Kevin Costner and I have one thing in common, we are both Capricorns and one day apart from each other, but I am much younger. Kevin's ex-wife Christine is a Pisces. For the most part, these two signs of the Zodiac can have a very good relationship if they are patient with each other and respect each other's differences. Learn to support one another as well and not hold back with their feelings, but if they sway the other way, it can be damaging. Pisces are known to be needy in some sense, always needing attention and in that dream state of "love" but it's not based necessarily in reality. Capricorns are more self-reliant, selfish and reserved, but when we're young we enjoy excitement and action.
I'm sure it must be hard for someone to have money and success and find "real love", which is the SACRIFICE A PERSON WILL MAKE TO TRY AND HAVE IT ALL! (Although no one ever does). Someone with money will NEVER HAVE REAL LOVE!! Especially a man because women are BETTER LIARS and will find a way to seduce the man to get to his wallet. Real Love doesn't happen because these days women are "greedy whores" who care about MONEY!! Regardless this BITCH IS A BIG WHORE WITH HER FINANCIAL DEMANDS OF WEALTH!!
This is what the media says, Baumgartner's initial demand was for $175,000 a month and $46,000 more than the $129,755 the judge has dictated. Finally, after providing several financial reports, she has asked for $161,592 in alimony for the three teenagers. This is a hell of a lot of money for four people to live on a month. So annually it's over a million dollars a year. Am I calculating that right? What happens when the kids are 18, which it appears they already are? Both parents are old to have kids that young. 14 - 16 - 17. Men they're always thinking with the dick having kids in their old age! I have ONE THING TO SAY: CHRISTINE IS A GREEDY WHORE AND HAS MOVED ON AND FOUND ANOTHER FIANCIAL PIGGY TO KEEP HER ENTERTAINED! BULLSHIT - THIS WOMAN IS FULL OF SHIT!