Remember AMC Streaming? This online movie streaming is like so many others, with new programs that came out, comedy shows, drama, and other types of programs. The customer pays a monthly subscription, but frankly, it wasn't that good. Well recently someone dropped the dime and let it be known that these SLEAZY mother fuckers are selling our personal information to "Meta Platforms", this is the email I received last night and their compensation for fucking me over is a "FREE WEEKLY" SUBSCRIPTION. Well isn't that generous of them, so here is my response, but first I will display the email that was sent to me, and email them a copy of this blog I am displaying to the world. I don't want them to miss all the excitement of what I really think of them. Just for the RECORD, I NEVER FILED ANYTHING I HAVE NO IDEA WHO DID. I SHOULD GET THE MONEY BACK I PAID FOR THAT CRAP SUBSCRIPTION. MANIPULATION HOW COMMON!


Notice ID: AMC104313139
Promo Code: CC2413GCOP

Ickes, et al. v. AMC+ Networks d/b/a AMC+,
No. 3:23-cv-00803

Dear Class Member,

You filed a valid claim in the above Settlement matter. You are eligible to receive in-kind relief as a result. This email provides you with the instructions and promo code you will need to claim your one-week digital subscription to the AMC+ streaming service.

What Happened

This class action lawsuit arises out of a Security Incident where by the subscribers’ personally identifiable information was allegedly disclosed to third party Meta Platforms, Inc. in violation of the VPPA (Video Privacy Protection Act) on January 18, 2021 through January 10, 2024.

What We Are Doing

The settlement offers an in-kind relief of a one week digital subscription to the AMC+ streaming service for all Settlement Class Members whose claims were submitted and approved.

What You Can Do

We encourage you to enroll in the free one week digital subscription to the AMC+ streaming service.

Again, at this time, there is no evidence that your information has been misused. However, we encourage you to take full advantage of this service offer.

For More Information

You will find detailed instructions for the service offer redemption on the enclosed AMC+ streaming service subscription enrollment document. Also, you will need to reference the promo code at the top of this letter when enrolling, so please do not discard this email.

Settlement Administrator

AMC+ streaming service subscription enrollment

The methods for redeeming a promo code differ slightly depending on your subscription history with the AMC+ service directly through the website Please review the methods below and follow the instructions most applicable to your situation:

Method 1:

If you have account credentials through the AMC+ website, you will need to reactivate your account.
To redeem your promo code with this method, please log in to your account (using email and password) on the AMC+ website,, and restart a subscription. On the Plan Selection screen, select “Monthly with no Ads” and apply the promo code provided at the top of this email. You will not be required to enter any credit card information.

Method 2:

If you do not have account credentials through the AMC+ website (meaning you either: (1) have an account through a different platform such as Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple, or Google; (2) have account credentials for a different AMC service such as Shudder, Acorntv, or Sundance Now etc.; or (3) do not have account credentials for any AMC service), you will need to use the following method:

You will need to set up an account through the AMC+ website, When you reach the Plan Selection screen, select “Monthly with no Ads” and apply the promo code provided at the top of this email. You will not be required to enter any credit card information.

Once your promo code is successfully applied, you will be able to use your service on the AMC+ website or any AMC+ apps that can be downloaded via mobile, tablet, or television device.

If you have any issues with the redemption of your service, please contact AMC at


A "free weekly subscription" is the compensation for stealing my information and selling it to a child murderer and molester, Mark Zuckerberg? Tell you what why don't you bend your ass over and let me stick my baseball bat right up your fucken ass then beat the shit out of you with it. This abuse won't be for selling and stealing my shit. No this abuse on your ass is because AMC Streaming thinks it's allowed to endorse child abuse and human trafficking of children across the country!!

Otherwise, take your fucken subscription and shove it up your fucken ass you child murderers who endorse and support Facebook Mark Zuckerberg child molester and child murderer. I'll be glad when this fucked up human race ends and all of you child abusers burn in the black abyss of hell!!!!!! May Satan curse you and all your kin!