Being female refers to identifying as a woman or belonging to the female sex, nothing else. Gender identity and biological sex are complex and multifaceted aspects of human identity. It's important to recognize and respect the diversity of experiences and perspectives among individuals who identify as female (whether you agree or not). In many societies, women have historically faced various forms of discrimination and inequality. Efforts have been made to promote gender equality and empower women in education, employment, politics, and social rights. However, challenges and disparities still exist in different parts of the world and throughout society. In addition to the numerous experiences, I've personally encountered from abusive behaviors of white women (who I consider extremely abusive more than women of color). 

Those white women suffer from serious low self-esteem, which was imposed on me,   and in turn, resentment and lack of trust formed. White people (not Americans) are generally scared of people of color and that is the reason they act out with IGNORANCE. White females make a habit of dumping their personal problems on women of color, refusing to figure out life for themselves. I say this because white women are not interested in sharing with women of color, they prefer to judge you once you do share with them, and make you feel as bad as they do. For the record AMERICA doesn't belong to WHITE RACE although they assume it does as they question anyone with dark skin must be illegal, no BITCH MY ANCESTORS ARE INDIGENOUS YOURS ARE NOT!!  I have a theory that white men are the reason behind the psychological damage caused to women, which in turn is a lack of trust and retaliation against women of color. Either way, their consciousness should not escape their common sense. After many experiences and observations, I feel white females' abuse and ignorance is unmeasurable. 

It's rare for white women to include women of color as a part of the group, especially in activism where the narrative is only spoken about "white women's problems" instead of the inequality all women face. White women will always find ways to put women of color down with verbal and mental cruelty, placing themselves at the top, but crying to them about their problems. Yet white women are more Guilty of crimes against children with sex offenses and murdering their own children, the numbers are high and too many walk free. Men are GUILTY of being under the illusions of viewing white women as some  "VIRGIN QUEEN" only to discover many are unstable and psycho abandoning or killing their children. 

White women make no real attempt to bond with their children, but they're the first to throw them out the door before age 18. There are disparities in every area of life and sisterhood among women will never exist, which is most unfortunate because white women think they're better than women of color. They're not, they're just more fucked up.  As for men, they have been dating dark-haired women (more than blondes) but realizing the demands women have made financially are the root cause in relationships and it's not just white bitches who demand money, it's all women now. Many Asian women will demand men to give them a phat diamond ring, an expensive car,   and a big house, and if his job isn't good enough, she will make sure he changes his career and meets her demands.

These bitches do exist as I've known of them. Relationships are not based on love between men and women anymore, it rarely happens, and if it did, something down the line would change. Relationships are based on monetary gain, which is why most couples never last. Add children to the mix and you just create more problems. As soon as the man finds a younger prettier version he's gone and the post-wife is sucking everything she can get out of him unless your TORI SPELLING (THAT STUPID WHITE WHORE). I can't blame women for demanding financial security considering how hard the economy is and people can smell the essence of fear in the air. In all fairness, both sexes have become so unbalanced, men have become the weaker sex with a lack of courage and are finding themselves more alone than ever. 

A third of men are homosexuals, a third are in prison or broken from drug addictions. There are no men left for women to depend on or to have healthy relationships with. Yet women have become over-aggressive and unsatisfied if they can't have all they want at their beck and call. When I think about women's aggressions in general maybe all the crap on social media the poor influence and the lack of men available might be the cause of why women have stepped into their masculine aspect. Or maybe they choose to be a rude bitch either way you can still live a good life and some peace without men, but you have to make your own money and STOP depending on men. It's best to depend on yourself, find what makes you happy and be your authentic self. Recently, a few incidents have caused me to realize women of all races are becoming a problem in everyday society within public space as a collective for the most petty of reasons. Let me provide an example, I went to Starbucks and sat at the back table because it had a wall plug. 

This Asian bitch walks in staring at me as I looked up she puts on a fake smile to later complain to her fat friend who walked in bitching about why they can't sit at the table I was sitting at? I couldn't believe it the world is falling apart, people are dying and children are suffering and all these bitches can do is complain over a table? So I decided to sit there all day. It's bad enough that equality doesn't exist and the constitution has been torn to shreds and the gender wage gap will never be repealed but when females start dominating petty shit such as this I have to speak out and fire back! Female energy has become a negative energy in society, which creates problems in the family and for men who want to have personal relationships with women and in the work environment. Men are beginning to view women as a threat and will choose not to trust women, and are less likely to bond in relationships.

As women become more aggressive, men will sense they're being devoured. Unhealthy relationships will become the new drug and women will be angered towards men and view them as weak and incompetent to be a protector and provider. Another reason why relationships will fail, of course, they fail now since most relationships are based on lies and monetary gain. Another reason why relationships are doomed is due to emotional dependence, one person should never depend on the other person emotionally. Emotional dependency is a crippling disease but it happens and sometimes it's hard to see the signs. Men grow up at a slow pace compared to women, and then they find themselves carrying most of the weight, eventually the marriage or relationship will break and you will find yourself walking out. Another reason relationships fail is the lies and money being the foundation of the relationship, just because you have a pussy doesn't mean you should depend on that man to support you. He could leave you if you become dependent when he finds a younger,   prettier version, rich men usually do this because it's their ego that needs feeding. 

Let's shift the subject a bit before I get crazy. Here are a few steps to feeling your best.  Getting Up In the Morning, It's important to feel good when you wake up in the morning, so you're in a good mood, and feeling calm, that way you can focus on work. A light breakfast to start the day and avoid caffeine has poor side effects. Plenty of rest is vital to looking and feeling good. Staying away from the booze and partying all night will wear on your mind and body, to avoid it at all costs. You're not missing anything. 

Good positive energy should be consistent, especially as a woman grows older because time goes by fast after 30. If you can spare the time take a quick walk before you start your day to increase your energy it will help you to get everything done so when you go home, you feel accomplished If you follow a consistent pattern of behavior and get plenty of rest you will develop waking up early without an alarm to remind you. Your mind will be set in motion, waking up rested. This gives you plenty of time to put your make-up on at home (not in the car) as you need to focus when driving (which prevents car accidents). I never understood women lacking time. Running late and putting on mascara when driving. There is plenty of time in the day to get everything done if you keep your priorities straight. 

Stop being distracted by social media crap. Remember, looking pretty is for you, not anyone else to impress, and how you feel is how you will look walking out the door, delivers confidence when you empower yourself as being female! Working Hard to Buy Clothes. Not everyone can start off with a great wardrobe and the best of everything costs money, most people don't have or can't always afford to spend. When you work hard, you deserve the best, just be frugal when needed. However, there are so many ways to mix and match and shop at Macy's when sales hit, and with all the new online fashions you should always treat yourself every pay day if you can. Before you know it, you have an amazing new wardrobe. 

Never forget when you look great, you feel great because of the confidence and being your authentic self. Working hard to feel Accomplished takes a lifetime,   but it starts out with a list of passions and interests, write them down 1 through 10, and figure out how you can make money from what truly inspires you? You can spend your time at college, but there are pros and cons of how to get what you want and how much time you have to get there. Nothing comes easy as you will have to work until you die, so prepare for the unexpected. Being Female is empowering just that by itself because there are 30 to 40 women to every man, but knowing how to play the game well to get what you want takes strategy - knowing your opponents - and how to rise again when defeated. Being female is empowering to be the only attractive woman walking into a place where men hang out, such as a ball game or sports bar. It can be empowering when you're the boss and calling the shots. It can be empowering when you have a man by his balls and he can't live without you. It can be empowering when you're the star of the show and your talent proves your existence. It can be empowering when wearing a sexy dress. It can be empowering to have a great rack and know they're real instead of plastic surgery. It can be empowering when you still look young and over 50. It can be empowering when your husband cheats and you control his money. IT IS EMPOWERING KNOWING YOU HAVE A PUSSY BEING FEMALE! SOMETHING MEN WANT BUT CAN NEVER POSSESS. YOU DON'T NEED A MAN OR HIS APPROVAL, HE NEEDS YOU! STANDING TOGETHER IS WHY YOU WIN!