Mike Kruzel is no actor although he has appeared as an extra and in low-budget
films he is by trade a rapist and child molester and I can prove it. Mike
Kruzel has no business getting paid to act since his sick mind is the kind
that believes raping women is allowed. He is a piece of shit and should be in
prison for the numerous acts of child pedophilia and rape he is GUILTY of.
True this white trash mother fucker has never been charged or arrested for his
crimes, but he needs to be and he deserves to be in prison. I am so
sick of white trash getting away with heinous crimes of rape and being child
Mike Kruzel is GUILTY because I knew him personally and was aware of his
extremely inappropriate behavior!!! THIS SCUM NEEDS TO BE IN PRISON!!! For years this scum bag has worked off and on in the movie industry, not that
he was any good at acting because frankly, he sucks. He's OLD FAT AND UGLY almost 70 but he needs to be in prison and should Mark Zuckerberg and ROMAN POLANSKI. This loser Mike Kruzel was born
and raised in Irwindale, Ca, and lived for a short time in Houston Texas, so
he lies about being born in Texas, it's not true. He has also lived in the Valley for many years and worked for CIRCUT CITY UNTIL THEY EMBEZZLED AND WENT OUT OF BUSINESS!
His sisters might still be living in Texas. Then years ago he was living in the
valley with his friends Clive and some other white guy who were renting a room as the
three of them lived in a 3 bdrm condo. Clive was just white
trash he was living in the European area and drugged out of his mind when he
and his wife fled to the US with their three kids, two girls, and a boy.
During this time I knew Clive briefly, he didn't live long as a drug addict
with past heroin problems and then moved over to smoking weed like it was
going out of style. A couple of years went by and he died of cancer. Clive
thought he had a spider bite on his face, which turned out to be cancer. After
he went to his doctor he was told he was going to be dead in less than six
months, and he was. During this time I was able to observe with my eyes how
Mike Kruzel seemed to enjoy watching, touching, and flirting with Clives under
age girls 12 and 17. He also has a fetish for pregnant women!
Mike always made crude sexual remarks about Clive's older daughter Alison
about her hair, and how nice it smelled, looking at her with his eyes as I
watched him. He would call her all the time on her cell phone after Clive
died, and I told him to leave her alone, but Alison never answered his calls.
I believe Alison knew of Mike's intentions, she didn't like him to begin with
I could tell from her attitude. He was watching her body and when she went to
the bathroom since she lived with these scumbags and her father, but soon left
after Clive died. Mike thought it was okay to tease her and play around as if
he was a friend. No, he was a pedo trying to toucher her every chance he got.
There was a time when Mike admitted to me their younger daughter had a
birthday she was only 12 years old and Mike purchased a top as a gift that was
too small as he wanted it to fit her tight, and since she was developing in
her breast his intention of her wearing it for him. He was always touching
her, hugging and complimenting how pretty she was. She pulled back when he
tried to hug her and I walked into the room I saw what happened and I could
see how uncomfortable she was.
I asked,
"What is going on"?
Mike acted stupid and replied nothing I was teasing her. These girls were not
safe around this piece of shit. I can only imagine what was happening or what
I didn't see, but it gets worse. Mike Kruzel and his white trash friends would
party with girls and drug them up with coke and booze. This piece of shit must
have thought it was safe to tell me how he and his friends would remove the
girl's underwear once she was passed out and have sex with her (this is RAPE) with NO CONSENT!! Thousands of men actually believe in their sick minds it's allowed to
"rape" women and girls. Where this perverse thinking comes from I'm not sure, he is just ignorant
white trash, and I deeply regret not seeing this and taking action.
Unfortunately, I too was a victim of his rape behavior. Many of us get
involved with the wrong people as I have done too many times and it is because
of low self-esteem. Drugs are a problem in our society
I see that more clearly now than before and it's easy to get caught up in
that shit. However, it doesn't excuse anyone from thinking it's okay to rape a
woman without permission when she is unconscious from partying too much or
any other reason.
Just as there is no excuse to rape or molest young girls under the age of 18
or any age of any female or young boy. This society is an infestation of rape
and child molesters.
Mike Kruzel is
Mike Kruzel needs to be in prison for life so if you know of him or see him
report his ass and watch out for your children he is a pedo don't be fooled as
many people have been by this piece of shit.