It doesn't matter if a company or person deletes reviews on their end, Google still keeps the information floating on the internet. Google never deletes reviews from anyone I tried updating my review about Lassen Market I noticed it wasn't showing, so I decided to express my experience working at Lassen Market in Echo Park. Let me begin with this, the owner HATES GAY people, which is ironic because Joe who was the manager is a total fag! Mr. Lassen contributed 100,000 to STOP GAY MARRIAGE but refused to give employees a raise like he promised.
This market is a sweat shop and you will work like a slave I promise with no lateral way to move up. Management lies to everyone being hired! The owner has a written policy 3 days NO SHOW, NO CALL, YOU ARE FIRED! And being in JAIL is NO EXCUSE, like traffic court. How interesting, I wonder does his WHITE KIDS follow the same policy? In the market area it's all about sales and cutting hours, and treating employees like shit! Especially people of color but give the white employees and their own kin high salaries, raises and opportunities, and admin positions. I used to work in the Deli it is the hardest and most stressful in any market. Let me be clear about this market there is nothing ORGANIC about this store or its products. Let's take the hot bar for instance working in the Deli I had tons of prep which is cutting and stocking food items for the salad bar and meats if needed. There is always something to do which is okay I don't mind staying busy and I busted my ass working hard, but I was lied to about my raise after 6 months and the owner refused to give me what I deserved, so I stole as much food as I could from that asshole. 

However, to make all dishes organic you must have organic ingredients, and not all products purchased were organic. Nor were the products delivered (from vendors organic) or on time. In addition, the lack of staff in departments needing to work efficiently makes it hard to cover the department's needs. Poor work conditions are part of the reason over 80% of employees walked out. At times the load wouldn't come in on time or if it did there wasn't staff to unload it, so the food would sit outside until someone could unload it, this is unsanitary conditions for the food. Now understand when you are one person who has to unload 3 to 4 fucken pallets of food, you have to remove expired items, rearrange the self as you are making room for the other items, and make sure the expiration dates and names are properly labeled. This is a lot of fucken work which can take up your entire shift, but the manager expects people to do this in a couple of hours. Joe only sits on his ass in the office with the rest of the lazy-ass wads who do no labor! As a worker in this kind of business, you can't just throw the food in the freezer or on the shelves understand? 

A lot goes into this and you're having to work in a confined area that is extremely small because that is how Mr. Lassen purchases stores crammed properties with small work areas, BROKEN DOWN ONE HORSE LOCATIONS. Yet 100 employees or more work to accommodate each other in poor work conditions. Let's explore the meat dept, it was clean and had the most room to move around in until the stupid owner Mr. Lassen decided to have a Sushi Bar in the meat department which ruined the department. He is a scumbag and slave owner; people were walking out because of the poor conditions and no raises. Lassen only cares about how to have the Sushi bar, cramming it in a small area that is only supposed to be a meat department. Who the fuck is going to work the SUSHI? This asshole owner of 12 stores that I know of, he is a slave owner and most of his markets are in rural areas where the majority of employees are people of color who bust their asses for low pay. He steals money cheats employees out of pay which I made a complaint to the Labor Dept. and trains management to be abusive with mental and verbal cruelty. Let's explore more of the kitchen and its contents, the stove was the first thing I noticed as I looked around at the setup. 

The business before Lassen Market must have been a restaurant or something because the stoves were old and beat up, no dishwasher existed, and utensils and refrigeration were old and worn out. Instead of buying new kitchen appliances and kitchenware, the workers were being forced to use the old shit that was left behind by the previous owners. As for no dishwasher is really fucked up, everything had to be cleaned by hand. Do you realize how long that will take and if there is no one to maintain that area the dishes will pile up. Plus someone would dump BLEACH in the hot water to wash the dishes people were eating off of. If there is someone to work in this area, you need to work fast and have organizational skills because the kitchen is hard and just as crammed as the other areas of the store. So, to get back to what I was saying about Organic, if the right ingredients are not available to make certain dishes or if we run out, workers have to make do with what they have. 

People think this is easy fuck no and you will realize how hard it is if you are working the area and you have to fast-flip that hot bar. Also, for the prep, you must be quick, slow workers don't cut it. Organic is a Marketing Strategy. If you want ORGANIC, cook at home and buy the best ingredients and do it yourself, or grow it yourself. At Lassen Market, you are not getting what you think you are buying. There is not enough consistent flow from the time products are ordered, delivered and the daily problems within the store not enough staff to stock and cook all of it at a consistent flow. (Be mindful that many lazy fucken people, work here so not everyone will work at the same pace). Many lazy employees and ass kissers who never work hiding in the freezer and then there are employees like me busting my ass and picking up the slack from the losers. However, society depends too much on corporations to process everything for us. STOP BEING CO-DEPENDENT!!! You don't know how other vendors manufacture food products before Lassen buys them. The concept of Organic is growing it yourself. Take oranges for instance you must grow oranges and then squeeze the fruit to make juice yourself, which is Organic. Of course, most of us can't or don't have room for an orange grove, so buying oranges is the next best thing, then squeeze the juice yourself. The more you DIY the better. You understand right? The hot food bar is the hardest and it should be flipped 3 to 4 times a day. 

All the prep that goes into the food daily takes hours. Mr. Lassen is a white man who treats people of color like slaves with all the labor but the white kids are given jobs as leads, front end, and managers and given raises compared to the rest of us who are not white! Joe the manager might still be working there, he was not only a backstabbing fag. He cheated employees on their paychecks at least I know I was and so was Jerry as he shared this with me. Before I left, Joe started blackballing people with dirty looks and derogatory remarks. Joe and his cronies had once cornered me in the freezer threatening me which pissed me off, he just didn't like it I spoke my mind, 6 men against 1 woman. Another time the floor manager who only walked around doing nothing started talking to me knowing how busy I was unloading the pallets of food, I responded to his comments and when I looked up Joe was throwing me "dirty looks", it was a setup. If anyone was caught speaking while working they were being threatened. It was interesting when I asked for a transfer to another location, the manager asked me, "Why do you want to work here"? I wasn't sure how to answer him and didn't want to speak about the problems at Echo Park, so I said nothing, a week later he walked out and Amy took over his position. 

Now I understand he was frustrated and hated the job is why he was questioning me? The guys in the meat department had come from the "Wholesfood Market" who once made $35 an hour, they all left as they were being blackballed. Lassen would only pay them 20 dollars an hour to be a butcher. YOU DO NOT WANT TO WORK FOR LASSENS, as you will NEVER get a raise or be treated well, this is why over 20 people walked out. I left soon after and of course, was given a 2000 dollar check for loss of wages, but Lassen owed me much more than that, it's because of that cunt Ms Hyne is why I was cheated from the LABOR DEPT. they too enjoy cheating people out of money instead of being honest. I should have taken my case to court and spoken to a Judge which I now know a person can do. Mr. Lassen, you can kiss my ass you white trash piece of shit! Never again but I have one more story of me walking out of Sprouts.



Martha Lopez Garza is a teacher of Women Studies teaching, "Just Methods", and Chicana Studies, and frankly is the worst teacher next to Breny Mendoza who is worse than Garza. At least when I was there she taught this class and it was awful, frankly, I didn't understand a fucken thing and received a C. This bitch has a Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Hyde complex with an average rating from students which is what the bitch gave to me in her class. Now so you understand this class is not like a class you would attend in high school. At least in high school the teacher sometimes provides information on the subject and what to expect, not this bitch she says nothing but yet she expects everyone to understand her "lack of structure" when teaching a course with little information provided. Regardless of the evasive description and syllabus provided, it leaves little information on what to expect. The mid-term is the basis of your grade, so when I asked to speak with her about the work and to know how I was doing in the class she refused. 

I won't forget her nasty behavior of shoving unwanted books in my hands. And then later bothered me by helping her friend around the campus because she is too fucken lazy to do it herself. Garza was always putting something on me to be a total bitch because she enjoys aggravating those who have no respect for her as I did. I remember once she had each student meet with her. I approached the office and I saw her facing the door and the clock was on that wall which she could see. I sat outside waiting for over 20 minutes because she didn't have the sense to tell the other student time was up, she allowed her to keep talking and blamed me for not mentioning I was outside waiting. She could see me and acted stupid. It's not for me to tell you Garza you can see the clock and you called this meeting I didn't.

Another time this situation with Garza's friend in administration I can't recall her name but I should have reported that bitch. She was supposed to be helping the students with something in the class but instead, she decided to close her door and not help the students because she was having personal problems which I found out. That bitch had no business being at work collecting a check and not doing her fucken job, another lazy white bitch, your personal problems are your own go home then! So Garza later sent me an email talking shit but you know I think I'm going to send her a copy of this blog post and let her know what I really think of her:-) Garza, you can take that shit book of "Just Methods" and shove it up your ass, you cunt! Unfortunately, this is a required class one of the few that are given once a year, so if you choose this program just know it's a "HAVE TO" class and take it right away.


This is how she teaches "Just Methods", It's a three-inch book filled with stories and the student has to pull out the "methodology" the observer used while studying different groups of people. Yet the stories have different characters and events. This shit book is not worth the paper it's printed on and the campus oh they love fucking the students out of money for useless books. So what Garza does is she has us sit in a big circle so she can see everybody at a certain angle, throws on the projector, and quickly flips the notes for us to write them down. I was pissed with her method and no one took a shorthand class and most of the time you were lucky to get 50% of the notes written down. It was a fucked up way to provide information and no one in the class understood what to do with the notes. Then she told us to pick three out of all the questions we had written down and provide a summary for each one. Most of the students struggled to get the full question written down because she was flipping the notes so fast and finally I told her to slow down. The same method was used for the final. Garza is a cunt she was no teacher! I learned nothing from this class but I can say I do understand the concept of methods now. This class had one mid-term and one final and few assignments so whatever you got on the mid-term that was your grade. She couldn't care less if you understood the class or the contents of it. I had a few words with her at one point I said, I have no idea what you're talking about and you have no structure to this class. She didn't like it but it was true. Well, like they say the truth hurts, but she asked the class to raise their hands if they felt the same way and everyone raised their hand. This shit institution is not only extremely racist but they will fuck you out of as much money as possible and if you don't graduate on the expected date the school charges you money. Education in America is the biggest Fraud next to the IRS. Frankly, I didn't need this education I could learn on my own without the expense, but it was personal to me and mattered. I just never enjoyed it. it was a negative experience.

Women's Studies is not worth investing in as a Bachelor's Degree maybe elective or a minor but it's too broad and you can't get employment from it, something the lazy advisors never speak to students about. However, I had a few enjoyable teachers but most of them sucked and so did the experience at Cal State Northridge.


Many women will support a man in his endeavors and believe in his patriarchy and usually, those women have a "SELF-SERVING" agenda. Men have no understanding of women, which is their greatest mistake, and expect to be understood by women and if that works out for them, the less they have to work at the relationship and will do what they please. Those men who marry the wrong woman realize how hard it can be to live with someone and find a reason to cheat instead of working on the relationship after committing to it. Once you live with someone both parties are now finding tolerance of each other's habits and behaviors, when it should be "ACCEPTANCE". Relationships are a lifetime commitment. Let's talk about cheating for a moment. Men are more likely to cheat than women and will lie about it but women can actually get away with cheating more than a man. 

As I've said before women are better liars, but if she gets caught up with this man she is cheating with and loses all sense of herself and now is distracted in her thoughts because of another man the relationship will break. During mid-life change married people cheat because their changing and are unhappy with mixed emotions. People cheat when not having sex at home with the person they are married to and men cheat to live out their sadistic fantasies they can't perform with the wife. Men who marry or have girlfriends view pornography online all the time, it corrupts men and their views of having healthy sexual relationships. Men will convince their wives to keep having children as the glue to a broken marriage instead of working out their problems. Men view pornography to learn how to have sex with partners or wives instead of communicating with each other. No one is having healthy relationships, people change spouses faster than eating breakfast.


  • Men view pornography thinking it will spice up their love life, but it doesn't. 
  • Men cheat because their ignorance believes if they're fucking someone it establishes their manhood, it doesn't. 
  • Men desire and seek out women who do them favors to perform sadistic sex acts. (Don't be one of those women). And don't do any man favors! FUCK HIM HE HAS A LEFT HAND!
  • Men want a third-party female because it's easier to cheat and play out their sick fantasy without looking like the bad guy. 
  • Men manipulate their wives to attend swinger parties so they can cheat. 
  • Just because you date a loser doesn't mean he has permission to rape you. 
  • If you're a male who allows your brother - in law to share his sexual relationships with you about his wife (who is your sister) if you refuse to STOP HIM then YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT WITH NO RESPECT TO ANY WOMAN! 
  • Instead of understanding who you are as a human, men use their penis to dictate their lives. 
  • Men think if their penis doesn't work there is no point in living. 
  • Men such as Elon Musk or any man having too many children from different women are LOSERS, not a man. 
  • Men think that fucking you from behind while choking you out is pleasure, but it's not, he is releasing his anger deep within. 
  • Men will lie and manipulate you to get their way because their agenda matters first, so therefore it's not an equal relationship. 
  • If two people can't agree on what they want together, you should not be in the relationship because someone will have to compromise. 
  • Ignorant males STUPIDLY compare one woman to another woman this is an insult when saying it out loud to the person you are dating. YOU WILL PISS HER OFF SO DON'T DO IT!
  • When a man views a woman and expresses derogatory remarks that she is the "mother figure" because her ass is not a size ZERO. You just insulted the wrong person. Expect retaliation! 
  • If a man over 50 still refuses to grow up DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HE NEVER WILL!! 
  • It's okay for a man to have friends everyone should, but if friends interfere in your relationship it's time to make a choice. 

  • Men who wear a wedding ring will lie about being married some do it to cheat and stay single.
  • If a man tells his family about your personal relationship with him and later complains the trust has been compromised. 
  • Communication and TRUST are vital to any relationship so if you're holding back how do you expect the relationship to grow? 
  • Most men don't know how to speak to women that is their failure. 
  • If you are an older man of 60 or older who married the girl next door and you deliberately want to argue because it's your excuse to run out the door and cheat, why stay married? 
  • Men ignorantly assume women should be sweet and kind. Get over it. Then you're a pussy with no balls. That's why you have a mother idiot. 
  • A woman shouldn't expect ambition from a working-class man, so don't expect a PHAT PAYCHECK to support your shopping addiction. Be Independent of men and that doesn't mean prostitution.
  • Rich men can have (or buy) any woman they want. It's insecurity they can't manage and are riddled with illusions to satisfy their ego which dictates their life. 
  • How someone speaks and thinks gives you an idea of their educational level and experience in life. Those men who want a nice quiet girl they can control and who has no opinion of their own is a man easily intimidated. 
  • As you grow old you will find out how boring your relationship has become and find excuses to argue so you can run out the door and cheat!! Unfortunately, you didn't grow or change to have a better relationship.
  • Males who continue to whine like a bitch about post - relationships, DUMP HIM FAST! If you're a loser who had 1 relationship your entire life and it failed because your ex-GF was a drug addict and she cheated to get her drugs, you have no one to blame but yourself. You made that choice when you met her. 

Authentic Relationships are a SACRIFICE of tears, sweat, heartache, time, and energy. Real love is a SACRIFICE and it will consume you. If you are not willing to work hard at a relationship then you have no courage to SACRIFICE YOURSELF FOR IT!


It’s no secret that the Trump administration has fostered a culture of corruption in which special interests and big donors advance their interests at the expense of everyday people. Perhaps no policy area exemplifies this corruption more than the issue of drug pricing. Trump has long promised to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry and lower prescription drug prices, but he has avoided taking serious action to drive down prices while at the same time filling top spots in his administration with industry insiders. This administration’s culture of corruption, which continues a decades-long practice of political pandering to the pharmaceutical industry, carries a real cost; Americans spent $535 billion on prescription drugs in 2018, an increase of 50 percent since 2010. These price increases far surpass inflation, with Big Pharma increasing prices on its most-prescribed medications by anywhere from 40 percent to 71 percent from 2011 to 2015. Is this disgusting or what, the world of people is strung on drugs and giving the corporations a shit load of money in their pockets. You can read the rest of the article here. 

While we're on the subject of drugs let me clarify there is a mother to everything in life who gives life and takes life at the cost of money. She is an example of the corruption and abuse subjecting humans to believing they have these mental disorders and need heavy drugs to balance out their lives. Big Pharma is Big Mama pushing drugs and making false claims of bipolar disorder - schizophrenia - and depression, and it's important to find the right candidates to test these heavy drugs with many side effects so Big Mama I mean Big Pharma can sell and make millions. Who isn't depressed when society is made of shit I can provide many examples of corruption in society just look around, it's everywhere, and people's lives are infected all the time. Synexus is a clinic research company that has contacted me many times but I guess since I am not already strung out on drugs I'm not a worthy candidate for the big money. Big Pharma is the biggest dope dealer on the planet.

Now SYNEXUS is pushing COVID CRAP! That's right they want to kill people off with their Covid testing. How many people were STUPID enough to inject themselves with the vaccination? I did NOT do this I already it a DEATH SENTENCE the intention is to kill us off and so are corporations in any way they can in our food - water we drink - air we breathe all areas of life. Drugs are the prime target of bringing in the "pill mills" killing the people in the inner cities and arresting those who get hooked and sell drugs. It's a grand scheme of how to get rid of people and make money all at the same time.


Cancer has always been a conspiracy. A lot of things exist in this corrupt life we are subjected to. ADHD - CANCER - AIDES life is a short trip and death is permanent, so why what's the hurry? Why drive fast and cut people off if you know the chances of crashing your car and killing yourself and someone else?
Millions of people have tried and continue to use recreational drugs to escape life and it's the toxins that kill you every time with disease or some chronic illness. Big Pharma doesn't care nor does this false Gov. they care about money and the here and now. Being famous or thinking you are important is a lie, an illusion no one cares who you are except you. SYNEXUS is a dangerous company risking people's lives all for monetary gain. Haven't you noticed doctors and dentists are pushing heavy drugs on patients all the time?  They get kickbacks - it's big money to get people addicted before you know it they're strung out and selling dope to make a living and arrested many times and now their lives are ruined.

All because that person fell into the trap of drug addiction from their doctor or drug testing from clinical research like SYNEXUS. Is your life worth it? Watch out for the traps and pitfalls our society is filled with toxic crap within our food - water - air we breathe the crap online. It's all human abuse and sacrifice for the SCUM MANIFESTO AT THE TOP! Just so they can make millions for a temporary life that is now at its end of existence.