Martha Lopez Garza is a teacher of Women's Studies, teaching "Just Methods", and Chicana Studies, and frankly is the worst teacher next to Breny Mendoza, who is worse than Garza. At least when I was there she taught this class and it was awful, frankly, I didn't understand a fucken thing and received a C. This bitch has a Dr. Jeykell and Mr. Hyde complex and who has an average rating from students which is what the bitch gave to me in her class. Now so you understand, this class is not like a class you would attend in high school. 

At least in high school the teacher sometimes provides information on the subject and what to expect, not this bitch she says nothing but yet she expects everyone to understand her "lack of structure" when teaching a course with little information provided. Regardless of the evasive description and syllabus given, it leaves little understanding of what to expect. The mid-term is the basis of your grade, so when I asked to speak with Garza about the work and to know how I was doing in the class, she refused me. She will demand you answer her via email, but will ignore you most of the time.

I won't forget her nasty behavior of shoving unwanted books in my hands. And then later bothering me to help her friend around campus because she is too fucken lazy to do it herself. Garza was always putting something on me to be a total bitch because she enjoys aggravating those who have no respect for her as I did. I remember once she had each student meet with her. I approached the office and I saw her facing the door, and the clock was on the same wall, which she could see. I sat outside waiting for over 20 minutes because she didn't have the sense to tell the other student time was up. Garza allowed the student to keep talking and blamed me for not mentioning I was outside waiting. She could see me and acted stupid. It's not for me to tell you, Garza, you can see the clock and you called this meeting, I didn't. Why don't you pay attention to the time, bitch?

Another time this situation with Garza's friend in administration I can't recall her name (some white bitch) I should have reported that bitch. She was supposed to be helping the students with something in the class, but instead, she decided to close her door and not help the students because she was having personal problems, which I found out. That bitch had no business being at work collecting a check and not doing her fucken job, another lazy white bitch, your personal problems are your own go home then! 

So Garza later sent me an email talking shit but you know I think I'm going to send her a copy of this blog post and let her know what I really think of her:-) Garza, you can take that shit book of "Just Methods" and shove it up your ass, you cunt! Unfortunately, this is a required class,   one of the few that are given once a year, so if you choose this program, just know it's a "HAVE TO" class and take it right away.  UPDATE: BRENY MENDOZA READ MY POST AND IS NO LONGER CHAIR!


This is how she teaches "Just Methods", It's a three-inch book filled with stories and the student has to pull out the "methodology" the observer used while studying different groups of people. Yet the stories have different characters and events. This shit book is not worth the paper it's printed on and the campus oh they love fucking the students out of money for useless books. So what Garza does is she has us sit in a big circle so she can see everybody at a certain angle, throws on the projector, and quickly flips the notes for us to write them down. I was pissed with her method and no one took a shorthand class and most of the time you were lucky to get 50% of the notes written down. It was a fucked up way to provide information and no one in the class understood what to do with the notes. Then she told us to pick three out of all the questions we had written down and provide a summary for each one. 

Most of the students struggled to get the full question written down because she was flipping the notes so fast, and finally I told her to slow down. The same method was used for the final. Garza is a cunt she was no teacher! I learned nothing from this class, but I can say I do understand the concept of methods now. This class had one mid-term and one final, and a few assignments, so whatever you got on the mid-term was your grade. Garza didn't care if you understood the material. (SHE ONCE HAD A NASTY REMARK, WONDERING I ATTEND COMMUNITY COLLEGE). Yes BITCH I DID BUT THAT TOO WAS A RACIST SCHOOL WITH TOO MANY FUCKED UP WHTE PEOPLE AND SHITTY TEACHERS!!!

I had a few words with her at one point, I said, I have no idea what you're talking about, and you have no structure to this class. She didn't like it but it was true. Well, like they say, the truth hurts, but she asked the class to raise their hands if they felt the same way and everyone raised their hand. This shit institution is not only extremely racist but they will fuck you out of as much money as possible and if you don't graduate on the expected date the school charges you money.

Education in America is the BIGGEST FRAUD next to the IRS. Frankly, I didn't need this education,  I could have learned on my own without the expense, but it was a personal goal. I just never enjoyed it because of the negative experience.  All I wanted to enjoy my education and walk with my class, which unfortunately NEVER HAPPENED!

Women's Studies is not worth investing in as a Bachelor's Degree, maybe an elective or a minor, but it's too broad and you can't get employment from it. The lazy advisors will never tell you this as a student. However, I had a few enjoyable teachers but most of them sucked and so did the experience at Cal State Northridge.