Mary Watanabe is a corporate pig who has no problem getting an attorney and filing suit against LA CARE for negligence and lack of patient care SHE PERSONALLY COLLECTED 55 MILLION DOLLARS FOR HERSELF. Amy Yasbeck didn't have a problem filing suit after John Ritter had heart problems and died, although the doctors were found NOT RESPONSIBLE. Amy still made out with 9 million dollars and kept that Beverly Hills home and lived on the fat of the land! It's when a person who has LA CARE, whether it be Medi-Cal or not, shouldn't matter is SNUBED BY ATTORNEYS. No one would give me the time of day to listen to my case against LA CARE and the ABUSE WITH SOCIAL SECURITY. There are so many people involved with the negligence, medical abuse, and lack of proper medical care that Todd Taylor was subjected to. MARY BEING A CORPORATE WHORE COLLECTED A WHOPPING 55 MILLION AS NO PATIENT RECIEVED ANY MONEY FROM THAT 55 MILLION!! I NEVER DID, TODD NEVER DID THOUSANDS OF PATIENTS NEVER DID.
I am not a corporate elite who has any power or some crappy actress that gets public attention so therefore my circumstances were not important. Millions of people are treated extremely poorly for lack of patient care and gross medical negligence.
I know what I suffered with and what Todd suffered with, during this time Todd had serious heart problems and he was abused by Nimish Patel of Whittier - Daniel Choo in Hacienda Hts - Chris Christodoulou in Pasadena all of these gross negligent doctors mistreated Todd with verbal abuse try to incarcerate him against his human will and was verbally abusive during hospital stays. All contributed to his death. They refused to learn and to inform me that his heart had dropped during the year he was seen by all these cardiologists, from 65% to 35%. None of them did their job. All of them have a phat ego and care only about their paycheck. Dr Gonzales of Whitter MIA on us (TODDS PCP) and his wife lied about how Todd was his patient for 3 years.
During this time Todd was under LA CARE IP PREFERRED which is the worst authorization that scum Darren who owns it should be shot!
Customer Service was grossly negligent and they refused to help me find an Internist to help Todd, he had Dementia and hyperthyroidism, which are associated with Dementia. IT'S POINTLESS FILING A COMPLAINT BECAUSE IT GOES NOWHERE. THERE ARE TOO MANY GROSS INCOMPETENT WORKERS NOTHING IS EVER RESOLVED. LA CARE is the worst care and IP PREFERRED IS ABUSIVE and GROSS NEGLIGENT they need to be put out of business!!!! No one would help, but all of them contributed to Todd's death because of this lack of care. Whittier Hospital and St Jude are also to blame. Anthony Imperado and Karen Edinbyrd tried to lock Todd up against his human will, they tried to kill him off, but I fought against them. They too contributed to Todd's death. Regardless of his condition, this medical care is NOT CARE AT ALL. THIS SYSTEM abuses patients by drugging them behind my back and conspiring to lock them up, ALL ARE INVOLVED WITH THIS STATE OF CALIFORNIA MEDICAL ABUSE. ALL OF THESE CORPORATE PIGS AND HOSPITALS ARE TO MAKE MONEY OFF THE SICK AND DYING. MEDICAL CARE DOESN'T EXIST!!!!
When Todd was extremely ill, Social Security cut him off without notice and wasn't concerned at all. They ignored all medical records and everything I told them. Social Security was abusive and refused to listen. SOCIAL SECURITY ONLY BENEFITS THE POLITICIANS GREED!
I contacted DMHC NUMEROUS TIMES, they don't care, they are just as GROSS NEGLIGENT as LA CARE and IP PREFERRED. DMHC NEVER ANSWERS PHONES AND IF YOU DO GET A COMPLAINT IT GOES IN THE TRASH! These corporate pigs are filled with GREED and doctors, hospitals, and medical care don't exist, it's all abusive and financial kickbacks for the corporate elites. Luigi is right, they are parasites or is that the media's words?
Let me tell you how Regal Medical Group conspired to place my partner in a convalescent home behind my back! Phoebe W was a part of it, Cynthia the director from Countrywood Villa in Santa Ana, and Karen EdinByrd topped it off from Regal Medical Group. Karen tries to murder Todd. Now she has changed her last name but she is GUILTY! She tried to fuck with me that she sending an ambulance, to put Todd away. I told her I'll find you bitch and I will get you. That place is one step up from county jail.
Never believe anything these bitches say. I contemplated for a moment but after what I saw I wasn't going to let Todd stay in this prison. I instructed Phoebe not to do anything until I said so, but she had already done the authorizations behind my back. When I went to Countrywood Villa in Santa Ana a bed was waiting for Todd and a referral was completed two days prior, so Anthony Imperado and Karen Edinbyrd did this behind my back, they were in cahoots. The director mentions it! Why she acted stupid, I guess it's a part of the act!!! So when Karren called me, lying, saying she had been trying to reach me, I told her she was a liar, I never heard from her before. She was rude and demanding, tell me, she was going to send an ambulance and make a transfer. I had words with her I wasn't fucking around she was not going to take away from me and lock him up. They tried hard and it was a fight for several months, but I won the war and battle. Frankly, people need to start fighting back.
Never believe anything these bitches say. I contemplated for a moment but after what I saw I wasn't going to let Todd stay in this prison. I instructed Phoebe not to do anything until I said so, but she had already done the authorizations behind my back. When I went to Countrywood Villa in Santa Ana a bed was waiting for Todd and a referral was completed two days prior, so Anthony Imperado and Karen Edinbyrd did this behind my back, they were in cahoots. The director mentions it! Why she acted stupid, I guess it's a part of the act!!! So when Karren called me, lying, saying she had been trying to reach me, I told her she was a liar, I never heard from her before. She was rude and demanding, tell me, she was going to send an ambulance and make a transfer. I had words with her I wasn't fucking around she was not going to take away from me and lock him up. They tried hard and it was a fight for several months, but I won the war and battle. Frankly, people need to start fighting back.
So, I yelled at her and went to St Jude, but I let that bitch know if she does I'm going to get her!!! Regal Medical Group and the hospitals conspire to put people away, they're not much different than a prison. The only difference is they have less authority because PATIENTS have legal rights as a citizen, it's AGAINST HUMAN WILL so when I told that bitch off, (Karren) that I will sue and I plan on doing just that... her response was "Go ahead" and appeal it. However, suing these parasites doesn't help, so I am glad BRAIN THOMPSON WAS SHOT AND KILLED!!! Karen is a murderer of patients because she tried to kill Todd and didn't care because this slimy cunt enjoys being nasty to people instead of providing care and proper customer service!
Phoebe conveniently left for vacation after she did this (she timed it perfectly and took no RESPONSIBILITY) !! I told her immediately the answer was NO!!! I wasn't going to do that to my man. These fucking shitty doctors took two years to diagnose him right and as for Dr. Nimish Patel that IGNORANT SAN NEGRO, HE is a pompous piece of shit and saw Todd at Whittier and ignored his weak heart at 35%. Whittier tried doing the same thing to TODD TAYLOR. Regal is the worst, the member service doesn't know anything, they are limited and the website to find a PCP is never updated and LA CARE LISTS DOCTORS ON THEIR WEBSITE THAT ARE NOT DOING BUSINESS WITH THEM!!! If you find doctors taking new patients, they are not, they are canceling business contracts.
If you have LA Care, under Regal UCLA is now taking patients, but you can be sure the mistreatment will be the same!! I am going to report everything Regal Medical Group did and everyone involved, and what they did to Todd Taylor. MARY WATANABE HAS NO FUCKEN RIGHT TO KEEP ANY MONEY BUT THAT CORPORATE FAT PIG IS GETTING RICH OF THE SICK AND DYING!! PATIENTS WERE NEVER COMPENSATED BECAUSE MARY AND CALIFORNIA ARE FUCKEN CRIMINALS!!!!