In my experience, the white race, men, and women have been extremely negative and heinous in behavior. Both are racists and both are abusive and the behaviors are projected on many in society consciously and unconsciously. The white race is Black. They are the poison of society. It's hard to explain what I mean by this as I am still exploring the words to describe how their essences affect us all. So, I would rather provide examples to demonstrate the behavior of these white people, which will give insight and familiarity to those who have experienced the same behavior with white people. These are just a few examples compared to the millions of poor behaviors. 

I can recall a co-worker from the past, Kelly. I didn't know her well, but what I remember is how she behaved, it convinced me she was a good person, but her mother was the problem. Her insecure shitty attitude because she couldn't hold on to a man long enough to marry her. She wasn't attractive but needy emotionally, now that I think about it, she was desperate. Desperate to find a man to double her income so the taxes wouldn't eat at her shitty career of being a crappy psychologist. Desperate to marry so she wouldn't lose her house. White women marry men to support them regardless of having a career because showing stability in society is critical. It's usually drilled into the mind at a young age. Since their fathers will not continue to support them, marriage is the next best thing, or prostitution (marriage is not a different concept). Not really.

Today's rant is about white men and how dangerous and racist they really are. Although I will throw some examples of white women in the mix, it's primarily about men's behavior. No white man should ever be trusted whether he is old or young. Men are the problem regardless of race or age, because of the many poor influences in society, and mimicking bad male habits from other males. It's no surprise that men are immature and not trustworthy, but who wants to invest time with an abusive man? Trusting people takes time and energy, which I don't find worth investing in. People in general have become the worst in behavior and lack moral value. Trump is an example OF "NO MORAL VALUE". Males suffer from low self-esteem just as women do, so if a male puts you down or attacks you verbally, it's better to leave right away, it will NOT get better. And saying "I AM SORRY", doesn't cut it. This behavior will continue because that person lacks respect for you and themselves, he will only drag you down into his shit. White men are corrupt because of the many demands and expectations they are pressured with to succeed and appear affluent, BUT OVERALL THEY ARE EVIL. 

There is no one to teach a MAN HOW TO BE A MAN. And for those who become successful and financially wealthy, they become dangerous as the Ego begins to shape their view on life, it becomes selfish, arrogant, and downright narcissistic. Overall, women are the worst at least in the financial area, as white women depend on their husbands, and lovers for support, you now have a toxic couple and the relationship is built on lies and manipulation. One thing about white women or any woman who is with a man because of his money. She will support him and stand beside him because of his false self-projection of being a humanitarian or philanthropist, like BILL GATES, until it blows up in her face finding out he was a CHILD MOLESTER all along. Then she leaves. Of course with a PHAT PAYOUT!
Add insult to injury, men IGNORANTLY ASSUME WHITE WOMEN are better and worth investing time into and marrying compared to women of color. ACCORDING TO WHAT FUCKEN STANDARDS?

Not necessarily, it depends on the woman (or girl). This example is mild but it has a purpose. Two kids in high school, Nick Chavez from a working-class family with both parents, but generally a nice person and a white girl who just moved to the neighborhood, very pretty with blonde hair and blue eyes, show up one day. Nick grabbed her as his girlfriend, but it was over faster than it started. I wonder why? Later it was obvious she was unstable. 

It shouldn't be a surprise since most people are molested as children, so it becomes transparent as a young adult. The point is not just Nick, but people are generally attracted to what is physical before knowing what lies beneath the skin of any human being. Nick is Mexican but like any male, he ignorantly assumes being with a white female helps his status, it doesn't. If two people are not stable and willing to work hard in a relationship regardless of race, it will fail, and then both people hate each other and bring out the worst in one another. Changing gears this article about Ivanka Trump having a moral compass like her father pisses me off!! Bitch you have no moral compass.... neither does your SCUM SUCKING FATHER!!!
On second thought, your moral compass does come from your father. YOU ARE BOTH GUILTY OF CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN!! Just like your father DONALD TRUMP because his actions scream volumes, of every fucked up thing that loser with a tiny penis has said and done. This piece of shit ripping children from their mothers left to die, but BOTH OF YOU WILL GET YOURS!! A relative of mine is a detective from California she moved to Seattle years ago because of her scumbag husband who is a cop and a white man manipulating her into doing so. Celia is okay, but I would never trust her, she lies just as everyone has and is manipulating. I once witnessed her during a time when she was emotionally hysterical and those emotions express a lot, she is human first. It doesn't matter what she does for work, everyone has weaknesses. CeeCee is Mexican, but looking at her people would assume she is Japanese and White, our family ancestors are Japanese, but not white. She shared with my mother when she met her husband how DESPERATE he was to find a wife (men are afraid to die alone). I questioned then WHY THE FUCK DID YOU MARRY HIM? 

No response, but I can answer that, she too was DESPERATE and seeking a mate, she just didn't want to appear DESPERATE. CeeCee has a calm exterior about her, but her emotions run deep, with repetition, and her temper can be triggered, just as I triggered her when I made a remark against white people she didn't like because her experience of them either lacks or is denial. Inside were all the same as humans but white people they're seriously FUCKED UP! Man or woman, they are not worth trusting, they will STAB YOU IN THE BACK, especially white women as their jealousy and racism runs deep. There is no excuse for IGNORANT BEHAVIOR because people choose to lack consciousness. As I said before, the husband manipulated her into moving so he could have what he needed, it didn't matter what she wanted. He is a typical white male who lacks manners and consideration, it's only his needs that he is concerned with.
When her mother died, CeeCee came over to visit, which she never bothered before, and her husband, being the idiot he was, displayed STUPID BEHAVIOR at the dinner table. A typical white guy exaggerates the meal (which he doesn't care for) only to be insulting. What is it about white people who have to behave in such a manner? Frankly, I don't know why she brought this idiot, I mean if you're going to have a dog, train it and put a leash on it. He was a jackass typical white trash. No one invited her husband and I don't recall her mentioning he was escorting her on the visit. Let me provide another example, Frances, a white female from Kentucky, married a man who was dying of cancer. He manipulated her to marry him to care for his needs on his deathbed, as his kids weren't concerned. She did marry him and after his death, she cheated herself out of his Social Security money because she assumed it cut away from the kids. IT DOES NOT! Frances ended up with no place to go and her daughter didn't give a fuck, and struggled to live in California with no money or a job. She was a wreck and went back home to Kentucky to live with her sister. I had to open her eyes and make her realize what she gave up for people who didn't give a dam about her. That white man used Frances because he knew he could, she was a kind-hearted person, he could manipulate her, and she was very naive. The kind of person people take advantage of when they are good-hearted.
Another time I was on the train from Oceanside to OC and this white man with two half-breed kids Korean and white decided to sit by me and confess his sins to me as if I were the local priest. Now I'm going to sum it up, not candy-coat the story as it was presented to me, so here it goes. This piece of shit works as an engineer, and so did his wife, it's how they met. Now he manipulates her and forces her to do the one thing she was against. He befriends her, starts dating and fucking her, marries her, and forces her to quit her job and go back to school to work in the medical field. DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH TIME, MONEY AND ENERGY IT TAKES TO START A NEW CAREER? It's hard enough the first time, but she does it to please him. Only so this pig doesn't have to look at her at work in the same department. WOW!! I WISH I COULD TELL HER SO SHE WOULD SEE WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT SHE MARRIED. HOPEFULLY IN TIME SHE'LL FIND OUT! The next example is about WHITE MALES and their abusive and dominating behavior over women. 

Researchers claim the number of domestic violence is Black and Mexican men, but I believe it's a lie because those same researchers are white men so their claims are biased and false, favoring their own kind. White men are more violent than men of color and so are white females, especially with heinous crimes of war, child molesters, rape, murder, and beating up family members. White men are ten times more violent (even in a silent manner Mark Zuckerberg is an example, human trafficking. Yet white men are more violent in war, rape, and child molesters, compared to men of color who are poisoned by the actions of the white race with ego and ignorance. As for men of color, when it comes to money and power within a false monetary system, it is how and why their vision is blind to being abusive and war criminals. People gave Obama far too much credit, he is not only MUSLIM BUT GAY and he MURDERED MORE INNOCENT PEOPLE IN WAR THAN BUSH, OBAMA WAS THE POSTER BOY FOR THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION! CRIMINALS AND MURDERERS! White people have people of color do their dirty work for them all the time. However, it's easy to buy a man's loyalty with HARD CASH!
Are people STUPID? You don't think that WAR has no effect on people in their homeland and around the world, it DOES. War crimes, murder, abuse, rape, human trafficking has a numerous impact on future generations of children who are yet to be born. I won't get into the details, but the war on people of color is in the millions, backyard countries have been scrutinized because of the white man killing all for resources, to steal land, oil, and other commodities. THE WHITE MAN IS BLACK! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO DISAGREES! IN HIS SOUL, MIND AND HEART!! It's only the exterior of those who are white that people are mentally manipulated by. These examples are mild compared to the degree of abuse people of color have been subjected to daily. Discrimination in jobs, racism in living in decent neighborhoods, schools kids attended, and the abuse of ignorant parents who subject their children to the same shit. In all fairness, I know of white women who have been beaten by white men and some killed. Violence and murder are perpetuated. There are those few white people who are discriminated against in society and children who are bullied, which in turn causes suicides and homicides. White parents are lied to by the white men in the white house and through false news media owned by the same criminals, but politicians don't care what race you are, they will kill anyone who gets in their way of the NEW WORLD ORDER. ABUSE AND VIOLENCE it's not a new formula for GREED. This behavior is recycled and generations are infected. THE WHITE MAN IS THE MOTHER OF PREDATORS.

I'll end with this last example of white male domination and abuse, remember I said to you abuse is psychological as much as physical. All humans have weaknesses and strengths that most of us don't recognize or have NOT spent time thinking about. If we did our reactions to problems, our reactions would be different compared to reactions based strictly on our experiences. Briefly, I met a white woman who told me when she met her boyfriend, his life was a mess personally and financially. One night they were drinking and he beat the shit out of her and almost killed her. I listened with shock and knew she made a big mistake, HUGE, staying with him, but she was an adult. He will do it again and this time she might not live to tell anyone.

Another time I stopped at Del Taco and as I stood there a tall old white guy
GRADUALLY WALKS UP TO ME and POKES ME WITH HIS INDEX FINGER AS HE IS SPEAKING TO ME. THIS IS ABUSE AND MALE DOMINATION WHEN SOMEONE DOES THAT. REACT QUICKLY AND SCREAM AT HIM TO NOT TOUCH YOU!!! At Northridge, a young white guy (student) behaved this way with his teacher.     I am unaware if she reported this to campus police, but he obviously learned it from his daddy or someone close by. I was riding a bus and a young white male thought he was funny pulling my hair until I jumped up screaming at him. WHITE PEOPLE HAVE THE WORST BEHAVIOR but if you are VIOLATED IN ANY WAY BY THEM, MAN OR WOMAN STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. COPS WILL BEHAVE IN THE SAME MANNER SOMETIMES, THEY'RE JUST AS GUILTY WITH ABUSE AND RACISM AND WANTING TO KILL PEOPLE OF COLOR. TRUST NO ONE!