Living in the moment is all a person can comprehend when you're young. you don't know why you were born other than mom and dad having sex one boring night. Being a teenager or young 20-something person can be adventurous if unaware of the traps and pitfalls in life. I remember needing something more when I was young I just didn't know how to seek that purpose. Living in a small boring town I had no clue and wasn't aware of my options. (EITHER ARE RICH KIDS) If someone told me something to open my eyes and lessen my ignorance I would have realized so much more and looked outside of my environment and within myself. That is the point look within yourself and avoid not following the wrong people or allowing the wrong influence of people to lead you astray. I'm here to tell you, boys and girls, young people look within and seek outside your environment for other options. Educate yourself of how society is changing because there are two sides to this coin. Either way, figure out which direction to go and create goals to get there. My suggestions are few, it's not a recipe for life but hopefully, these suggestions will make you think with your brain so you don't fall down the rabbit hole. These suggestions come with experience, to let you know what to be careful of. Your FUTURE MATTERS AND SO DO YOU! Life and the economy are hard and many areas of life you have no idea or understanding of because the elites and politicians are running the game. And they have no intention of losing. However, your life can be successful if you want it bad enough. You must be willing to create change, work hard, and be a leader, not a follower (which most of society is). FIGURE OUT YOUR INTEREST AND MAKE A LIST OF ALL YOUR PASSIONS, AND GOALS OF HOW TO MAKE MONEY FROM THOSE PASSIONS. SELF EMPLOYMENT IS GOOD ROAD TO TRAVEL.
- If you grow up in a rural neighborhood, or any kind of neighborhood just know you can get out. Look outside for work to get away from the kids and the environment, (especially if it's negative) and get work so you can make your own money. You're going to need money.
- Save as much money (cash as possible) so you have it when you need it (an emergency can happen when you least expect it) to move forward and don't have to ask anyone or rely on your parents.
- STOP! Wasting your money on crap such as Starbucks, sodas, junk food, eating out, everything you spend on this crap you don't need. Save and learn to invest your money in Mutual Funds, Bonds, the stock market, or anything that will grow money small or big.
- Look around the town you grew up in and ask yourself, is this place good for me? What does it have to offer me?
- Look at the friends you hang out with are they beneficial? Are they ambitious? Do they have goals?
- Work hard at high school and when you're in the 10th or 11th grade start looking into community colleges outside of the area you grew up in. You can work part-time and get FINANCIAL AID there is nothing wrong with it. The GOVERNMENT will pay for Associate's and Bachelor's degrees. Frankly, education should be FREE. You can go to school and work part-time. As for a Master's and PH.D, numerous grants can be found to pay for those degrees.
- Make goals and figure it out. Nothing has to be in stone just get started. You can change plans as your journey begins to take shape. Don't look back just keep moving forward.
- If you are "JUST A GIRL" STOP!! Don't get caught up with some guy who is going nowhere, he will only keep you stuck and stupid, barefoot and pregnant. You are smarter and better than that!
- If you go to a party socializing if you put your drink down and walk away do not pick it back up as someone can slip drugs into it. Serve your own drink and finish it. Never drink from someone else's cup.
- If you find yourself drinking, taking pills and other recreational drugs from the dentist or doctor and you are addicted please get help, you are NOT IN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE THE ADDICTIONS ARE!
- Still, hanging out and following high school friends at 50 who never graduated? This is not a good idea since those people did nothing to succeed. They're competitive in being jealous and unsupportive.
- Make a few ambitious friends who have goals and are worth keeping unless they change for the worse then walk away. People can turn into vampires and infect you with their negative energy.
- Try different things to gain experience and understand your strengths and weaknesses. What you like and don't like. Knowledge is power. Keep yourself grounded with exercise and positive thinking.
- Practice how to speak in job interviews, employers seek to weed out not hire in and they are selective and usually biased.
- While I'm on the subject be disciplined and read as much as possible to be a critical thinker. People who watch television to gain knowledge are ignorant with a 2x2 vision of stupidity endorsing the lies being told from unworthy sources at face value.
- Study hard while in high school so when you transfer to community college your study habits have developed. It lessens the struggles. Develop good study habits since it's never taught to anyone.
- Form good study habits don't waste your time with people who go to college to gratify their ego or to please someone else.
- Always know you can rely on yourself because people will disappoint you. I know you're human but don't allow the opposite sex to distract you, it will lead down the rabbit hole.
- Where you are going is UP UP UP and you don't need anyone, male or female dragging you DOWN DOWN DOWN. Identify TOXIC - JEALOUS - MISGUIDED people that lead nowhere.
- Be careful of those you invest your time with. If friends spend more time partying and hanging out with boys. IT'S A WASTE OF TIME! Drop them, they are going nowhere and will end up a statistic.
- If people are drinking and experiencing DRUGS get out and fast. It will ONLY LEAD to disaster and down the rabbit hole into darkness and you may never get out.
- SELF-RESPECT is NOT allowing a male to hit, beat, or get you pregnant. RED FLAG!! He will lie and manipulate you and keep you separated from friends and family.
- If you choose to have sex when you should be studying at least be smart enough to use BIRTH CONTROL and CONDOMS to prevent pregnancy and disease. FREE CLINICS ARE AVAILABLE.
- Know people will lie, betray, and disappoint you. If they do, cut them off silently it's not worth talking about as they will lie again. It's not much difference with domestic violence.
- Girls get their period around 10 to 12 years old you can find videos of how to use Tampons, but Kotex is best to use when you just start. Just in case Mom forgets to tell you.
- If you do get pregnant you can go to the welfare and get help if you have no one to help you. PLEASE NO NEED TO PANIC OR KILL YOUR LIVING ORGANISM. There is a proper way to handle it. Sign up for Medi-cal to pay for an abortion. Clinics are everywhere and clinics have referrals for other services. Do this procedure immediately within the first month. Be responsible because he won't be! A CHILD WILL ALTER YOUR LIFE. However, it's no excuse to murder a child.
- "I LOVE YOU" usually means walking away from somebody who is not worth it and saying GOODBYE. They're doing you a favor.
- TRUE LOVE comes with understanding, patience, hard work, and sacrifice. Most couples today are in relationships for money.
- When a man or a woman loves unconditionally behavior will prove that actions speak volumes words don't MEAN SHIT!! Males are much more immature so it's best to wait when having sex. Young people can't appreciate what someone else does for them. Sometimes adults don't appreciate people either. It's a sign you're being used.
- People are a gamble they will disappoint, friends, lovers, and family and in the end, you're hurt. Hard lessons should be understood so you don't REPEAT THE MISTAKES a second time.
- DATE RAPE HAPPENS especially with those you know personally. If it does report it to the DISTRICT ATTORNEY, then cops. Cops are not easy to trust in these matters as they judge men who have been raped just as much as females with a lack of empathy.
- Keep your private life private no matter who you speak to. Those who know you will use it against you. Especially a sister or girlfriend as women are the most vicious jealous cunts compared to men.
- NEVER speak about your finances or job, and never indicate where you work as people can sabotage you.
- NEVER do business with friends or family these mistakes will lead to that person taking advantage of the situation or theft.
- NEVER give your boyfriend a job. Let him find his own work it will lead to problems.
- NEVER allow anyone to put you down, those with negative attitudes suffer with low self-esteem. Be proud of who you are life is a gift and it takes a lifetime to grow and grow up.
- Accept your parents for who they are. Parents don't have life's solutions and you can't blame them for what they can't understand or explain. Parents too are still trying to figure life out.
- Prostitution is not a means to making a living (regardless of all the online whores pretending they are MODELS seeking public approval). These WHORES suffer from low self-worth, and the lies are easy to swallow. If you're legal age and make that choice at least be smart enough to invest the money you make to live a better life. Communicate with email using an encrypted service. Go online and NEVER the streets. Set up payment to accept deposits as COPS will NEVER RUN A CC or give a deposit. Law Enforcement will NEVER show a State Drivers License as the DMV stamps the word "LAW ENFORCEMENT ON THE BACK OF THE ID". Be smart you will have to work and make a living until you die. There are no vacations, no retirement, no nothing as all Governments are self-serving and people living in society are slaves as long as people continue to be. Just know cops will break the law to bust you, sometimes they will lie and be a customer.
- Loving yourself is the most important emotion to being human, never try to please anyone other than yourself, it's a waste of time, and no one will love you more than you love yourself.
- If you are dating a guy for a long time and you party too much together and one night you pass out and he has sex without your permission it's RAPE! He is a MALE WHO HAS A RAPE MENTALITY as a lot of men do.
- If a boyfriend or one-nighter starts talking shit and putting you down after fucking you, he is an ASSHOLE who used you and has no respect.
- If a man just divorced or broke up with his girlfriend DO NOT BOTHER. It's a WASTE OF YOUR TIME. He is a loser and on the rebound.
- Never waste your time with a MARRIED MAN he will lie a million times all in the name of pussy. They won't leave their wives.
- Men cheat because they're sick fucks who can't play out sexual fantasies with their wives, so they cheat and lie to women who will accommodate them.
- Men will complain to you in bed about the wife but then talk about how great she is. He is using you the entire time. He lacks self-worth and you're the only person who understands him. Basically, he is a piece of SHIT!
- Men hire young girls, not women so they have something to look at in the morning and fantasize about.
- IF YOU DRINK AND DRIVE and get pulled over it's 15,000 to get out of jail plus other court fees (this did not happen to me but to people I knew). Beach Blvd is a hot spot for cops and car wrecks.
- If a cop pulls you over for drinking and driving say nothing if you choose not to give your license then DO NOT WALK THE LINE OR PROVIDE A BREATH TEST. I knew an attorney who did this and he did go to jail but was let go because they couldn't convict him.
- If you take the breath test and walk the line YOU JUST CONVICTED YOURSELF, understand?
- Cops can be scum because they will cheat and lie all the time and are usually found on Adult Friend Finder.
- Cops are known for domestic violence if a man or woman starts verbally disrespecting you get out fast it won't get better.
- If a guy or man invites you to his home make sure that he lives alone not with his parents. He is a loser if it's his parent's house he invites you to because he still lives at home.
- If you wish for something it will come true, but usually ends up a disaster or something you didn't expect attached to the wish which in turn is the downfall of wishing.
- If a man invites you to dinner he should pay for the meal, but take cash just in case he does something stupid or is disrespectful. Then you can bail out, just say, I'm going to the restroom and split fast.
- Men are immature and will never understand a woman emotionally, men don't seek to understand women, they seek to be understood by women.
You should be with a man because you find him to be a good investment and
you have feelings for him, but marrying him is a lifetime commitment that
most people don't take seriously because when things go wrong is when
people will bail out. Real love is a sacrifice that money can't buy!