The reason hooking is "ILLEGAL" is because Uncle Sam can't tax the PUSSY! He hasn't figured out a way to tax human flesh at least not in this sense. My theory behind the lack of taxation on prostitution is that "men are fucken hypocrites". Every vice in this world has been subjected to abuse and taxation so why deny prostitution? Men don't like the idea of prostitution knowing it's a woman's precious commodity that should not be sold, but knowing they have to spend money to get what they want eventually is what they end up doing because it's all up for sale. No matter who you are or where you come from doesn't matter, because all women and some men are selling their asses at the end of the day. Most people know working a shit job will get you nowhere, especially living in California or New York. Most people will never work as an executive because you have to know someone and most people I believe hate working for others and having to put up with all the bullshit in the work environment. It doesn't matter what you do because when dealing with people you still have an amount of crap to tolerate from someone. Women just know that selling their asses can sometimes be a quick way to make cash if you don't get caught. These are the 5 main areas of prostitution women fall into. 

UpScale Whores - Upscale prostitution lives in denial, desperately seeking public approval. While these whores paint a pretty picture of illusions and lies, it provides the client the very best, security, and those blowjobs and fucking up the ass don't seem as dirty. Just a fantasy of pretense that she is your girlfriend and whore at the same time. She is the best is why you pay more money than a street hooker who provides the same services. These whores might see fewer clients because they charge more money but the services are exactly the same. Just because she wears a nice dress doesn't mean she is better than the hooker on the street, she's not it's all an illusion, a lie, and painted with better and brighter colors that's all. She is an actress not herself and won't let you in, if she did then it becomes personal. It's mystery, and intrigue that has a man coming back for seconds and knowing he can trust you with his DIRTY secrets. 

Street Whores - Street whores are the most vulnerable and unfortunately on dangerous ground working the streets. It's never a good idea to be on the street. Your life is at risk all the time and you don't need a pimp telling you what to do. Yet these girls work the hardest and the cheapest. Life on the street will run them down. These girls are more likely to catch a common cold and venereal disease or die. She has no protection and can easily be killed by a man on the street even the cops can beat her up or rape her. Cops aren't going to protect any woman. Hell, men don't protect women when dating them or defend them. Men are pieces of shit because everywhere you go their looking for a piece of ass for free or paying for it. Street whores are not safe to be with and are not safe working the streets. It's best to stay off the streets and do something with your life that has meaning. 

Online Back Page Whores - These gals are one step up from street hookers and are too in a vulnerable situation of being subjected to abuse or being arrested or killed. Cops go after those who are easy prey. Law Enforcement will NEVER show the CDL because it's stamped on the backside of it. "Law Enforcement" from the DMV. A few clues to watch out for, Cops will talk fast and talk too much. A CLICK CLICK on the phone can be heard. Sometimes COPS wear shiny shoes like the military. Cops will yell out loud because they are recording the situation. In a room, it's obvious to look around you will find duct tape on the walls where a picture was hung. Jon's will roll on a girl just to save their own ass. Female cops will bust a working girl and then disguise herself as the girl working just to keep busting the Jons and rolling over as many people as she can. The Online Back Page is saturated like crazy with many explicit images. Getting busted the first time on prostitution is a misdemeanor, not a big deal but crossing state lines is a Felony. What I find seriously fucked up is how this entire Government is prostituting kids and young girls (EPSTEIN) and TRUMP yet all this time they have the cops arresting people trying to survive in this fucked up society. If you get busted sign NOTHING let it go to trial. Most of the time it's dismissed. If it doesn't work out you get probation and community service no big deal but you won't be able to get a job for almost seven years maybe sooner if you can get the record expunged through the District Attorney's office the sooner the better. After seven years employers will not hold it against you. No one cares at that point. You should consider safety procedures, and insist a deposit be sent. He is less likely to be a loser and if anything happens there is a paper trail, some examples of cops sending emails are here.

Marry Money Whores - These women I view above the average upscale whores. These women have the talent of catching a BIG FISH. They are the pros of the pros. They don't view themself as prostitutes because one client is all they need. They are patient, objective, observant, and a panther in disguise. They will date men with lots of cash NEVER LOSERS or working class not even middle class. They expect beyond and above your average millionaire. Marriage is of importance and to know when to reel that fish in. Marriage is prostitution, you're always bargaining for yourself for someone else. She is caring and convincing, supporting you in your desires and endeavors. Standing by you and your dreams and finding ways to align herself with you as a man. It is her job to comfort and assure you she is the woman you need to achieve all those dreams, she will support you no matter what. She will carry you when you're down and lift you up. She may not bear your child because you are her child to raise and provide so you will give her the world in return! She invests a lot of time and energy because this type of whore knows how to find men of means that are seeking a woman to assure their insecurities like ZUCKERBERG'S WIFE!!. Marrying wealth is an art, it's her job and she doesn't forsake anything less. Having sex with her is like the ultimate delusion of grandeur. She will entice you to make you think there is no other woman who can give you all you need emotionally and physically but her. She is the ultimate mind fucking whore to marry, but once she has you don't be surprised it may change!

Porn-Star Whores - Although some bitches work in the film industry for a short time because it doesn't last and there is no great demand for anyone. Some will claim that they have talent. Frankly, this is STUPID, it doesn't take talent to spread your legs and provide blowjobs which all whores do. However, sex work is demanding to the point of tolerating various personalities which can weigh on the human mind after years of providing sexual services and stripping. I once came across a young girl who was Japanese and white and worked as a stripper, but I was confused when she told me how she preferred to be a hooker because she was sick of dealing with the men touching her all the time. I was like, huh? You do realize you will be expected to fuck? Isn't that an obligation and more to deal with than some scumbag who grabs your ass? It made no sense to me but she went on her way because being a prostitute is competitive since millions of women are employed in this job field and eventually you will make money. How long it lasts who knows but eventually it comes to an end because the numbers change as you grow old. 

As for Porn Stars, they are not in demand and are limited to film unless they have their own distribution. This sleazy film business is made up of SCUM because these men buy a camera and overnight they've become professional photographers. The point is their PIGS, men will lie and do anything to grab free ass, that is the point and that is how they view it working in Adult Film. This is the reason SCUM starts working in that business and for others, they can't get a date so if they pay women and film them 1) it becomes a legal enterprise and 2) a blowjob without the hassle. Either way, it's paid prostitution no matter how you look at it. Girls who go into the film business just ruin their lives because they will be STIGMATIZED and RIDICULED for it. Family, friends, and neighbors will find out. You're that close to the fire. If you have any questions or concerns there are plenty of online communities and sites to read up on. Just remember it's still an ILLEGAL TRANSACTION, not a personal relationship that is used to funnel prostitution. These WHORES have ONE concern "how much money you have", not who you are or about your life, and why should she care? If your focus is NOT MONEY then you just broke your own rules and made it personal instead of business. Film or not it's all prostitution.