When I first heard of Whitney Webb and how she investigated all her work in the Epstein case, I was impressed, but not so much anymore. While she investigates all the dirty Mafia crap between Black Rock and Epstein and the rest of the criminals it's obvious it has always been this way, but over the years it's now at its worst. AMERICA IS MAFIA IT'S NOT A GOVERNMENT. There are various levels of criminal activity, but the mother to it all stems from the corruption of all nations doing business with each other and selling human flesh. All these companies, including law enforcement, are involved with trafficking, prostitution, and murder of children and human beings. It's only the domestic people within society that are arrested who commit these crimes and ignore the bigger fish because any whore can be bribed for cash. I was thinking to myself why Whitney Webb refused to speak out against FACEBOOK considering Mark Zuckerberg is a child murderer. I don't care who likes me saying this, it's true. He refuses to take responsibility and this nation of people looks the other way and refuses to stand up against this criminal and have him in prison on DEATH ROW because too many people are involved in this abuse against children. Particularly this US body of Criminals who call themselves a Government!!!

Whitney herself is on Facebook, this might be the reason why she refuses to speak out against such crimes, but isn't that what journalism is about telling the truth against those who commit the most heinous crimes? Why is the world "enabling Mark Zuckerberg"? He has committed heinous crimes against children and that sideshow act that was displayed for the public is pathetic. It was a sideshow to appear like he is in trouble when in fact I'm confident he paid everyone a phat check to display such a show because Mark Zuckerberg doesn't care about dead children. He is NOT sorry for his crimes. He is sorry he got caught and the public knows more. MARK ZUCKERBERG IS A LIAR AND MURDERER! Yet the media has run many articles claiming he is NOT!! Zuckerberg can say whatever he wants and his wife is a part of this corruption and murder. That greedy whore stands by her man because she is just as EVIL and ROTTEN AS THAT WHITE MAN WITH A BLACK SOUL IS.

Mark should be in prison on death row or have a lethal injection for his crimes against children! How this can happen is for all people of this nation to get off their asses and push these criminals and demand justice. WE DON'T NEED A GOVERNMENT, THEY ARE NOT LEADERS, THEY ARE SELF-SERVING BODIES OF CRIMINALS SELLING HUMAN FLESH!!  IT'S UP TO THE PEOPLE TO CHANGE IT!! You can't expect this body of criminals to arrest other criminals who are making everyone rich and happy, murdering kids. As long as these PIGS at the top get rich and happy,y they don't care about the prostitution of minors or children being murdered every day. It's up to the mothers and fathers of this country to persecute everyone involved. Whitney is a mother herself and a hypocrite for being on FACEBOOK and refusing not to speak out against these crimes, she can't fight them alone, no one can, but she can speak out against all of it, just as she did with Epstein, she won't!! It takes a nation of people to stand against this terrorism of criminals murdering innocent children and selling human flesh! That is EXACTLY WHAT IT IS TERRORISM AGAINST CHILDREN!


As for Mark Zuckerberg all that jackass cares about is who threatens the platform's policy. Mark Zuckerberg needs to be beaten - thrown in prison and have his money and family stripped away and the platform eliminated. Maybe then he will change his views on what constitutes policies. YOU ZUCKERBERG HAVE THREATENED THE LIVES OF CHILDREN AND YOU ARE A MURDERER THAT IN ITSELF SHOULD BE A THREAT AGAINST HUMAN POLICY AND THE HUMAN RACE! I am so disgusted with all of these WHITE PEOPLE who are liars - human abusers - child molesters and enabling shit like Zuckerberg and his lies. Promoting a child murderer to walk free and place the blame on someone else. 

As for parents who have lost their children, you allow this MONSTER MARK ZUCKERBERG TO WALK FREE! How can you people live with yourselves knowing this? As for Whitney Webb, her stardom is more important now, it's about notoriety and popularity. As for all OCCULTIST, REAL MAGES CURSE THIS MOTHER FUCKER AND DESTROY HIS LIFE AND FAMILY!!! YOU DESERVE IT ZUCKERBERG!