Renee Mills an employee of Fullerton Community College is a Racist bitch.
Renee Mills supposedly has a degree in Psychology but when I knew her, she had
a Master's being a
understand white women and their fucked up behavior is to experience them
firsthand. It's the IGNORANCE that has them believing they're better than
women of color, but they're not, they are more psychotic though. Yet
WHITE WOMEN will run to women of
color to solve their problems or dump their problems on us only because they
are too
STUPID and LAZY to figure it out for themselves.
Let me describe this bitch, she was skinny with short blonde hair, a big
mouth, talked too much, with bucky teeth. Renee is nothing special to look at
but she managed to get a man to marry her dumb ass and proceeded to have
There's a good chance her daughter will commit suicide with a mother like
Renee. I can't remember why I was told to see this stupid bitch. I only went
to this department to take exams but I was forced to have to speak to her
dumb ass. She was insecure, mentally retarded with uncertain as I watched
her body language in the department. Renee is not a psychologist or has any
experience with helping people. Her immature ignorant attitude expresses her
lack of professionalism and knowledge within that profession. Anyone can
obtain a degree it doesn't make you an expert in your psychology field,
you're a
If anything this cunt should have her degree revoked. As I didn't need a
shrink with a snotty attitude. I didn't need her help at all, plus how is a
white bitch going to help anyone with a shit attitude?
This bitch is no specialist at anything other than talking shit, mocking
women of color with immature behavior.
Fullerton Community College overall is a racist place with numerous shitty
fucked up white people from teachers, to counselors and administrators with
fucked up behavior. I had no problem speaking my mind to this gross
incompetent staff and because I did they would threaten me by blocking my
student portal. Administrators were the worst to deal with as there was no
support at this school, and if you didn't have a book to accompany any work
you needed to finish students wouldn't be allowed to go into the study rooms
to get help, that is how shitty this school is, lacking support for
students. Too many white people with fucked up racist attitudes. As for
Renee, this bitch has no manners or respect for women of color she likes to
speak at you and down to you as if she is so intelligent. Considering she
has a daughter I'm sure her bitch of mother will drive her to the brink of
suicide. I was so glad to finally get out of this shit school this is the
problem with Orange County too many white people who plague the system in
this country by hiring more white people than people of color to work in the
school system and so many other organizations. If the meeting I had with
this STUPID BITCH had any real
significance I would have remembered the details, but she had nothing to say
other than laugh in my face and mock me because that is what a
raggedy old whore is nobody.
No matter where I am in society I have to deal with
Renee Mills is no psychologist she is an immature ass-wad who badgers women of
color and should be fired from her job, this bitch doesn't know shit about
counseling anyone. Her
SPECIALITY is being a racist cunt, why would she excel as a counselor when she doesn't know how to be a decent
human being?
White bitches dominate the work sector in higher positions. Renee Mills
is NO PSYCHOLOGIST, or COUNSELOR she is a racist cunt mocking women of
color and being disrespectful.
White bitches are lazy in their job positions with a lack of responsibility.
White whores Demand more money compared to people of color while sitting on
their fat asses behind a desk, at a bullshit job. White bitches only appear to
work but never make a difference or break a sweat. Labor jobs are too
demanding for white bitches. White people want all the credit but never
actually work for it. Mocking, racist bad behavior lack of skills and
knowledge. White people will brag about their skills but are lazy when
executing the job. Taking credit for the work of other workers, especially
people of color.
Lazy White bitches don't work if they have a job it's sitting on their