Tirza Veliz from Riverside is a Black Widow by nature, she is young, and very attractive, but highly vengeful, and an adroit liar. A few years back early one morning I heard the yelling of a young female walking down the inside of a hallway on the property where I lived and her "gangster boyfriend" was trying to break the lock on my front door. As both of these losers attempted to break into my home, they were caught on film. The young girl who was yelling was Tirza's sister with her long dark hair and the other person was some young Mexican kid wearing a black hoodie. I guess Tirza must think she is intelligent in telling her sleazy family members to break into my home as she works hard at being a threat to people she hardly knows. Unfortunately, I'm not as stupid as her parents who fall for her bullshit. Let me describe a situation that involved the police making a false arrest with abusive behavior, all because this whore wants to cry wolf about domestic violence which NEVER HAPPENED! Tirza has had numerous relationships over the years most of which haven't worked out. 

She is the mother to a young child and yet Tirza wasn't raising this little girl herself, Tirza's parents were raising the kid. One day she meets a young man who has his own place and Tirza doesn't like the idea of having to live with her family anymore, but not being able to afford a place of her own, she somehow uses her manipulation tactics and false charm to move into the unit because her intention was to kick the person out who was the original tenant so she could have the place to herself. I guess she thought she was the smarter of the two having this young man arrested on false charges lying about how he was hitting her and abusing the daughter. Did I tell you Tirza Veliz has done this before? Yes, she has a long history of crying "domestic violence". That's right she has done this to another young man because the court docs are still on the internet. Remember any time you take another person to court it shows up as public record. A man named Rudy Avila was also the victim of Tirza's evil plan. Tirza has numerous sexual relationships with various people including her female cop friends she is FUCKING!

Her ex-husband makes a very good living bringing people to the US from other countries, so he gives her what money he can for his daughter and gets a "fuck bonus" on top of it. Then there is her friend the "cop" Her dyke lesbian friend Tirza also has a fuck relationship with this cop as long as her friend can run pedigree information on people which cops are not legally allowed to do. At least not randomly, it makes Tirza happy to steal Identity. This is a form of "IDENTITY THEFT" the cop and Tirza are committing. If I had that lesbian cunts name I would be calling Internal Affairs!!! So to finish the story a court hearing took place and this young man had an attorney, of course, that fat fuck the time (since then he lost 100 pds) was useless, and never did his job. As a matter of fact, he betrayed the client and decided to hand his card to Tirza so she would call him. I guess that attorney wants a piece of ass too. As for the court hearing the judge already knew she was lying, she provided no evidence at all, but this is the corrupt part of the court system. The opposing party has to prove they are NOT GUILTY, and the court automatically believes a whore like Tirza Veliz. Now this is really bad as young women can easily lie and get away with calling the police about how they were raped or beaten up making false charges. The cops and courts assume their right, it's the man who gets screwed over and has to prove his innocence. This is why I am exposing this WHORE TIRZA VELIZ and the lawyer (Nathan Gjesdal) from Seyb Law Firm who too is big a whore (with a license) as the bitch who lies about domestic violence. Let me educate everyone on domestic violence. Women who are in severe relationships of violence are not seeking help, why? 

Their mentally and emotionally damaged that they are too afraid. Most people can never understand that it's a psychologically manipulative tactic of the person who is causing the fear and abuse. I've known many women in severe situations of abuse and they never got the help they needed. Those women will never ask for help, they hide and make excuses for the person who is battering them. Social Workers refuse to do their job correctly and have a handicap for helping the kids who were infected by all of it. When a woman and her children are being severely abused, you're not going to see or hear from the family. I had a friend in high school whose father was very violent and tore the family apart, my friend was only 16 years old and was on the street because the mother was too scared to do anything about it. Another trap of domestic violence is when a man keeps the woman barefoot and pregnant so he can keep her away from family and friends. If she is young he can use manipulation. I've known young and older women who have been abused by a husband and boyfriend. It's nothing to lie or joke about. One young woman I worked with told me how her brother raped her several times. He was sent to prison but later released. 

Michelle ended up marrying her boyfriend who was violent because he learned it from his father. Domestic violence is a vicious cycle and nothing to laugh about or lie about but this bitch has her problems she has not resolved and until she does, nothing will change for her. Tirza is a liar and whore, and her rotten behavior didn't get her far, but she tried hard to ruin an innocent man's life, all because she wanted him to pay her bills. She also tried to get pregnant so she could trap the man, and he paid a heavy price for his freedom, but he eventually escaped. Yes, I know it's all hard for so many ignorant people to believe, but women can be just as abusive as a man. Men might lie a lot, but women are better liars. Women can be very convincing to an audience and stage an entire show because women are extremely vengeful when they choose to be. Her plan didn't work, but what she did do was find another fool to fuck, get pregnant and now he is paying all the bills. If you ever see Tirza Veliz stay far and away, she will steal your pedigree information and use it to benefit herself. Tirza now has three kids, is fat, and has another Jon (she is trapped) to support her so she doesn't have to work. I feel sorry for that guy he really has no idea the mistake he just made. If you think TIRZA this is DEFAMATION THEN LET'S GO TO COURT BITCH, I WILL RIP YOU TO SHREDS, AND THAT COP LESBIAN CUNT YOU FUCK. I AM NOT EASILY INTIMIDATED BITCH!