Ever since Anna Nicole died, Larry Birkhead can't keep his ugly face out of the spotlight. He wants to brag about how his kid looks just like Anna Nicole frankly, I don't agree she looks nothing like Anna Nicole. Her teeth need braces, and she dresses like a tramp with no taste, with pounds of makeup on her face, and she looks like her daddy. LARRY BIRKHEAD IS A PIMP WITH NO JOB! WHITE TRASH LIVING OFF A BROKEN MEMORY TO STAY NOTICEABLE.

Minus the weird bugged-eye stare he gives to the photographers. I think it's disgusting the way he parades and exploits his kid for the predators to drool over. She is a child with too much makeup on her face and she should behave like a child. Larry Birkhead is a pimp and he has pimped his daughter for the last several years while living off her money. I do wonder if she had no money that he now leeches off of, would he have bothered to take custody? I should have taken a screenshot of an article I read about how he denied there was NO MONEY when she asked him? If there was no money, how are you living so well and supporting this kid? You never worked, to begin with, as being a photographer doesn't pay the bills. It's sickening how these white people just can't stop bragging about bullshit when it's so insignificant, Anna has been dead for 17 years now, who cares. Larry is a big loser, look at this photo, she is a child parading like a common whore with that makeup on her face. Instead of parading your daughter like a common WHORE pay attention to her education, she should be thinking of what to do with her life and hopefully, she does not end up a drug addict like her mother.

Anna's death was NOT accidental, she was a heavy drug user. Otherwise, I give her much credit for being white trash from Texas she was beautiful and made herself into an icon of some kind, her weakness was drugs, it was the reason her son died, and he followed in his mother's shadow. Nothing is so annoying when the media continues to exaggerate and lie about the circumstances, this woman was addicted to methadone and other shit and no one did anything to stop her. Her assistant admitted to everything after her death how she would pick up her prescription of Methadone. Does anyone realize how heavy a drug like that is? It is generally used for heroin addicts. I'm not surprised she's dead, I'm just surprised she didn't die sooner. She was a guest model, and married a billionaire (who doesn't wish for that)? had her own show when she was FAT, but she still made money after that stupid trimspa crap and her show. If Anna had stayed clean she could have gone far in her career coming from nothing, but that's the problem when you have nothing and then have too much, a person blows it every time. Larry Birkhead stop being a pervert and dressing this kid up like she is a grown woman, she's still a child. Send her to a good school and stop parading her and exploiting her to the sex predators in society its disgusting your fucken pimp, grow up. You're a poor excuse for a parent and you're NO man to behave this way with a young girl who has a lifetime of growing to accomplish. YOUR KID LOOKS NOTHING LIKE HER MOTHER, ANNA NICOLE!! Anna Nicole was ambitious when she knew she had no one to depend on I recall her saying her mother closed the door in her face and wouldn't help her after she had her son and nowhere to go. It's the reason she started stripping to make a living. However, the truth is no one ever makes a living from being a stripper, but it landed her an old man with shits loads of cash, and if it wasn't for JK Marshall you Larry Birkhead wouldn't have a pot to piss in, maybe you should stop being a loser and bump and go get a job and actually work for once in your life. Then you can brag to people magazine that you actually know how to work. All I have left to say about Anna Nicole, like Marilyn Monroe when it comes to dying young, you won't be forgotten. LARRY BIRKHEAD IS A PIMP AND A PATHETIC LOSER PIMPING HIS KID FOR MONEY TO APPEAR POPULAR, YOU ARE A LOSER!! GET A JOB AND ACTUALLY WORK FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE!