I viewed the movie "FLING" the other day and it's sexual in nature but gives an idea of the consequences people refuse to take into consideration when they are young experimenting life. Mid - life change is between the ages of 28 up until you are 40 years of age, then your perspective changes. During this time young people are sexual with various partners. Pregnancy and venereal disease will occur and most young people never stop to think about the consequences until it's too late. Fling demonstrates a couple who has an "OPEN" RELATIONSHIP", BUT HER BOYFRIEND IS RECKLESS ONCE HE DISCOVERS HIS GIRLFRIEND IS NOW PREGNANT HE IS FACED WITH REAL LIFE DECISIONS. Of course she doesn't know who the father is. After the relationship fails and the boyfriend has time to reflect on life and grow up. He revisits his old friends from the past at a show several years later and walks right out the door. After looking everyone over my perspective was he couldn't stand to be around any of them anymore.  He grew up and realized a lot about his past mistakes.

This guy was given shit for his behavior and it was well deserved, but nothing really changed all that much among the people this couple hung out with. The dynamics hadn't changed but his perspective did that he didn't need to be around those people because most of them refused to move on and grow up that was the "irony".  I personally never thought much of people at 50 who still hang out with high school friends. As for "OPEN RELATIONSHIPS" I view it as dangerous. Isn't the point of being in a relationship "exclusivity" to prevent disease and develop trust based on love, being with one person should be enough? 

Message to all young people be careful of the choices and friends you make, it weighs on your life more than you realize. Being too sexual with too many partners and reckless behavior with booze and drugs will affect your life choices and the journey you take.