Birth Control refers to various methods and techniques used to prevent
pregnancy. These methods work by either preventing the release of an egg from
the ovaries (ovulation) or blocking sperm from reaching the egg. The use of
birth control allows individuals to have control over their reproductive
choices and plans according to their personal circumstances. Frankly, I am
suggesting women, especially young women, refrain from pregnancy, and for those
who are using it as a financial tool, knock it off!! There are several types
of birth control methods available, including:
1) Hormonal methods: These methods
use hormones, such as estrogen and progestin, to prevent ovulation.
include birth control pills, patches, injections, and hormonal intrauterine
devices (IUDs). 2) Barrier
methods: These methods physically block sperm from reaching the egg. Examples
include male and female condoms, diaphragms, and cervical caps.
3) Intrauterine devices (IUDs):
These are small, T-shaped devices inserted into the uterus to prevent
pregnancy. They can be hormonal or non-hormonal and provide long-term
contraception. 4) Emergency
contraception: Also known as the "morning-after pill, "it is used to prevent
pregnancy after unprotected sex or contraceptive failure. It contains high
doses of hormones that prevent or delay ovulation.
5) Permanent methods: These
methods are considered irreversible and include surgical procedures like tubal
ligation (for women) and vasectomy (for men).
Choosing a birth control method
depends on various factors, including personal preferences, health
considerations, effectiveness, convenience, and potential side effects.
It is important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most
suitable method based on individual needs and circumstances. It is worth
noting that while birth control methods are highly effective in preventing
pregnancy, they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections
(STIs). In such cases, additional
measures like condom use are recommended.
1) Oral Contraceptives (Birth
Control Pills): Possible side effects: Nausea, breast tenderness, irregular
bleeding, mood changes, weight gain, decreased libido, and increased risk of
blood clots.
2) Contraceptive Patch: Possible
side effects: Skin irritation at the patch site, breast tenderness, nausea,
headache, and increased risk of blood clots. 3) Contraceptive injection
(Depo-Provera): Possible side effects: Irregular bleeding, weight gain, mood
changes, decreased bone density 9with long-term use), and potential delay in
return to fertility after discontinuation.
4) Intrauterine Device
Possible side effects: Cramping, irregular bleeding, backaches, expulsion of
the device, and rare risks of infection or perforation during insertion.
5) Contraceptive Implant: Possible
side effects: Irregular bleeding, headaches, breast tenderness, mood changes,
weight gain, and potential delay in return to fertility after removal. 6)
Barrier Methods
(e.g., Condoms, Diaphragms):
Possible side effects: Allergic reactions to latex or spermicides, potential
breakage, or slippage of condoms, and the need for consistent and correct
7) Hormonal Vaginal Ring: Possible
side effects: Vaginal irritation, headaches, nausea, breast tenderness, and
increased risk of blood clots. 8)
Fertility Awareness Methods: Possible side effects: Requires consistent
tracking and monitoring of the menstrual cycle, potential for user error, and
increased risk of pregnancy if not followed correctly.
It's important to remember that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are
other birth control methods available. Additionally, the side effects
mentioned may not be experienced by everyone. It is recommended to consult
with a healthcare professional to discuss the most suitable birth control
method for your specific needs and to understand the potential risks and
benefits associated with each option. Again, always consult with a doctor for
medical advice and help. I will be listing clinics that you can contact, so
check back, please.
This story was life-altering for me to being a mother and raising children
alone. It's not about the rich bitch with a husband who doesn't raise her own
children, or the psycho bitches who kill their children, or actors using
surrogacy or some other deranged method to boost their ego and promote
stability. This naive young girl didn't understand the world she was living in
at the time, having three children by the time she was 22 years old. I never
had boyfriends but I had experiences with boys too young when I should have
been studying. In the schools I attended, kids were skipping class, cheating,
lying, drinking, and experimenting with drugs. The neighborhood gangs and
families were falling apart because of domestic violence and alcoholism. It
was all bad, although the town was decent, it didn't matter, vices were
everywhere, including rich areas, as rich people could afford more drugs and booze
more often. Los Angeles is crowded with millions of people and politicians
know how to use the corporations to pump the crap through society knowing
people will fall. As a kid, you won't recognize that politics are behind all of it!
These vices are in television ads and the internet, infecting families. It
wasn't my parents who subjected me to these vices, it was already established in
society, and it's always been there, just look around. Every set of parents is
young when they start out in life, so we can't blame our parents for what they
don't understand, since no one explained it to them growing up. They just
follow the methods instilled in their thinking. No one explains life as we
grow up, and it's confusing as a teenager, why am I here? Most of the kids I
went to school with and their families were being destroyed by the separation
among the races, all families were infected with this essence that conditioned
our minds to think a certain way or not think at all.
If there were two areas of life I could have asked my parents to secure for
me, it would be discipline and education in a strict but understanding form.
This would have changed my way of thinking and I wouldn't have placed myself
in a compromising situation. The biggest mistake I made was having children so
young and getting married to someone I didn't love because I had those
children. Young women have so much to offer the world and giving birth is not
one of them. At least grow up first and live life, then consider it, if you
have a man who is man enough to be a father and take responsibility. I
realized too late the mistakes that altered my life for the next 25 years
because it never ends when you have children as they grow you are a teacher
who needs to keep teaching and providing knowledge to them in hopes they will
be well-balanced kids, but this is a job for two parents, not one.
Instead, I was subjected to domestic violence at a young age because he tried
to control me and refused that I work. I had no voice of my own and in the
end, my ex-husband and his girlfriend stayed together and I left to have a
third baby. It's strange after giving birth I wasn't sad I was fucken angry.
Now this was my reality, it's scary and emotionally painful knowing these
human beings depend on me for their upbringing. After many years, I went back
to college, which turned out to be a personal goal since it never fulfilled my
The world has changed for the worse in many ways with technology, and many kids are not working in
traditional jobs, but creating a different space of employment with creativity
through advanced technology. However, millions of young people will make the
same mistakes and will be left behind. Millions of young people will fall at the waste side with no future.
None of this will ever stop the vices that infect society, will continue.
are not women, they are killing their children, abusing them, and abandoning
Females have no business having kids with this kind of mistreatment against children. How
are these dysfunctional parents going to teach their kids about life? Having
children is a mental struggle and you will fail as a parent, just know it.
Failure is a big part of parenting. Failure with lack of communication. I
failed at being present all the time because I had to work three jobs. Failure to
have talks warning your kids of the predators in society, and you feel guilt for not doing enough at the end of the day. There are many areas of
life and parents are failing just to have kids. My point is, when you're a
parent it's hard to do everything and be present at all times and provide a
home of security because as a parent, depression kicks in, physical
exhaustion, and the DEVIL of them all is stress. Stress is not something most
people can cope with well or at all. Patience helps when you are a parent, but
families are broken, just look around, so why compromise your future? Why I blog
about this subject is because I have observed numerous girls who have no business
being mothers.
The many reasons are a lack of responsibility, the killing of
It's fucked up and disgusting, so be responsible, or better yet keep your legs closed and
you won't get pregnant. YOUR NOT MISSING ANYTHING, MOST MALES, CAN'T FUCK RIGHT! Sex is not that big of a deal and no man or guy is
going to be there for you unless he is in love with you and sometimes not even
then. Andrea Yates was a college grad married and living in the suburbs, her
husband knew she was unstable and didn't give a fuck, she killed all five kids
in the water. That piece of shit has moved on and has a new family. I will end
with this, having children will strip away your youth and dreams, and you will
lose what you need to secure a life of quality. This is a harsh reality when
you are alone and have no family to turn to, having children will make it all the harder for you.
There are many birth control methods available to you. Additionally, the side
effects mentioned not all women will experience these side effects, but know
your body. It's recommended to consult with a healthcare professional to
discuss a suitable method for your needs and to understand the potential side
effects. Consult with a doctor for medical advice in the meantime, I will grow
this list of clinics and information, just call and confirm as things change
Here are some places to call. Please confirm the address and numbers as people
will lack updates. Whether you have insurance or not, you can go to urgent care
or the nearest Emergency hospital. Hospital and Urgent care can NOT TURN YOU
AWAY, it's illegal. Any EMERGENCY HOSPITAL or URGENT CARE will provide
services and you can take an official urine test to determine pregnancy. The
hospital should have other prenatal resources. You can ask for a social worker
as they generally work in hospitals.
Los Angeles Clinics for Pregnancy and Abortion
- Hollywood Presbyterian Medical 13000 North Vermont Ave Los Angeles Ca 90027 #323-906-0000
- Pico Maternity Clinic 4903 West Pico Blvd #101 Los Angeles, Ca 90019 #323-954-2228
- Los Angeles Pregnancy Services 2524 West 7th Street 90057 #213-382-5643
- Womens Health Services 1233 North Vermont Ave #2 Los Angeles, Ca 90029 #323-666-5116
- Abortion Clinic in Los Angeles 1930 Wilshire Blvd #500 Los Angeles Ca 90057 #213-353-4971
- My Choice Medical Center 4903 West Pico #202 Los Angeles Ca 90019 #866-397-3070
- Planned Parenthood Orange Health Center 700 South Tustin St. Ca 92866 #714-922- 4100
- FPA Womens Health 1901 North Tustin Ave Santa Ana Ca 92705 #657-859-5463
- Her Choice Women's Clinic 1155 W Central #214 Santa Ana Ca 92707 #714-966-9094 (located in Bistro Central Medical)