TRACKING DEVICES ARE WATCHING: Be aware that every device you're using watches you and everyone else. Don't be a fool to think the Gov and law enforcement are not monitoring you, they are. American surveillance is to control us and every aspect of our lives. Cell phones track your locations, there is software such as AVG that changes your location on your cell. It's the same for the internet service. Law Enforcement has sophisticated hardware that can track your internet provider and location when you are at home or anywhere else, the protection on the computer is so others won't get into the system, it's not 100% but it does make a difference. Buying devices such as ALEXA from Amazon is NOT A GOOD IDEA, it's used to monitor conversations in the home. Flat screens are also becoming a problem. Just know you must be careful, the elites want to kill us and incarcerate us. New cars all have tracking devices inside the engine or other hidden areas that are hard to reach, you need a mechanic to remove it if they can. The tracking on the car is to repossess the vehicle if needed.
ENCRYPTED EMAIL SERVICE: I've had experience with many email services that could be more trustworthy, but they are not. Let me start with GMAIL, everyone is familiar with the leakage in GMAIL since everyone receives SPAM, and Google obviously allows it. You can NOT do anything about it since the corporation controls it all. I would not use GMAIL for anything important or private maybe miscellaneous stuff that is non-important but doesn't accumulate too much crap. Hackers can easily break into it and if you link the email to the phone, BAM!! Hosting Emails I would avoid if you have a fallout with the hosting company and they lock you out and fuck you over. You will NEVER RE-COUP those emails and information you stored. MAILFENCE IS FREE AND BAD NEWS NEVER USE THEM. I would avoid them as I have experienced their services, someone broke into my email from YOUTUBE and I was blamed for it by Mailfence. Interestingly enough, a worker from Hostinger told me of their bad service with a stunt someone pulled on them, I guess I should have realized. Proton Mail is free or you can pay for it. It's encrypted and safer to use, so far my experience has been positive with them keeping it for important stuff. Just remember to keep your stuff updated which can be a PAIN IN THE ASS. Stop storing important stuff in an untrustworthy email service, anything can happen.
NEVER GO ALONE: Although I lived within walking distance of my schools growing up, I walked everywhere, but it's not a good idea to be alone. Always have a friend or a few friends when going places. It's better to ask your parents for a ride if you can. Once I was nearly abducted by an old WHITE MAN who was a child predator, like so many others. I realized his intentions and ran all the way home, not all kids are lucky. Usually, predators are WHITE MEN and don't think rich people won't hurt you. Of course, they can and have money to get away with MURDER and other heinous crimes. Men in government are predators of children and have been caught, but never go to prison, what does that say about society? Epstein wasn't the only one GUILTY OF PROSTITUTING MINORS. Never go anywhere alone if you're young, keep in contact with your parents so they know where you are. Adults have been abducted in many ways, as all of us live in a scary society, carry a flashlight with you, and a can of mace helps. Learn defense tactics to defend yourself and kick ass if needed. I find it interesting that the US Justice Department has this information about Epstein when they're just as guilty.
NEVER SPEAK ABOUT PERSONAL ISSUES: Stop letting people learn everything about you. The more you speak about personal issues, the more a person knows of your weaknesses. I know you need to talk to someone, but you can't trust people, and loyalty can be purchased with cash. No one can force you to speak, not your parents, not the cops, or the school you attend. It's a matter of knowing what to say and when to speak. People can speculate and assume all they want, but only you know the truth about yourself and any situation you're involved in. If you get into trouble SAY NOTHING AS YOU WILL INCRIMINATE YOURSELF. For example, if you are pulled over for DUI, NEVER, NEVER GIVE A BREATH TEST OR WALK THE LINE. The cop will arrest you regardless, but by the time you see the judge, he has to release you because there is no evidence to prove you were drinking and driving. Understand? It can be messy and I can't give advice per se because I don't know you or the situation. Just listen before you speak is all I'm saying, avoid incriminating yourself or a friend, and make wise decisions before speaking about something or someone. For example, I was 15 at the time and a friend was molested by another friend's father. I should have gone to the police. I didn't know what to do, I was in shock, and regret not speaking up. He's dead now but what he did was wrong, really wrong. People enjoy bragging about their lives all the time on their cell phones, having a BIG MOUTH, bragging. DO NOT BE ONE OF THESE IDIOTS WHO BEHAVES THIS WAY. You're allowing STRANGERS in.
IF SOMEONE IS MISTREATING YOU: When we are young, it's wonderful, but our minds have not matured enough to think outside the box and we are unaware of others who can hurt us until a rude awakening jolts our reality. And this jolt is usually domestic violence from a boyfriend or husband, and the numbers in society are high. White men beat and kill their wives all the time, men released from prison, and men in general who have unresolved problems. You won't know this until you live with the person. The signs will be in your face, but most of the time people dismiss it, rationalizing. When a man says he doesn't love you, walk away and never look back. If he can't stop harassing you about sex, get rid of him (he is not interested or capable of a loving relationship). The possibility of trapping you with pregnancy is a big RED FLAG. If he wants to move you away from friends and family, is another sign. If he can't hold a job or appears unstable, get out and fast, he NEVER WILL. If your man finds excuses to ARGUE it's because he wants to walk out the door and fuck around. He uses you to be there when he wants someone at home to cook and clean. If he comes home and demands your time to stand at attention and listen to his bullshit, he is insecure and never had attention as a child. All of these are signs of domestic violence.
Society is a setup, it's angled to keep us trapped, with hatred, drugs, abuse, and a certain mindset to keep us down and oppressed. The system is not designed to help anyone ever in any way. It's to restrict us from our full potential of being human, outgoing, positive, rich in life, and in good health. Never believe a politician because it's all lies and manipulation. Those criminals are never held accountable for what they say or do. It is a SICK GAME and they don't plan on losing but will sacrifice as many of us to stay in control of a temporary life that will eventually end. You can't take your wealth when you die. As for everyone else, appreciate all you have and take nothing for granted, especially time, since time is running out for all of us.
If a man (or woman) hits you once, he or she will do it again and make excuses every time. YOU ARE NOT RESPECTING YOURSELF IF YOU ALLOW IT!! Don't try to change him, that is his responsibility, just leave, you deserve better (the same advice goes for men). As women can be just as abusive and fucked up as a man. If he stalks you, report him, it will get worse. (I had a friend from college who told me this happened to her. She came home from a party and the guy was waiting in the bushes, he jumped out and smacked her across the face because she was out with another guy. This is the thing he wasn't her boyfriend. If a guy or man mocks you behind your back or has his male friends causing you trouble, walk out (or KICK HIM OUT). He lacks respect and responsibility. There are many levels of "mistreatment" and sometimes we give a person too many chances after thinking they're only hurting us because they had a bad day or are under pressure. It doesn't excuse anything, especially physical violence, and as a girlfriend or wife will make excuses for them due to shame or embarrassment, it's not worth it. It's hard to communicate but if the communication is not there, it never will be. Quote: How we feel about ourselves is what we attract!!! It's best to focus on you first before getting involved with the wrong males. Focus on YOU FIRST, LOVE YOURSELF FIRST, BECAUSE YOU MATTER FIRST!
GROUNDING YOURSELF: Grounding yourself is respecting and caring for your body and mind. No
drugs, no booze, no cutting, no starvation, anything that can lead to
mistreating your mind-body, and soul is a
RED FLAG!!! It's VITAL to stay healthy, especially when living in the city, and working
out, you will feel better, it increases good mental health. If you can't go
to the gym, then just take walks or jogs in the park, this helps clear your
mind. Most people struggle with meditation, but if you can find a quiet place
and meditate, NO DISTURBANCES OR CELL PHONES, at least 15 to 30 minutes a few times a week, this will help with grounding
You will have to work for the rest of your life, so find work you are happy with. My mom worked hard all her life, she had no one to depend on, and when her marriage was not worth sticking around, she walked out to find peace of mind. She had her place, her own money, and her own career. She wasn't scared to start over, she was relieved that change happened. You always have yourself to depend on and you can be your own best friend. Men seem important for those women who can control a man and his money, but they're not. Men can be a problem as much as a solution or relationship. Seek a Quality man.
CONFIDENCE IS A WAY TO BE: Confidence is key when I was a kid I was a pistol and no one liked it, because it clashed with the conditioning of their own family traits (whatever that was) but after growing up and learning from hard lessons people change and grow, and some people never do. Once you've gained confidence and have an understanding of your authentic self, the negative people become much more clear and there is no reason to acknowledge them. The more confident you are, the more people will notice and some may resent you for it. Never allow this behavior to keep you down, keep moving forward, no reason to look back. Seek your path and be selective of the company you keep, especially men (and women). Dating losers and falling down the rabbit hole with domestic violence will set you back and lose sight of your true authentic self. Being a confident woman has two requirements: 1) Confidence and faith in your abilities, believing in yourself, and 2) Listening to your heart, not the poor influence of family and friends. By exposing verbally what you want, you will soon hear the negative voices holding you back. Keep your dreams silent until you have reached success.