in disgust and realized this white trash motherfucker is a racist fucken pig and so is Adam Coldcott (vp). Tony McAndrews has never worked a day in his life, he is a lazy fuck, who sucks Adam's dick so he can keep his managers position, so he can hold on to his slut wife, and keep living in Manhattan Beach.
Tony is WHITE TRASH WHO APPEARS TO WORK, BUT IN REALITY SUCKS DICK!! By the way, Tony STOP STEALING the 500 in cash Adam gives you to feed the managers lunch during those meetings. He prefers to pocket the MONEY and feed the manager's LEFTOVER FOOD from the kitchen!! Fucken Theif! I only pray Tony catches a disease and his dick falls off. Tony and Tyre were also fucking. Did someone tell Tony's wife?
Fast forward one day, I woke up and my entire hand and arm were paralyzed and twisted up from the work I was doing, the weight of the tubs, the repetition of the mixing because everything was done by hand, not machines. I was in severe pain and emotional distress do you think these racist mother fuckers cared of course not, they tried to cover up the incident and lied about everything. There was a woman named Carolyn, who broke her arm as an object fell on her. This happened before my incident, Carolyn had her arm in a cast. It was rumored the company gave her 500 dollars in cash and let her stay on the clock as long as she didn't report the incident. Carolyn agreed. I on the other hand asked Colleen Pratt for help and I already explained how this cunt treated me. See, Bristol's never gave the employees training and Danny (a worker) was told to walk around and make sure everyone signed off on safety procedures that were never told to us, we were threatened by management if we didn't sign off, we wouldn't have a job or hours would be cut. Thanks to that whore Colleen Pratt is why I was cheated out of so much money my case needed to go to trial, but that dyke cunt refused to help me and do her fucken job instead, she FUCKED ME OVER. This dyke who calls herself a lawyer got paid to sit on her fucking ass and do nothing.
So when I got hurt Tony immediately called in three employees and fucked me over. Colleen was horrible, she did nothing to help and refused to find me a doctor in the network. I was being blocked by Bristol Farms' fucked up insurance company Zenith, a corrupt Insurance Company which Claire Versailles who is another bitch cheated me and fucked me over. I won't forget you, Claire!!! I was under great stress and this dyke bitch gave my personal information to Mirella Flores who later I found out was scamming and stealing monies from educational vouchers with City Councilman Salvador Franco. I questioned Colleen about this and she had nothing to say. She gave my information to Mirella this is why this GREEDY WHORE was harassing me, but nothing became of it. Colleen is guilty of fraud herself, lying to me and never providing representation. She is a whore with a license to practice fucking people out of money. Every dog has his day and these motherfuckers are getting theirs. SEXUAL HARASSMENT, MENTAL CRUELTY, RACISM, VERBAL ABUSE, at BRISTOL FARMS ADAM CALDECOTT and TONY MCANDREWS ARE TO BLAME FOR IT ALL!!!
I'm sure we'll meet again in the depths of hell where you white trash pieces of shit need to burn for all eternity for the abuse you caused on me. Oh, I almost forgot Lynn who is a corporate CUNT and works at the corporate office. She thought she was smart fucking me over with the work schedule when choosing not to provide it to me. As for Joe who is a homosexual faggot sucking Adam's dick to keep his job, he likes Lynn too, as he enjoys being her bitch! At the corporate office, the workers sit on their fat asses talking shit and starting shit. It's what the white trash mother fuckers do best. I'm not Luciferian, but I am a black witch, who practices witchcraft, and all you have it coming!!! See you in Hell! THESE MOTHER FUCKERS CAUSED ME GRIEF!!
If you have a workers' comp case, you can file on your own, and see a doctor immediately, and get copies of all records. Contact the State of California and see the website. If you have an attorney and they screw you over as I was, you need to file a lawsuit for Legal Malpractice within a year from the time of services. As for an appeal judge if you get screwed over with the money you have 20 days, don't waste time take action and ignore calls from SCAM ARTIST, speak to no one, and record all conversations. DO NOT TRUST THE EMPLOYER, HIS INSURANCE IS OUT TO GET YOU, NOT HELP YOU! ZENITH INSURANCE IS BAD NEWS!! They have been taken to court many times and have horrible reviews, they will fuck you over, not help you.