Fraud is NOT the reason to destroy Social Security, it's the excuse to STEAL MONEY FROM THE ACCOUNT, that's all. Another bullshit line coming out of this SCUMS mouth. MORE BULLSHIT LIES OF HOW 150-year-old people and DEAD people are getting money, and he is seeking out FRAUD that is a FUCKEN LIE!!! I want to see who is living at 150 years of age. THIS ENTIRE FUCKEN COUNTRY WAS BUILT OFF OF THE BACKS OF SLAVES YOU PIECE OF SHIT. AMERICA IS A MONEY LAUNDERING FUCKEN MAFIA!!! ELON MUSK IS AN ADROIT LIAR AND FULL OF SHIT. I HOPE SOMEONE SHOOTS HIS ASS. Actually, that is too easy, I'll pray to the DEVIL, he gets into a car crash in his TESLA and ends up a Quadriplegic from the neck down, that will STOP him in his tracks.
Spend the rest of his pathetic life in a wheelchair. Gee if that happens to ELON MUSK HE WON'T BE ABLE TO GET A HARD ON!!! NO MORE ERECTIONS HAHAHA!!
As the media continues to spin out lies and never stops with all the bullshit. If TRUMP AND HIS GIRLFRIEND MUSK KEEP PISSING PEOPLE OFF SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET AN EARLIER BIRTHDAY PRESENT TAKING A DIRT NAP. THESE ASSWADS ARE PISSING PEOPLE OFF a lot. It could be a game they're playing, misdirecting the public, or they really are out to destroy society.
What I don't understand is, who is the ASSWAD allowing all this bullshit to go on in the first place? It's hard enough going through a disability claim because this agency doesn't give a fuck about people as it is. After seven years, the agency cuts people off if they are not retirement age, and then you have to fight them in court with an administrative judge for Social Security just to keep your money. Social Security doesn't give a shit. People can't live on 1200 dollars, of course, all the white people get 2500 a mont,h husband and wife. It's a racist institution. While politicians like Bernie Sanders collect 10,000 a month in addition to his 250,000. When MUSK LIES A LOT HE STUTTERS!