It's been almost three years since Todd died and after his death, it's taken all this time for me to heal my wounds after caring for him. I don't believe anyone is ever the same after someone dies. I am referring to those who sacrifice themselves for the other person, not the heartless or narcissistic. In time I will lay everything to rest. Still, I've not finished punishing those who are responsible for contributing to his death because the medical field has too much "gross medical negligence" calling themselves doctors and psychiatrists just like DR. HIRUY GESSESSE. MD. Who has displayed gross medical negligence and has been sued many times.

Not to worry doctor I'll make sure a copy of this personalized love letter is mailed out so you don't miss my sweet words of regards to your neglectful and negligent practice and the abuse you inflicted with many patients. As I took the time to research the many articles on the net and reviews I noticed his patients know he is SHIT. He is no good just as I came to find out what he was doing to Todd at Whittier Hospital in 2022 behind my back. It all came back to me as I searched his name these patients have made serious complaints against this quack who calls himself a doctor. So before I get into the details let me express that any doctor like an attorney should specialize in something specific and continue to educate themself after college during their career because things change over time within the LEGAL SYSTEM!

NO DOCTOR will ever know or understand the full anatomy of the HUMAN BODY AND MIND. This quack claims he works and knows so many areas such as child and adult psychiatry, depression, anxiety, dementia, and other disorders. Other disorders? HOW THE FUCK CAN ANYONE KNOW OR SPECIALIZE in so many MEDICAL areas and claim to be an expert? This is FALSE. Being a Jack of all trades in the medical field is NEGLIGENCE and he knows NOTHING! Read the reviews of what patients are saying about this piece of shit. I was updating a review I wrote about this piece of shit who works out of College Medical Center and noticed my review was disabled. It shows on my end but not on Google's end so I am now exploiting this mother fucker for what he did and his gross negligence. When Todd was ill I took him to WHITTIER HOSPITAL which was a mistake however, behind my back the hospital was drugging Todd (St. Jude did the same thing) late at night a white girl named Melissa came in around between 9pm at night asking Todd stupid questions which he could barely answer. Whittier Hospital did this because that Social Worker Pat Eddings wanted to force Todd into a facility against his human will (it's illegal) he had DEMENTIA and I told this cunt that, but no one wanted to listen. This is how the hospitals conspire against people to lock them up. 

Doctors don't seek an answer to a problem, they seek to incarcerate for money. Doctors NEVER HELP PEOPLE, they want cash kickbacks and this fucker did just that. Here is a LAWSUIT AGAINST THIS FUCK WAD. When this happens the doctor's licenses should immediately be revoked and kicked out, but the MEDICAL BOARD like THE BAR ASSOCIATION doesn't' FUCKEN CARE. Complaints go nowhere anymore what happens when you make a complaint, some other idiot on the board examines it only to see if they can find any clues to deny the opposing party. They don't seek a resolution or want to speak to the person who made the complaint, it's the same with the bar association. This is how CORRUPT AMERICA IS. THIS IS HOW ABUSIVE THE MEDICAL FIELD IS, FRANKLY THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN THIS WAY, COVERING UP THEIR GROSS NEGLIGENCE AND ABUSE. Above is a description of the occurrence. Pat Eddings was so determined to incarcerate Todd against his human will. 

What angers me is how people are so IGNORANT REFUSING to ask questions or listen when they should, people are gross who work in hospitals. Too many of them are self-absorbed and their concern is their paycheck. They care nothing for anyone and can't help anyone because these ass-wads like Gessesse make no effort to truly understand how to help a patient. I am yet to ruin his career and continue to exploit the abuse and negligence of this scumbag and Pat Eddings. There is plenty of blame to go around for those who contributed to Todd Taylor's Death. 

Let me add something else now I UNDERSTAND WHY PAT EDDINGS and GESSESSE ARE BUDDIES, she calls this piece of shit knowing he is the best CORRUPT DOCTOR to lock people up. And this scumbag goes out of his way to contact the police (who are a part of the scam) on a man to arrest and incarcerate him I just found this public notice that was a lawsuit against the CORRUPT DOCTOR. He called the police to arrest this man and to incarcerate him. Gessesse the quack who calls himself a doctor is abusing his authority to lock people up against their human will for monetary gain.