Let me be clear there is NO TALENT in the Music Industry anymore. There hasn't been for years, just prostitution and homosexuality lacking talent. Most of the people who had any talent in the last 25 years, are either dead, too old, or have been murdered. Those lingering with no contract are only lingering to grab headlines so they are not forgotten such as Mariah Carey but she is limited. Let me be clear about something else, it's obvious to me that this corrupt business strongly encourages the people who are bought and paid for like a common whore to express 666 or any kind of demonic symbolism or witchcraft only to promote the "white man" and his Freemasonry" control over the weak and desperate. Yet NONE OF YOU do NOT have any true understanding of real spiritualism or enlightenment and if you think you do it's for all the wrong reasons. 

The entire Industry has become a collection of whores, gangsters, and murderers with labels of being "hip hop artists" but are the biggest losers who are born overnight, as long as they can rap "gangsta bitch" they're a big star. Right, that's not talent, rap is not music. Now with all fairness, it's an expression of thought, between half speaking - and half singing. Still, when that thought is corrupted with a poor choice of words influencing children of all ages it's a good thing to be a "gangsta bitch". Then you are not of real talent, you're demonizing the business. YOU HAVE NO TALENT that justifies or expresses you are a real artist with a voice that sings like an angel. No, a true artist and gifted person who was born to sing was murdered (Whitney Houston) because she preferred the Lord, not Satan. Now my argument is not to defend or excuse the subject of Jesus or the Devil, but frankly, it annoyed me a few years ago when Cardi B was on YOUTUBE with her ignorant crap of 666. You really are stupid Cardi B, you really have no understanding of what you talking about, do you?

There is nothing educated or intelligent about you, but the public is easily fooled and ignorantly thinks you are!! You have been bought and paid for and under the thumb of the corrupted white man in an Industry that controls you and every aspect of you're bought and paid for life. At least Christina Aguilar sings lyrics to a song that has meaning or tells a story leaving out the derogatory negative crap behind! She knows how to sing with some passion, regardless of her extensive phat EGO! I won't get into the entire agenda and corruption of this industry of who they can push around to display "witchcraft" or "satanism" IT'S ABOUT TALENT AND YOU HAVE NONE!! Maybe it's not too late to actually take singing classes and really learn how to sing a song with some thought or feeling behind it. Rap shit is the worst influence on young people, speaking of which you're just a dumb kid yourself. You still have your entire life to grow up, but considering you have a child, why would you promote this shit you claim is music? 

Are you that desperate or needy? I guess so. Your kid is not going to know anything different between the lies and reality than to also be a paid whore singing, "gangsta bitch". You are a ghetto rat, from a working poor neighborhood and now you're being stigmatized in an industry that promotes you not as talent, but as a whore, which you have allowed. Only common prostitutes who are on the street or the net are at least honest about what they sell, but if you sell your ass pretending to be a singer, that is a sell-out, you're a bigger whore, and you don't have it. I am referring to "TALENT"!!! You can wear all the fake crap jewelry or fake ass wigs and makeup, ugly Dontella dresses which it is. There is nothing classy about this dress, it won't matter because, at the end of the day, you still have no talent!! Please don't flatter yourself, I am not jealous, it's what you might be thinking, no I've just grown up. I see the difference between real talent, a real artist, and the shit that is being promoted today in a business that is demonic by nature all for the wrong reasons because those same corrupt people murdered the talent that once existed. 

Let's hope you don't find yourself selling out your daughter to child predators in the business since many are still at large. Or killing a family member as a human sacrifice and shifting the blame on someone else only to hold on to the money that has been given to you because now you are their property. You need to grow up and stop being a whore that is bought and sold to a business that cares nothing for you. Eventually, you might be gone, or your pathetic career destroyed, and only then will you realize, when you are old (or dead) it wasn't worth it!!