Do you love to read books? I do, I prefer traditional books, but Kindle is nice when you're on the go because it holds so many books all at once. Recently, I took a sneak peek at the new AI PUBLISHING within AMAZON, it's the future of publishing. All the hype is about how much the average person can make with publishing one book, which is a bit under $2000 not bad if it works for you. This new publishing platform is an attractive offer however, I got to thinking why charge $2000 for this new AI PUBLISHING SOFTWARE? Am I the only one who notices every course out there wants at least $2000 to access the secrets and make cash? Anyone advertising a course and charging $2000, is obscene, but with this AI ACADEMY SOFTWARE, YOU CAN FINANCE PAYMENTS UP TO A YEAR, which averages about $167.00 per month. I don't doubt the possibilities are worth it but it is a business and will require your time and effort because no one makes money overnight, well maybe if you're established you can. 

The software appears attractive from the webinar I viewed but this young guy provides his own opinion if it's worth investing. AI is incredible these days, I have fun with chat GPT it's like having a second brain. I am fascinated with the ability of AI and not just a fascination I wish I knew more because when you know more you can create more. I admire those kids who have brain waves that can understand code and know how to see the future and make incredible projects. Those kids will go far because eventually a few of them will create an invention down the line that stretches the technology. Yet it's only people now who have the leverage to move up and be able to create those projects. I've NEVER known of or heard of anyone who had nothing to invest with no money and created something. As the saying goes it takes money to make money, but if these people want to sell their product and believe in it as much as they do, and want people to come aboard, then why the GREED? Why sell a course for $2000? This economy is at its worst and maybe because it doesn't infect a small percentage of people is a reason to be GREEDY? If the developer claims the average can make $1800 on creating and selling one book, then you have just paid off your software. What I want to know is how much did it cost the developer to make the software? Something tells me the cost to make the software wasn't a fraction of the price you will have to purchase it.

After listening to the webinar this guy explaining what it can do spent 20 minutes going in circles bragging about how much money people make. Nothing is more annoying than waiting for someone to get to the point. I already knew he would advertise this software for $2000, okay it's $1995, the same difference. Frankly, I think these guys are making money off every knucklehead who pays $2000 for the software because they already have the inside track and have AMAZON's approval to use it. Still, I don't view it as being an authentic writer. I don't care but then I do, it does take away a lot, but I am considering giving it a try so I can see for myself. I have the discipline to do this, but if I get stuck and there is no support I will be annoyed. When it comes to watching videos people never get to the point, the talking can be rambling. People are creating things half-baked these days because developers want to sell items as a high commodity. I'll provide an update after I've considered purchasing it and see how many books I can create, sell, and make money, then I'll know more details about the downside compared to the upside.

Let me add this for the last few months I've used Leonardo AI and it's great, but recently I noticed on the free version it keeps changing with restrictions. When I first started I could create anything except adult content, most of the options were available, and now they are not. I have to pay a subscription. After using it last night I am no longer allowed to delete images I was very annoyed by this it was a hit-and-miss before when I first started and the software created some amazing images that I desired, but now it's very restricted so eventually to get what I want I will have to pay a subscription, which is rather expensive but at least its for a year, I would like better deals. While were on the subject of costs I found articles written about the costs of developing software. Far too many people are lying about things, and how much they make on platforms, the numbers are exaggerated such as $250,000 to develop software, I doubt that. The only real cost is paying the engineer who is developing it. It is tedious work no doubt, but to convince me software is $250,000 to develop I don't think so considering the computer is processing most of the work. I don't know how software is developed regardless of when a product is made downsizing the costs is first taken into consideration and maximizing profits.



Today you will find just about every property owner accepting housing vouchers since the rent in Los Angeles is 1500 to 2500 hundred for a one-bedroom which is about 500 to 700 square feet of space. It's because of Greed stemming from politics, elites, and land developers. I have been to numerous properties over the years and managers have become the problem VIOLATING TENANTS RIGHTS!! Always know who and what you are dealing with because if the manager is abusive you can find the owner with property or surf the web. White men who are rich love to brag.

Obtaining a housing voucher anywhere is the bigger problem because the intention behind it is NOT TO HELP ANYONE, which is why AGENCIES DELIBERATELY STRUCTURE their programs to lack transparency in obtaining a voucher, to begin with. Once I fought for Todd to get a voucher we found a nice place to live and it was a blessing in disguise, I just never thought I would have to deal with such toxic people living on the property Koreans mostly. The older people get, the worse their attitude is. Let me share the gross negligence of property manager Jenny Carmena and her negligent and manipulating behavior. I put up with her for the year I lived at Somerset Apts. I had numerous problems with Patti (her personal rat) meddling who is a tenant and the racist Koreans and Chinese who occupied 80% of the units than any other race thanks to APEC. 

Just to let everyone know why these fucken Immigrant Koreans are in this country is because of this fucked up shit false Government collective group of murderers and war criminals allowing them to come in and take most of the jobs and housing for themselves, ESPECIALLY SECTION 8.

Todd and I showed up and signed a contract about 3 inches thick which was ridiculous. All the questions are repetitious over and over just in a different order. It's done to confuse the tenant, with intent but I am now irritated. Finally, we moved in and got settled on the same day of signing the contract, there was an argument in the office. An Asian man came in very upset, Jenny was threatening him, she was going to throw him out and report him to the Housing Authority. This was a line she used against tenants regularly. Jenny argued with the tenant for a while, and then finished up with us and gave us the keys to our apartment. After a few weeks, I began to notice the majority of tenants living here were Korean and exceptionally racist, with their nasty attitudes, dirty looks, derogatory remarks and one guy behaving like an asshole being parked beside us decided to change his parking. As for all the fat women who are of the same mindset, insecure, heifers with attitudes bitching and complaining to fill up their day, gossiping and causing trouble is at the top of their list, was another problem. 

Patti, who was a tenant was an even bigger problem, talking shit, and meddling in tenants' personal affairs and financial accounts. This ugly two-faced rat whore who is none other than Jenny Carmena's personal rat, walked around lying about how she is the assistant manager of the property. No, she wasn't this cunt has never been employed by Jim Lippman. I made this clear when I mailed Mr. Lippman a certified letter telling him everything both these bitches were doing to me personally and other tenants. I had to since trying to speak to someone at the Wilshire office was a challenge the women would hang up on me. Now Lippman has changed the management company to another shit company called Linc Housing, it won't matter all these management companies are the same. As for the manager who knows how that person might behave, I called the office and no one answered. These companies, prefer to keep the phone automated instead of answering it like a responsible adult. Linc Housing NEVER answers the phone. 

The building overall is a nice property but there are many internal problems with plumbing, roaches, and kids living with their 60-year-old parents. Also, Lippman had 1 man working maintenance for a property that is 400 units. Mr. Lippman is extremely wealthy and extremely cheap at the same time! He can afford two people. I made it a point to tell him my thoughts bluntly!! As time progressed Todd's health was getting worse, so I decided to hire a hospice agency which was a mistake on my part, but I thought they could be helpful, it was pointless since they provided little care and never helped me when I needed it the most. I stayed to myself and kept my blinds closed because of the bitches poking their faces in my windows. One morning that whore Patti knocked on my door holding a box of supplies which pissed me off. I yelled at the girl delivering the supplies telling her never to come here after letting that bitch Patti bring Todd's supplies. This cunt made it a habit of knocking on my door with notices Jenny would give her about my personal situation and finances. Pattie went out of her way to tell Jenny I was caring for Todd as a provider, so Jenny began to harass me about my bank account, which is none of her dam business. Then Jenny threatened me about contacting the State about my paycheck. I didn't worry about it because it's illegal and they would never tell her anything. 

This cunt was always threatening me because Jim Lippman only allowed tenants to have 18,000 in annual income. This greedy millionaire and his slut daughter should live on 18,000 a year and she how far it goes. How fucked up is that? Lippman raises the rent yearly from 4 to 9%, which is fucked up. Social Security doesn't give people raises or enough money to live on as it's below the poverty line. As for Alhambra Housing, their criteria is 43,000 a year. Although, Jenny Salazar and Ana will never tell you this at the orientation. You must understand, that people like Jenny and Patti have the same mindset and insecurities. Jenny is all Christian with the Devil inside of her being the snotty bitch she is and Patti is a liar and manipulator so Jenny will allow Pattie to be a hall monitor and troublemaker on the property and believe every lie she tells her. At one point Jenny asked me to do the same thing. I think not I have better things to do with my time bitch. Todd was in and out of the hospital and the neighbor upstairs would bang on the floor with the hammer every day which was my ceiling. Other Koreans banged on my door just to piss me off and provoke me. The man in the image is a bitch who gossips with the women thinking he is the boss walking around with a golf club in his hand threatening people. Is why his car license is showing now everyone will know who he is!

After a year of putting up with ongoing shit from this manager and the staff at the Wilshire office whom Lippman has employed, I wrote Jim Lippman a certified letter to explain all of the abuse and racism I tolerated and how Jenny behaved with abuse toward tenants, threatening people and allowing these Koreans to be just as rotten and abusive. I had all the money I needed so I left and moved to another toxic senior property until Todd died. Living in apartments is not worth it. It's not worth the high rents because of Greed, it is not worth the lack of privacy, it's not worth dealing with ASS-WADS and when your rights are violated there is no one to go to and management is grossly negligent. People don't care. Management's interest is for themselves and the owner, not the tenants. Abuse from property manager Jenny Caremena violated my Tenant's Rights When Jenny saw me walking she would YELL out my name! This is ill-mannered and ignorant behavior. I am glad this BITCH WAS FIRED!! Jim Lippman is an asshole telling tenants to live on 18,000 a month to qualify for Section 8 housing. Yet Housing Authority allows 43,000 a year, and frankly, these days 50,000 a year is considered poverty, so how the fuck would someone live on 18,000 of income?

You can read many poor reviews about Jenny's attitude here on Yelp She is a Stuck up snotty bitch with her church attitude of Christianity righteousness and abusive stating derogatory remarks. This insecure bitch had the worst attitude but everyone else was the problem. Jim Lippman staff on Wilshire these bitches are no different than Jenny Carmena. Jessica was rude and hung up instead of helping me when I called. These bitches need to be FIRED!! Forcing tenants to sign a lease after 6 months when it is supposed to be annual. Tenants have a choice to pay month to month. This is illegal Jenny was bullying the tenants. Allowing Patti (tenant only not employed by Lippman) to place written notices on the door of tenants late at night. Patti is so dumb she couldn't spell my name correctly. Jenny allowed Patti to have a set of keys to the front office giving her allowance to go through files. Patti is Jenny's rat reporting vicious lies to her, to evict tenants Patti didn't like or want to live on the property. I was being harassed all the time by Korean and Chinese neighbors with racist remarks, dirty looks, pointing fingers, and gossiping. Jenny would block me from using the washing machines and locking the doors during COVID-19. I had to go to a commercial laundry service. The manager harassed my guests and hospice aid placing threatening notices on their car doors. 

Threatening to tow the car. Threatening and lying about Todd being in her office yelling at the staff. Todd never went to the office, he was ill most of the time in the hospital and in bed, and he didn't have the strength. Jenny never had staff she is a fucken liar. Jenny also lied to Alhambra Housing that Todd was pissing in a trash bin. I found out who it was, the neighbor's brother he was a big white guy who crashed in on his brother, he would smoke and drink on the property cussing and talking loudly on his cell phone, when I saw him I knew what the truth was. There was a substitute worker when Jenny was on vacation this FAT LAZY WHITE BITCH she shut off the phones and refused to assist me with payment. I walked in on her being on the internet fooling around, and when I questioned her why? Only then did she turn the phone on and I was the problem. She also lied stating she was the property manager, she wasn't, she was a leasing manager with a dark-haired fat white girl. The main office of Jim Lippman's staff is on Wilshire in Los Angeles Jessica was verbally abusive and wouldn't assist me with problems on the property instead she would hang up on me.


Lippman's daughter should get off her ass and do her job. Lazy rich bitch Alexandria Lippman who gets a fat check and doesn't work, just another white bitch who is lazy! Patti was meddling in my personal affairs and going around with her clipboard writing down tenants' car plates. This bitch is a troublemaker. Jenny would call meddling in personal affairs questioning me about Todd pretending to care, it's all lies. Jenny had her UNDERAGE KIDS, 12 old daughter who is a bitch like her mother placing income notices on my door late at night with her little brother who is about 8 years old. Ongoing verbal threats and abuse coming from Jenny and Patti, they would provoke scenarios and then behave like the victim. Jenny allowed Patti (tenant only) to have a set of keys to the front office giving her access to tenants' files and who knows what else. I had numerous plumbing problems in the kitchen my sink was backed up and the janitor left the outside with a hole in the wall and the carpet wet for over 6 months. I couldn't get the sink fixed for two weeks. Jenny would run ads on the units (then lie she was doing it) claiming the rent was $700 a month it was misleading to get people to come in because of the high turnover of tenants. Yet she disregarded the waitlist of people who were waiting for years for a unit.

How do you think we found this place? Jenny would lie to callers and ignore people on the waitlist for those who needed a place to live. The waitlist is a manipulating tactic. Jenny told me that 43 people were on Housing Vouchers. Is this illegal for a manager to discuss with a tenant office information? Jenny had a piss-poor attitude most of the time and took it out on other people, a few times she yelled at me for no reason. Jenny came into the unit several times without my permission or notice when I was gone and stole small items to let me know she was there. Linc Housing is the new management and they lie, there is nothing affordable about these units, and they are overpriced. 

The units are 1200 plus dollars. One neighbor told me her rent was going up all the time and she had 1800 to live on. How can a senior on Social Security qualify for a unit if these boxes are overpriced? You can't Mr. Lippman is just another GREEDY WHITE MAN who is extremely wealthy cheating people on the cost of living at Somerset Apts. in La Mirada. It's not worth living here and there are too many Koreans and Chinese Immigrants in this country using Section 8 housing to their advantage which the state is allowing them to do. YET THESE MOTHER FUCKERS ARE RACIST WITH EVERYONE WHO IS NOT KOREAN.



Woody Allen child molester has been busted with the truth from his former wife Mia Farrow, but this STUPID BITCH refused to call the police and have him arrested. Predator Woody Allen is supposedly a film director but frankly, I never thought much of him on television he looks like a pervert. Woody Allen is a child predator and married to Soo-Yi who was the adopted child of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow. Allen is a sick perverted sex offender who molested Soo-Yi and then later married her is that sick or what?. It doesn't justify anything. Let's begin from here because after years and years of child abuse throughout society especially in the film industry, sexually abusing children and homosexuality seems to be common behavior that law enforcement does nothing about. At this moment I'm trying to comprehend why the fuck, Mia Farrow married this scumbag? 

Many women in this SLEAZY movie business marry a man who financially has money and leverage in hopes of gaining leverage in their career through the husband which never happens. All these adopted kids are being molested under circumstances such as this. Look at him, he is weak and pathetic, regardless not much different than Bill Gates, another child molester that everyone is protecting, especially law enforcement, both should be shot in the balls. These predators have no restrictions in the industry, families, and society. Where is law enforcement? There's a question, sitting on their ass while children are being abused, refusing to make arrests. The payoff is bribery works every time from people like that. And Mia Farrow is to blame for not calling the authorities and bringing charges against this piece of shit and why not? 

What are you worried about Mia? It can't be that shit career since you haven't worked a 100 years. This bitch Mia Farrow is more concerned about her own financial security than the lives of those children she adopted and thinks this sick bastard is stable when he turns out to be a predator not much different than Roman Polanksi another murderer and child predator. All of them should be in prison for contributing to the situation of child abuse. Those Gov agencies are a pathetic waste of time and money since fucked up social workers NEVER do their job right. I'm going to bring this up because I question Mia Farrow and her poor judgment in marrying a child predator and working for a child predator. The movie "Rose Mary's Baby" is a sick film Roman Polanski directed because he was into all that shit. Polanksi had Farrow star in this sick film and supposedly at the time this bitch was dating Frank Sinatra (what the hell he saw in her, I'll never understand), however, he told her NO. Frank said he dump her if she appeared in the film. Frank left her because she refused to listen so he NEVER MARRIED HER!

I never knew Frank personally and after reading articles I strongly speculate he knew all about Roman Polanski. It's not a coincidence this weak pathetic bitch works for a child rapist and then marries one, what message does this convey about Mia Farrow? I don't know these people personally but I'm confident there was something already known no one is speaking about. Frank Sinatra already knew about Polanski and his sick murderous, perverted behavior. I'm not surprised by this disgusting filth. Mia must have heard something about Polanksi at the time, people gossip. Maybe that is what the argument was about between Mia and Frank. I can see Frank Sinatra being pissed off with her as he didn't look like the kind of man who tolerated bullshit. The public just loves to brag about Woody Allen what a great guy he is, yeah a FUCKEN CHILD MOLESTER!! Mia stars in a movie with the director being a MURDERER AND CHILD PREDATOR, then that STUPID BITCH MARRIES WOODY ALLEN WHO IS CHILD PREDATOR!!! 

Is this ironic no not in my eyes, it's with intent, and that STUPID WHITE BITCH HAS POOR JUDGEMENT IN MEN AND FILM!!! You can now listen to the following discussion with Whitney Webb and colleagues of what happened and the tape recorder conversation. Woody Allen was molesting his daughter Dylan, and Mia just happened to go shopping, leaving those kids alone with that piece of shit how convenient, and yet she plays off this innocent act. Mia Farrow, you should feel bad bitch, poor judgment marrying a child molester. Look at the photo above I found you can see Soo-Yi must have been involved or delusional when this scumbag was raping this girl. See how she is looking at him. It's all MANIPULATION is what it is. Playing with her emotions when she was a child. Woody Allen needs to be exterminated he is a CHILD PREDATOR.


Collen Pratt is a corrupt lying dyke bitch who refused to speak with me about my case against Bristol Farm. This dyke cunt will fuck you over. I would NOT advise to use her services. First, any attorney is just a whore with a license. When have you ever seen an attorney actually do their job with integrity? Other than television I mean? They don't, at least Colleen Pratt doesn't she is just a fucken dyke who doesn't care, the only thing this bitch ever said to me was, "I haven't been paid yet", oh really you ignorant moron, then don't advertise you work first for the client and get paid after the case settles like you have, you greedy bitch! Over six years ago I worked at Bristol Farms I applied at the Hollywood location but got stuck working at the Beverly Hills location which is the worst. Customers are demanding, racist as fuck, and extremely abusive and the sexual harassment is out of control. My first week I was attacked by some sick old white guy wearing a trench coat so he could flash his ugly naked ass in the store while flipping me off. Working in the Deli was extremely stressful, so later I asked the Store Director Tony if I could work in produce, that way I could get my 40 hours and work in the back away from the customers. This production job was a three-man position, but Tony never bothered to fulfill the other two slots, because he saw how hard and fast I worked to get production on the floor by myself. 

Tony took advantage of this until the day I didn't show up for work after my hand became paralyzed when he quickly had three people fill the job. Colleen Pratt Corrupt Lying Attorney refused to represent me but STOLE HER FEE from the money I collected without her fucken help. Tony McAndrews is a racist piece of shit who was the Store Director for Bristol Farms Beverly Hills location yet he doesn't bother to train the employees. He forced us to sign off on procedures we had never learned or were trained to do. The orientation for new hires took place six months after I worked there. Tony refused to give me a raise, but it was no problem for the white employees to get their money and raises. Tony McAndrews gave Tyre Solis 3 dollars more than myself after I was hired and this is what she did. Tyre was late every day, came in hungover and my favorite was fucking Tony, Mazin, and a few other male employees. I was busting my ass off working over 55 hours a week for minimum wage with no help. Then when I got hurt Tony immediately called in three employees and fucked me over. 

Colleen was horrible she did nothing to help and refused to find me a doctor in the network. I was being blocked by Bristol Farms' fucked up insurance company Zenith, Claire Versales who was bitch. I was under great stress and this dyke bitch gave my personal information to Mirella Flores who later I found out was scamming and stealing monies from educational vouchers with City Councilman Salvador Franco. I questioned Colleen about this and she had nothing to say. She gave my information to Mirella this is why this GREEDY WHORE was harassing me, but nothing became of it. Colleen the cunt is so guilty of fraud herself for lying to me and never providing representation, she is a dyke whore with a license to practice fucking people out of money. I was cheated out of a great deal of money and had to deal with all the problems of my case on my own. Sexual Harassment was a big problem in the workplace, being threatened and bullied by management, and blocked from getting medical care when my hand was paralyzed from the strain of carrying over 50 pounds of fruit in big plastic tubs, cutting, packaging, and selling. AS A MATTER OF FACT, I AM SUBITTING A COMPLAINT TO THE BAR ASSOCIATION. THEY NEED TO KNOW OF HER MISCONDUCT AND LEGAL MALPRACTICE!!!

The work I did was extremely physically tormenting but I was doing well in my sales. The more I did the more Tony pressured me to get the production out fast. He never got me the help I needed. I only walked away with $15,000 and ended up with $12,750 after this dyke whore got her fee for doing nothing. Never trust this dyke bitch she is no fucken attorney with integrity to help her clients get the most from their cases of sexual harassment, racism, physical abuse, and mental abuse!!!! The only reason it settled was because Bristol fucked up and I started screaming at them. Again the bitch who was doing the negotiations of money was also fucking me over. It's hard to know what to do with a case like this. I was treated very badly for all my hard work with no decent compensation for being unemployed and harassed and threatened by my own attorney and employer!