Have you ever heard a white woman claim she was ANGLO? If you have do you know what it means? Do you think this stupid white bitch knows what it means? MAYBE NOT. The term was made up just as labels are to identify the white race establishing the footprint on AMERICAN SOIL. It was when the EUROPEANS CAME OVER TO AMERICA AND COLONIZED, KILLED, MOLESTED, AND STRIPPED MY ANCESTORS and everyone else they could strip of their culture, traditions, families everything. The white race's intention was to dominate and take over. Anglo was a part of the human genocide, killing Indigenous people who were here on the land first before the land was infected with the poisonous white race. This is one of many reasons I am WHITE WASHED

I was never given a number to connect to my ancestors because during this time the birth certificate was invented that separation would keep me from entitlements my origins, and my birthright. Yet a Mexican whore named Michelle who is employed by the OC HEALTH AGENCY ALONG WITH THAT GOUK FRANK KIM WHO WAS RUNNING it (claiming to be retired) stealing birth certificates and other pedigree information. What's wrong with this picture? There is a REAL PROBLEM NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT! AMERICA today is still infected AND has gotten WORSE and will continue to until no HUMAN BEING IS LEFT that is the poisonous essence of the white race to infect the world with murder, sexual abuse, and human trafficking all for monetary gain.


I found myself thinking I have little understanding of my ancestors there is much more but it too has been stripped and eliminated and all because of hate, no one hates more than the white man controlling the prison system, the hospitals, the false church, and politics. I was watching this interesting video of this young man pointing out the history of CROWN POINT. The reason it's called CROWN POINT is because of the BRITISH, they believe they own AMERICA (or at least have tried to) but they control it through the banking industry and will steal property when people can NO longer pay for their homes. However, after this war of murder was over and the FRENCH moved toward Canada the entire situation blew up in their faces and they deserved it. It still carries the title but the Brits don't own the land anymore that I know of. Yet they still own AMERICA through the banking system and they're NOT ROYAL only liars and thieves controlling the world's wealth. 

This entire problem of murdering my ancestors really pisses me off because I can recall a few things that triggered me knowing how fucked up and STUPID WHITE PEOPLE ARE!! Let's begin with this, years ago I was at the La Habra museum which has many artifacts but one image I found had my ancestors along the basin. Where it is today I don't know but what has become of that museum is the white race displaying their crap of the changes of white people growing in the community. All of the history that should be there of the indigenous people has too been stripped and killed off! Another problem I have faced most of my life is the ignorance and STUPIDITY of many people (especially white people) who assume I don't speak a word of fucken English or I can't comprehend anything so I must be retarded. One of my favorites is being told when walking into a tattoo shop that the owner doesn't play MEXICAN MUSIC, well that's good I guess ass wad since I don't understand Spanish. I just love it when people are so fucken STUPID so I can throw it in their faces! Yet so many fucked up white people are still on Facebook with the rest of the child molesters, no problem there. 

Let's SUPPORT CHILD MOLESTERS AND MARK ZUCKERBERG WITH MEN's SADISTIC POINTS OF VIEW! The white man doesn't own AMERICA and he NEVER WILL by nature he is a MURDERER CHILD MOLESTER and WAR CRIMINAL. THE WHITE MAN HAS RUINED THE LAND AND SEA all in the name of money!!! Stop listening to white people in the church, and on Facebook, too is something La Habra participates in Human Trafficking and so does Law Enforcement, it's the reason why pieces of shit like Mark Zuckerberg are not in prison! As for the white bitch with blonde hair years ago who was working at the museum when it was opened to the public. She was there with her husband and this whore had the nerve to lie and tell me how my ancestors were NEVER HERE on this land. Yet she stands there to tell me how these fucken Armenians who come here to America on their EB Visas are good people stealing things but never knowing what they're doing, they are innocent. 


The crap that was coming out of her mouth was so convoluted I needed to leave before I punched her in the face. Why is white trash like this thinking she is so much better when in fact she is fucken stupid and a liar? I couldn't believe my ears. That museum is closed now and all for the better but these fucked up white trash not AMERICAN, or CHRISTIAN and they sure as fuck don't own AMERICA! This was all a setup from the start, from the British invading and killing over land that all of us have the entitlement and human right to live on for FREE! AMERICA HAS BECOME THE INFESTATION OF CHILD MOLESTERS STEMMING FROM THE CHURCH, ALL SOCIAL PLATFORMS, AND POLITICS! THIS FALSE GOVERNMENT IS FRAUD AND ABUSE AGAINST THE HUMAN RACE AND THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE WHO ARE TRUE AMERICANS!


Let me be clear there is NO TALENT in the Music Industry anymore. There hasn't been for years, just prostitution and homosexuality lacking talent. Most of the people who had any talent in the last 25 years, are either dead, too old, or have been murdered. Those lingering with no contract are only lingering to grab headlines so they are not forgotten such as Mariah Carey but she is limited. Let me be clear about something else, it's obvious to me that this corrupt business strongly encourages the people who are bought and paid for like a common whore to express 666 or any kind of demonic symbolism or witchcraft only to promote the "white man" and his Freemasonry" control over the weak and desperate. Yet NONE OF YOU do NOT have any true understanding of real spiritualism or enlightenment and if you think you do it's for all the wrong reasons. 

The entire Industry has become a collection of whores, gangsters, and murderers with labels of being "hip hop artists" but are the biggest losers who are born overnight, as long as they can rap "gangsta bitch" they're a big star. Right, that's not talent, rap is not music. Now with all fairness, it's an expression of thought, between half speaking - and half singing. Still, when that thought is corrupted with a poor choice of words influencing children of all ages it's a good thing to be a "gangsta bitch". Then you are not of real talent, you're demonizing the business. YOU HAVE NO TALENT that justifies or expresses you are a real artist with a voice that sings like an angel. No, a true artist and gifted person who was born to sing was murdered (Whitney Houston) because she preferred the Lord, not Satan. Now my argument is not to defend or excuse the subject of Jesus or the Devil, but frankly, it annoyed me a few years ago when Cardi B was on YOUTUBE with her ignorant crap of 666. You really are stupid Cardi B, you really have no understanding of what you talking about, do you?

There is nothing educated or intelligent about you, but the public is easily fooled and ignorantly thinks you are!! You have been bought and paid for and under the thumb of the corrupted white man in an Industry that controls you and every aspect of you're bought and paid for life. At least Christina Aguilar sings lyrics to a song that has meaning or tells a story leaving out the derogatory negative crap behind! She knows how to sing with some passion, regardless of her extensive phat EGO! I won't get into the entire agenda and corruption of this industry of who they can push around to display "witchcraft" or "satanism" IT'S ABOUT TALENT AND YOU HAVE NONE!! Maybe it's not too late to actually take singing classes and really learn how to sing a song with some thought or feeling behind it. Rap shit is the worst influence on young people, speaking of which you're just a dumb kid yourself. You still have your entire life to grow up, but considering you have a child, why would you promote this shit you claim is music? 

Are you that desperate or needy? I guess so. Your kid is not going to know anything different between the lies and reality than to also be a paid whore singing, "gangsta bitch". You are a ghetto rat, from a working poor neighborhood and now you're being stigmatized in an industry that promotes you not as talent, but as a whore, which you have allowed. Only common prostitutes who are on the street or the net are at least honest about what they sell, but if you sell your ass pretending to be a singer, that is a sell-out, you're a bigger whore, and you don't have it. I am referring to "TALENT"!!! You can wear all the fake crap jewelry or fake ass wigs and makeup, ugly Dontella dresses which it is. There is nothing classy about this dress, it won't matter because, at the end of the day, you still have no talent!! Please don't flatter yourself, I am not jealous, it's what you might be thinking, no I've just grown up, I see the difference between real talent, a real artist, and the shit that is being promoted today in a business that is demonic by nature all for the wrong reasons because those same corrupt people murdered the talent that once existed. 

Let's hope you don't find yourself selling out your daughter to child predators in the business since many are still at large. Or killing a family member as a human sacrifice and shifting the blame on someone else only to hold on to the money that has been given to you because now you are their property. You need to grow up and stop being a whore that is bought and sold to a business that cares nothing for you. Eventually, you might be gone, or your pathetic career destroyed, and only then will you realize, when you are old (or dead) it wasn't worth it!!


Mike Kruzel is no actor although he has appeared as an extra and in low-budget films he is by trade a rapist and child molester and I can prove it. Mike Kruzel has no business getting paid to act since his sick mind is the kind that believes raping women is allowed. He is a piece of shit and should be in prison for the numerous acts of child pedophilia and rape he is GUILTY of. True this white trash mother fucker has never been charged or arrested for his crimes, but he needs to be and he deserves to be in prison because I am so sick of white trash getting away with heinous crimes of rape and being child molesters! Mike Kruzel is GUILTY because I knew him personally and was aware of his extremely inappropriate behavior!!! THIS SCUM NEEDS TO BE IN PRISON!!! For years this scum bag has worked off and on in the movie industry, not that he was any good at acting because frankly he sucks and he's so ugly and old now almost 70 but he needs to be in prison. This loser Mike Kruzel was born and raised in Irwindale, Ca, and lived for a short time in Houston Texas, so he lies about being born in Texas, it's not true. 

His sisters might still be living there. Then years ago he was living in the valley with his friends Clive and some other white guy renting a room as the three of them lived in a 3 bdrm condo about 15 years ago. Clive was just white trash he was living in the European area and drugged out of his mind when he and his wife fled to the US with their three kids, two girls, and a boy. During this time I knew Clive briefly, he didn't live long as a drug addict with past heroin problems and then moved over to smoking weed like it was going out of style. A couple of years went by and he died of cancer. Clive thought he had a spider bite on his face, which turned out to be cancer. After he went to his doctor he was told he was going to be dead in less than six months, and he was. During this time I was able to observe with my eyes how Mike Kruzel seemed to enjoy watching, touching, and flirting with Clives under age girls 12 and 17. 

Mike always made crude sexual remarks about Clive's older daughter Alison about her hair, and how nice it smelled, looking at her with his eyes as I watched him. He would call her all the time on her cell phone after Clive died, and I told him to leave her alone, but Alison never answered his calls. I believe Alison knew of Mike's intentions, she didn't like him to begin with I could tell from her attitude. He was watching her body and when she went to the bathroom since she lived with these scumbags and her father, but soon left after Clive died. Mike thought it was okay to tease her and play around as if he was a friend. No, he was a pedo trying to toucher her every chance he got. There was a time when Mike admitted to me their younger daughter had a birthday she was only 12 years old and Mike purchased a top as a gift that was too small as he wanted it to fit her tight, and since she was developing in her breast his intention of her wearing it for him. He was always touching her, hugging and complimenting how pretty she was. She pulled back when he tried to hug her and I walked into the room I saw what happened and I could see how uncomfortable she was. 


I asked, "What is going on"? Mike acted stupid and replied nothing I was teasing her. These girls were not safe around that piece of shit. I can only imagine what was happening or what I didn't see, but it gets worse. Mike Kruzel and his white trash friends would party with girls and drug them up with coke and booze. This piece of shit must have thought it was safe to tell me how he and his friends would remove the girl's underwear once she was passed out and have sex with her (this is RAPE). Thousands of men actually believe in their sick minds it's allowed to "rape" women and girls. Where this perverse thinking comes from I'm not sure, he is just ignorant white trash and I deeply regret not seeing this and taking action. Unfortunately, I too was a victim of his rape behavior. Many of us get involved with the wrong people as I have done too many times and it is because of low self-esteem. Drugs are a problem in our society I see that more clearly now than before and it's easy to get caught up in that shit, but it doesn't excuse anyone from thinking it's okay to rape a woman without permission when she is unconscious from partying to much or any other reason. Just as there is no excuse to rape or molest young girls under the age of 18 or any age of any female or young boy. This society is an infestation of rape and child molesters.

Mike Kruzel is GUILTY OF BOTH "RAPING" AND MOLESTING YOUNG FEMALES, he has a "rape mentality". Mike Kruzel needs to be in prison for life so if you know of him or see him report his ass and watch out for your children he is a pedo don't be fooled as many people have been by this piece of shit. YOU, MIKE KRUZEL NEED TO BE IN PRISON!



John Jack Palomarez was murdered by a female from a gang in Wilmington, this was an all-girl gang from what I know. I can’t identify all of the females that were involved. I have speculated for years that Rebecca Zulacia is the person who initiated the killing at the very least knew about the intentions of murdering my relative. Rebecca and Jack were married very young, on January 12, not exactly sure how they met or where, but she still lives in Los Angeles, in Whittier with her brother, she is not married, but I believe has a son.

The rumor was that Jack was going to work that night he was shot around 12:35 am and he had a life insurance policy which may have been the reason why he was murdered because Rebecca was still legally married to Jack at the time, although they had been separated for six months after they married. She was given $10,000 in cash from the policy. Which leaves me to question, why? 10,000 may not be much money for some people but it's a lot to a bitch who is only 20 years old with nothing, not even a job because she was too fucken lazy to get off her ass and get one.

When people are young they don't break up so quickly which, at the time Jack was 20 and Rebecca was 18 from the records I found, kids are usually in love or infatuated with each other, so for these two, to be separated six months after being married raises questions, about Rebecca? Now if you know a young guy has nothing to offer financially why would you marry him? Both of them were just kids. I was only five years old during this time, and my uncle was a piece which is his sign of the zodiac. Pieces are romantics, people who want to be in love, they don’t go out of their way to create problems or cause grief with intentions. Rebecca is a Virgo they're usually insecure, selfish, lazy people, needy emotionally (because they lack confidence), and greedy which is why I believe Rebecca split apart from Jack only six months later.


I asked about Rebecca from other relatives but haven’t received anything substantial, other than Nuni expressing he didn’t like her and warned Jack about her, so he said. I do theorize she knew and maybe initiated the set-up to have Jack killed. I also speculate she may have called him on the phone to meet her somewhere as he was walking from my grandma’s house through a residential neighborhood that had numerous killings over the years.

Now it's possible he could have been coming from a bar around the corner but not likely because there was no alcohol in his blood from the autopsy report plus he was under 21. Jack wasn’t known to be a drinker or drug user, from any of his friends or people that knew him. My uncle wanted out of that neighborhood, one month after his murder a letter came from the college that he was accepted to the “psychology department”. This clearly indicates he wanted more, he wanted out of the stigma and shit that his life surrounded. The autopsy reported he had barbiturates in his blood, I believe this was a lie to go against his race. The report is written sloppy with gross negligence stating Jack was white, but he was not. The lies on the report, also state an address of 522 West Riggin St in Monterey Park I have nothing indicating Jack ever lived there alone or with Rebecca. Rebecca was living at her stepfather's house 329 Gleason Ave in Monterey Park which was about 10 to 15 mins in a car from what I measured, maybe 30 minutes on foot depending on how fast you’re walking. This house has recently been sold as the "stepfather" is now dead, his name was Paul (unknown last name).

Jack was murdered on the corner in a small neighborhood between Verona St and West of Ferris Ave. in East Los Angeles. This neighborhood on foot was about 15 to 20 minutes from my grandma’s house where she lived on Mednik in East Los Angeles. Again, I speculate someone called him on the phone so he would leave, and this is why he was walking out so late at night, it was set up to have him killed for money. About five years ago my uncle Richard (mother's side) told me how Zachary and he were speaking to this young priest at a church and this guy blatantly said how Jack was set up by the girls in Wilmington.

How would this young guy know that? The incident was way before his time. So, whoever shot and murdered Jack bragged to this young guy who is a priest as he bragged about it like he knew all the details. It's only a matter of time that I find this priest. The photo above was taken over 40 years and this sign was eventually taken down after the new owners took over those properties on Mednek. Jack wanted out of East Los Angeles. Jack was accepted to college by the psychology department and I know he would have succeeded in life if he only had the chance he deserved but those ghetto whores took his life. I know Rebecca had something to do with this. Yet the bitch who killed Jack walked and was never convicted. Once I get the court transcripts I'll have more evidence to piece it together. 

Zeferino Ramirez Mortuary in Brooklyn between Ford and McDonnell was owned by my Aunt Bea's Family. Diana Zayas was her daughter, and her sister Angie inherited the properties, but they cashed out. This is where Jack's services were held and someone had to suggest it to Rebecca as she wouldn't have known about it. Her only focus was getting the money Jack left behind. If anyone has more information let it be known I will provide a reward for information about the gang whores from Wilmington and the priest as it is obvious he must know her personally or related somehow. 

Jack Palomarez was MURDERED for no other reason than ghetto whores from Wilmington wanting money or other reasons, but they killed a young man and all these bitches walked. When you take a life don’t expect anything good to come from your own life and those responsible are yet to pay for what they did. That cunt who told the court my uncle Jack raped her is a viscous lying bitch and for the court to take her word over a man who has been killed and can’t defend himself is so fucked up and beyond unfair. You bitch better hope I never find you. Far too many people are walking around free after murdering a human being for selfish narcissistic reasons fucked up reasons. May you burn in hell whores and Rebecca Zulacia.

   In Loving Memory of John Jack Palomarez