Many women will support a man in his endeavors and believe in his patriarchy
and usually, those women have a
"SELF-SERVING" agenda. Men have no
understanding of women, which is their greatest mistake, and expect to be
understood by women, and if that works out for them, the less they have to work
at the relationship and will do what they please. Those men who marry the
wrong woman realize how hard it can be to live with someone and find a reason
to cheat instead of working on the relationship after committing to it. Once
you live with someone, both parties are now finding tolerance of each other's
habits and behaviors, when it should be
Relationships are a lifetime commitment. Let's talk about cheating for a
moment. Men are more likely to cheat than women and will lie about it, but
women can actually get away with cheating more than a man.
As I've said before, women are better liars,
but if she gets caught up with this man she is cheating with and loses all
sense of herself,f and now is distracted in her thoughts because of another man, the relationship will break. During mid-life, married people cheat
because they are changing and are unhappy with mixed emotions. People cheat when they are not having sex at home with the person they are married to, and men cheat to
live out their sadistic fantasies they can't perform with their wives. Men who
marry or have girlfriends view pornography online all the time, it corrupts
men and their views of having healthy sexual relationships. Men will convince
their wives to keep having children as the glue to a broken marriage instead
of working out their problems. Men view pornography to learn how to have sex
with partners or wives instead of communicating with each other. No one is
having healthy relationships, people change spouses faster than eating
- Men view pornography thinking it will spice up their love life, but it doesn't.
- Men cheat because their ignorance believes if they're fucking someone it establishes their manhood, it doesn't.
- Men desire and seek out women who do them favors to perform sadistic sex acts. (Don't be one of those women). And don't do any man favors! FUCK HIM HE HAS A LEFT HAND!
- Men want a third-party female because it's easier to cheat and play out their sick fantasy without looking like the bad guy.
- Men manipulate their wives to attend swinger parties so they can cheat.
- Just because you date a loser doesn't mean he has permission to rape you.
- If you're a male who allows your brother - in law to share his sexual relationships with you about his wife (who is your sister) if you refuse to STOP HIM then YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT WITH NO RESPECT TO ANY WOMAN!
- Instead of understanding who you are as a human, men use their penis to dictate their lives.
- Men think if their penis doesn't work there is no point in living.
- Men such as Elon Musk or any man having too many children from different women are LOSERS, not a man.
- Men think that fucking you from behind while choking you out is pleasure, but it's not, he is releasing his anger deep within.
- Men will lie and manipulate you to get their way because their agenda matters first, so therefore it's not an equal relationship.
- If two people can't agree on what they want together, you should not be in the relationship because someone will have to compromise.
- Ignorant males STUPIDLY compare one woman to another woman, this is an insult when saying it out loud to the person you are dating. YOU WILL PISS HER OFF SO DON'T DO IT!
- When a man views a woman and expresses derogatory remarks that she is the "mother figure" because her ass is not a size ZERO. You just insulted the wrong person. Expect retaliation!
- If a man over 50 still refuses to grow up DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME HE NEVER WILL!!
It's okay for a man to have friends, everyone should, but if friends
interfere in your relationship, it's time to make a choice.
- Men who wear a wedding ring will lie about being married, some do it to cheat and stay single.
- If a man tells his family about your personal relationship with him, and later complains that the trust has been compromised.
- Communication and TRUST are vital to any relationship, so if you're holding back, how do you expect the relationship to grow?
- Most men don't know how to speak to women, that is their failure.
- If you are an older man of 60 or older who married the girl next door and you deliberately want to argue because it's your excuse to run out the door and cheat, why stay married?
- Men ignorantly assume women should be sweet and kind. Get over it. Then you're a pussy with no balls. That's why you have a mother idiot.
- A woman shouldn't expect ambition from a working-class man, so don't expect a PHAT PAYCHECK to support your shopping addiction. Be Independent of men and that doesn't mean prostitution.
- Rich men can have (or buy) any woman they want. It's insecurity they can't manage and are riddled with illusions to satisfy their ego, which dictates their life.
- How someone speaks and thinks gives you an idea of their educational level and experience in life. Those men who want a nice quiet girl they can control and who has no opinion of their own are easily intimidated.
- As you grow old, you will find out how boring your relationship has become and find excuses to argue so you can run out the door and cheat!! Unfortunately, you didn't grow or change to have a better relationship.
- Males who continue to whine like a bitch about post - relationships, DUMP HIM FAST! If you're a loser who had 1 relationship your entire life and it failed because your ex-GF was a drug addict and she cheated to get her drugs, you have no one to blame but yourself. You made that choice when you met her.
Authentic Relationships are a SACRIFICE of tears, sweat, heartache, time, and
energy. Real love is a SACRIFICE and it will consume you.
If you are not willing to work hard in a relationship, then you have no