John Jack Palomarez was murdered by a female from a gang in Wilmington, this was an all-girl gang from what I know. I can’t identify all of the females that were involved. I have speculated for years that Rebecca Zulacia is the person who initiated the killing at the very least knew about the intentions of murdering my relative. Rebecca and Jack were married very young, on January 12, not exactly sure how they met or where, but she still lives in Los Angeles, in Whittier with her brother, she is not married, but I believe has a son.

The rumor was that Jack was going to work that night he was shot around 12:35 am and he had a life insurance policy which may have been the reason why he was murdered because Rebecca was still legally married to Jack at the time, although they had been separated for six months after they married. She was given $10,000 in cash from the policy. Which leaves me to question, why? 10,000 may not be much money for some people but it's a lot to a bitch who is only 20 years old with nothing, not even a job because she was too fucken lazy to get off her ass and get one.

When people are young they don't break up so quickly which, at the time Jack was 20 and Rebecca was 18 from the records I found, kids are usually in love or infatuated with each other, so for these two, to be separated six months after being married raises questions, about Rebecca? Now if you know a young guy has nothing to offer financially why would you marry him? Both of them were just kids. I was only five years old during this time, and my uncle was a piece which is his sign of the zodiac. Pieces are romantics, people who want to be in love, they don’t go out of their way to create problems or cause grief with intentions. Rebecca is a Virgo they're usually insecure, selfish, lazy people, needy emotionally (because they lack confidence), and greedy which is why I believe Rebecca split apart from Jack only six months later.


I asked about Rebecca from other relatives but haven’t received anything substantial, other than Nuni expressing he didn’t like her and warned Jack about her, so he said. I do theorize she knew and maybe initiated the set-up to have Jack killed. I also speculate she may have called him on the phone to meet her somewhere as he was walking from my grandma’s house through a residential neighborhood that had numerous killings over the years.

Now it's possible he could have been coming from a bar around the corner but not likely because there was no alcohol in his blood from the autopsy report plus he was under 21. Jack wasn’t known to be a drinker or drug user, from any of his friends or people that knew him. My uncle wanted out of that neighborhood, one month after his murder a letter came from the college that he was accepted to the “psychology department”. This clearly indicates he wanted more, he wanted out of the stigma and shit that his life surrounded. The autopsy reported he had barbiturates in his blood, I believe this was a lie to go against his race. The report is written sloppy with gross negligence stating Jack was white, but he was not. The lies on the report, also state an address of 522 West Riggin St in Monterey Park I have nothing indicating Jack ever lived there alone or with Rebecca. Rebecca was living at her stepfather's house 329 Gleason Ave in Monterey Park which was about 10 to 15 mins in a car from what I measured, maybe 30 minutes on foot depending on how fast you’re walking. This house has recently been sold as the "stepfather" is now dead, his name was Paul (unknown last name).

Jack was murdered on the corner in a small neighborhood between Verona St and West of Ferris Ave. in East Los Angeles. This neighborhood on foot was about 15 to 20 minutes from my grandma’s house where she lived on Mednik in East Los Angeles. Again, I speculate someone called him on the phone so he would leave, and this is why he was walking out so late at night, it was set up to have him killed for money. About five years ago my uncle Richard (mother's side) told me how Zachary and he were speaking to this young priest at a church and this guy blatantly said how Jack was set up by the girls in Wilmington.

How would this young guy know that? The incident was way before his time. So, whoever shot and murdered Jack bragged to this young guy who is a priest as he bragged about it like he knew all the details. It's only a matter of time that I find this priest. The photo above was taken over 40 years and this sign was eventually taken down after the new owners took over those properties on Mednek. Jack wanted out of East Los Angeles. Jack was accepted to college by the psychology department and I know he would have succeeded in life if he only had the chance he deserved but those ghetto whores took his life. I know Rebecca had something to do with this. Yet the bitch who killed Jack walked and was never convicted. Once I get the court transcripts I'll have more evidence to piece it together. 

Zeferino Ramirez Mortuary in Brooklyn between Ford and McDonnell was owned by my Aunt Bea's Family. Diana Zayas was her daughter, and her sister Angie inherited the properties, but they cashed out. This is where Jack's services were held and someone had to suggest it to Rebecca as she wouldn't have known about it. Her only focus was getting the money Jack left behind. If anyone has more information let it be known I will provide a reward for information about the gang whores from Wilmington and the priest as it is obvious he must know her personally or related somehow. 

Jack Palomarez was MURDERED for no other reason than ghetto whores from Wilmington wanting money or other reasons, but they killed a young man and all these bitches walked. When you take a life don’t expect anything good to come from your own life and those responsible are yet to pay for what they did. That cunt who told the court my uncle Jack raped her is a viscous lying bitch and for the court to take her word over a man who has been killed and can’t defend himself is so fucked up and beyond unfair. You bitch better hope I never find you. Far too many people are walking around free after murdering a human being for selfish narcissistic reasons fucked up reasons. May you burn in hell whores and Rebecca Zulacia.

   In Loving Memory of John Jack Palomarez


This complaint is long overdue but I still want to provide what happened as I am sure other people have experienced the same corrupt problems. Let me be clear Social Security contracts with the Dept of Social Services to be the analyst for the disability cases. Still, many people never get an analyst assigned to their case. Their job is to set up appts. and do all the paperwork and submit it to Social Security. This is not an accommodation or favor it is THEIR FUCEKN JOB! Officer Api from Baldwin Park Police is an idiot because he told me they are doing me a favor, no you jerk, they are not. I wouldn't care about having to deal with these CUNTS! I never asked them to and this was my first time with a disability process which I found to be extremely corrupt. I was lied to, my case was sabotaged and too many female workers at Social Security were calling me and lying about the information provided. These CUNTS are trained to be verbally abusive- intimidating and threatening. 


I like how they send fake emails about how they care:-(( I am not STUPID nor will I be threatened by them! Moriel (analyst) called me and lied about how she is "WITH SOCIAL SECURITY" she is not employed by DPSS. It's a manipulating tactic to trip up the person filing the case. Now this is my tax money I put into this corrupt system all the years I worked so I don't care what these idiot cops think. I expect these STUPID BITCHES to do their job correctly, but it's not their intention. The intention is to sabotage the case so it prevents me from getting my money! That was the goal of Moriel and her supervisor Flores. EDD has the same attitude! After submitting much paperwork Moriel set up two appts and refused to send my paperwork to these quacks who call themselves doctors which she had me go to. The doctors were verbally abusive to me and I found out Adrienne who owns Medpro in Fullerton had the shrink sign off my paperwork which is Fraud because I never met Margaret Donahue that is not who I saw. Moriel later sent the paperwork hours after my appt ended and to the wrong office location on purpose. Then when I called and questioned her she lied about it. 

I had the evidence and it was time-stamped!!! Moriels supervisor Flores was in on the scam, so when I got her on the phone I screamed at her I don't care it's not illegal. Yet this CUNT calls the Baldwin Police and makes up a story to benefit her. Flores is now the victim and had the police come looking for me as she cried to her boyfriend Officer Api. They never found me but I saw them the entire time as I watched from a distance. Flores had her boyfriend Officer Api call me and give me a hard time about how she was helping me and doing me a favor. Really? Well, I didn't know that I thought it was your JOB BITCH! I thought you BITCHES got paid to do this? Social Security contracts with DPSS so it's your FUCKEN JOB!! I will not tolerate or bend to their will of corruption and lies. I ignored Officer Api because he was too STUPID but I spoke to the watch commander and let him know of the corruption and sabotage of my case and what the intention of these two CUNTS did. Now I want to go public. Moriel's numbers are 626-732-8170 #626-483-7603 Sometimes this heifer is at the office other times at her house. She is FAT AND LAZY AND A LIAR, and so is Flores. 


Social Security doesn't want people filing for disability especially if you haven't reached retirement age. This system is so blackballing and filled with corrupt workers who lie and sabotage cases. All these women have nasty attitudes and threaten people all the time JUST READ GOOGLE REVIEWS across the country. I have dealt with numerous BITCHES at Social Security. Ms. Chavez in West Covina doesn't care as I have mentioned how these bitches are trained to be abusive of course she denies it. To admit to this abuse would be to bite the hand that feeds her. Ms. Chavez is a liar and told me she practices witchcraft and refuses to tell me the formula of how they come up with the dollar amount of money I get? I guess that was her subtle way of threatening me. I have the evidence of what everyone is guilty of the doctors - the workers - the analysts the cops and Social Security. So far this has happened - THE US TREASURY stole over 800 dollars from my money from the Direct Express Card and I am forced to pay 175 taken from my check for MEDICARE another scam I don't use and already paid into. This is DOUBLE DIPPING which the State turns around and says to me, "We will pay it for you"! I'VE ALREADY PAID IT ASSHOLE WHEN I WAS TAXED FOR THE LAST 40 YEARS!!! THIS SYSTEM IS SO CORRUPT AND FILLED WITH FUCKEN FRAUD AND THE WORKERS ARE THE BIGGEST CUNTS WITH THE SAME SHIT MINDSET. Most people of color get fucked over and white people get $2500 hundred a month. 

A FRAUD SYSTEM THAT IS RACIST! I don't want to forget the lies and corruption of Medpro Owner Adrienne and her fraud friend Margaret Donahue who thinks she is a professional psychiatrist these cunts should be eliminated from the planet. This is how corrupt the system is. Everyone needs to fight back against this abuse of Social Security and the Abuse of the Analysts who lie to people. I have found many people get $2500 a month and brag about it as husband and wife together so they get 5000 grand a month. Politicians are stealing whatever they want and the media lies about it. Most people get screwed over and the system collects millions. All those people who pay into the system and never get anything back that is theft because many illegals work in the US and never collect anything. The entire system is FRAUD. My unemployment was held back I was NEVER able to get it after Todd died but I will rant on that another time. I have every right to collect what I worked for. I never sat on my ASS behind a desk the way these fat heifers do. I broke my back with labor jobs and then as a care provider for Todd until he died which nearly killed me. So you whores can burn in hell!!


After looking at various articles and listening to some people speak about Shelly Miscavige who disappeared in 2007 no one has seen her since. I sensed after looking at this man's picture David Miscavige he killed her. A private person or not, she is DEAD, no one just disappears out of nowhere. Shelly was MURDERED by David Miscavige, I can't prove it but I sense this man is GUILTY! He has been known by many people as an abusive cold-blooded individual although this article is questionable and obviously people are lying, his sisters too. If David was that close to Ron Hubbard, how did Ron die and why? How did David just step into his shoes so easily? I guess his ambition has the best of him with ABUSE - CONTROLLING PEOPLE AND MURDER.

What I find the most disturbing is the Los Angeles Police not giving a shit and deciding to not bother to investigate? I'm sure David paid off the cops it's easy to bribe them with cash!!! The corruption of police is pointless having them around because they are lazy and never do their job. David's father was a part of this Scientology cult for a long time and then he realized how rotten his son had become and decided to bail out before he died. Still, if you notice in the article David didn't care when his father had a heart attack and the police contacted him, "his words were let him die".   David wanted him to die because Ron became a threat to David, it's obvious. He was no longer a part of the club so he told his sister to cut the father loose and not communicate with him anymore. These white people are rotten eggs all of them. David Miscavige is an abuser and a murderer, there is nothing nice about any of this. Too many people have escaped and all of them share similar stories of abuse and murder. Yet the police continue to enable the situation and allow them to get away with these crimes and for the rest of the people are brainwashed, all of them.

This is not a religion it's an abusive cult of brainwashing and crimes against human beings. This gross organization has been around for decades and thrives on money because of the connections. Where exactly is all the wealth coming from other than actors? What other evil white people are involved? It wouldn't surprise me if government officials are a part of this and the Epstein case is linked as well because this cult has acres of land in Hemet and concentration camps in various places where people are kept prisoners and those who escaped made it out but all of them have told their story of the abuse and crimes against their families and outsiders.

Let me tell you my story of Scientology it wasn't as dramatic nor was I hurt but if I stayed I'm sure I would have been. Years ago I answered a job ad that one of the Los Angeles locations was hiring it never specified what exactly the job was but when I got there I was given a long application of several pages. This application asked too many personal questions but what caught my eye was the financial questions it asked such as, 'HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU NEED TO LIVE" IN CALIFORNIA? I thought it was odd considering it's obvious how much money a person needs, even now a person needs at least 6000 a month to live comfortably. This young girl came up to me and I spoke with her for a while she was raised in this cult because of her parents. I asked her about the questions because I decided I wasn't going to continue with this line of questioning. She had no real answer other than to tell me that sometimes people don't get paid. She admitted that she had one paycheck that was held back and the organization didn't want to pay her. That's when I got up and left. For all the money they steal and harass people to pay them living like Kings with all this land and they choose not to pay employees, but make it up to you in classes? This is a SERIOUSLY DANGEROUS BUSINESS with poor work ethics and corruption to every degree. I advise everyone to stay away if you cherish your life or you could end up dead.

As for Ron and David who are father and son - THE SINS OF THE FATHER, that is what David has become but much worse. I don't know this man personally but I'm a critical thinker and reader and this white man has a black soul or a demon soul. David Miscavige is GUILTY and nothing will change my mind he is rotten and abusive and you can see it in his eyes how evil he is. David murdered Shelly and someone knows where her body is or what is left of it.

Shelly Miscavige was born on January 18 she was a Capricorn. If she was still alive she would be older than me but were born around the same date. However, I'm sure she put up a fight, and her body must be somewhere buried on the property this CULT owns, but she was MURDERED like so many other women. Capricorns are reserved but strong people and they want to believe and support the person they're with but we have our ethics and if something doesn't sit right with us we won't roll over, but speak out. David Miscavige is the man who demands control over people whether verbal or physical and Shelly no longer agrees with his abusive behavior he killed her and told someone to get rid of her body. Someone else knows what happened someone always knows what happens. I believe these people and their stories and it makes sense they will be discredited so this black cult can preserve its abusive tactics and control over people. At the same time, the LAPD has been a sell-out to protect the interest of this BLACK CULT OF SCIENTOLOGY while Shelly was being murdered.