Sprouts is another market like Bristol Farms for which you DO NOT want to work at! All of these work environments are toxic it's the degree of how much a person is willing to tolerate. Eric was the original store manager, in 2016 at the new Labrea location in Los Angeles, but now there is another butt wad in his place. Eric wasn't a bad guy but his stress was showing I remember the left side of his face was damaged as his eye had popped out and was infected on the left side of his face from the abuse he was being subjected to from upper management

I met Eric when the store had its Grand Opening and taking job interviews were in place and drug testing on-site with the swab test during the interview. Eric told me I would have 40 hours a week and shit pay of $10 bucks an hour, another slave job. Of course, those 40 hours only lasted two weeks as the schedules were slashed in half, so it turned out to be a part-time job. This angered most people as every employee was lied to, but the level of abuse was thick and too toxic for words. Many of these shit people were in upper management so I wasn't surprised the hours were cut. I do recall a co-worker Michelle nagged Eric about the 40 hours we were promised. He blew her off and then she asked if I would say something to him. I replied NO, I would not because he is under great stress and Eric wouldn't change anything as it was obvious to me he was being told to do this by his manager. Sprouts are CHEAP, they don't like to pay, and they want slave work for as low as possible, so the company pays less "employee taxes with part-time workers". In America, you will NEVER have health benefits from employers with any minimum wage job. 

You must understand in this corrupt country it's about corporations reaping the money, and using slave labor to do the work. This is why you will hear the term, "CORPORATE AMERICA" It's much worse today than in the past from the Roman Empire and the human race will end in catastrophic proportions. Now let me indulge you with the environment of working here, once again I was in Deli, and the department manager was Nick some kid who had his favorites from the start. Nick once lied to me about how I was in charge but turned his head away from me when saying it. He was a fucken lying piece of shit. I decided to grab the sandwich bar area because it was the easiest to work. The department is big and there were several areas to cover each had its own demand for prep work because much of the food was displayed in the case and served daily, so those cases of food had to be filled throughout the day. This kind of work has to be fast and efficient and presentation matters, most workers are not conscious of this. I was subjected to ongoing verbal abuse from co-workers and management.

There was so much work to do, but for me the sandwich bar I could control and manage on my own. Meats and cheeses had to be sliced fast and stocked quickly as I already had the experience so I knew how to organize and work diligently. I thought a NEW STORE, NEW ENVIRONMENT, was going to be better, yeah it was different alright fucken abuse from the start! You could feel the tension in the air, yelling was a daily ritual. There must have been 20 people in the Deli alone, but a few people stood out with their FUCKED UP BEHAVIORS AND ATTITUDES! TRAINING WAS AT ANOTHER LOCATION IN CULVER CITY AND THIS YOUNG BITCH WAS A PROBLEM-MAKER IN THAT DEPT. One day I noticed the Dept manager from Culver City was at the La Brea store and tried talking shit to me out of the blue. This white trash never introduced herself from Culver City being the department manager, never did I see her there only knew her name. I had never seen her during my training, but she knew who I was and now she was at La Brea shooting her mouth off at me. So I had a comeback. Do I know you? Have we met? As I can't recall ever seeing you before. I can still see her stupid face and at that moment that cunt had nothing to say. GROSS INCOMPETENT ABUSIVE UPPER MANAGEMENT CAN GO FUCK THEMSELF!!! I DON'T NEED THIS ABUSE. And for all these ass wads who were new with SHIT ATTITUDES FROM THE START they believe in their brain it's a way to climb to the top of a management position, not necessarily, sometimes it will get you fired.

This one kid who was a FAG was shooting his mouth off from the start, the F-Bomb was every other word and he thought he could leave a mess at the sandwich bar for other people to clean up. He was disrespectful to everyone, but he didn't last. Then he was talking shit about me because that is the way he was. Bad-mouthing people behind their backs as cowards do. He never made it to management because he never earned it. 90% of the people in Deli walked out before I did. There were too many attitudes, customers were bitching and complaining of "free food". During the grand opening, Sprouts was advertising "free sandwiches" to get customers to spend money at the store. That promo attracted animals of all sorts because people love FREE. As the immigrant Russian heifers were coming in every day with coupons bitching why their sandwich was made incorrectly? Since I worked at that station as my domain I was getting slammed from dept of why I didn't train people to work the sandwich bar. Oh excuse the fuck out of me I was NEVER TOLD I HAD THAT RESPONSIBILITY!!! I ignored their bullshit and eventually walked out!

I WASN'T A MANAGER AND I AM NOT A FUCKEN MIND READER. I was NEVER TOLD I HAD TO TRAIN ANYBODY? How IGNORANT people are to make assumptions. It's not my fault and maybe these immigrant Russian whores should stop taking advantage of FREEBIES. Coming in once with a coupon is enough not every fucken day!! Or maybe, these IMMIGRANT RUSSIAN WHORES SHOULD GET BACK ON THE FUCKEN BOAT AND GO BACK TO THEIR OWN FUCKEN COUNTRY BECAUSE I KNOW THESE BITCHES ARE NOT USA CITIZENS!!! SO FUCK YOU SPROUTS! If you go to any Sprouts store you will see how unhappy, downright miserable employees are. I have shopped as a customer and been employed by both sides of the fence are shit. Rarely, I go there now and if I do I am very selective of what I buy.

No one takes responsibility. Upper management ignores problems with NO RESOLUTION but will pass the buck. Blame is quick to dump on the weakest person, shit talkers, backstabbers, trouble makers. No leaders or problem solvers just gross incompetent managers, leads, and department heads who are the biggest ass-wads. I never went to Eric for anything but this last time the department people were out of control so I tried to talk to him and all he said was, "Worry about yourself". So I took his advice and walked out. Never said anything to anyone, I took off my apron and walked out. I didn't clock out either. Interestingly enough someone was watching me because it only took Eric 5 minutes to call my cell. He questioned where I was? I replied looking out for me, just like you advised me. I hung up and felt relieved! I am DONE I DON'T NEED this shit!