Have you ever heard a white woman claim she was ANGLO? If you have do you know what it means? Do you think this stupid white bitch knows what it means? MAYBE NOT. The term was made up just as labels are to identify the white race establishing the footprint on AMERICAN SOIL. It was when the EUROPEANS CAME OVER TO AMERICA AND COLONIZED, KILLED, MOLESTED, AND STRIPPED MY ANCESTORS and everyone else they could strip of their culture, traditions, families everything. The white race's intention was to dominate and take over which they have and now are destroying entirely. Anglo was a part of the human genocide, killing Indigenous people who were here on the land first before the land was infected with the poisonous white race. This is one of many reasons I am WHITE WASHED and HATE WHITE PEOPLE!!

I was never given a number to connect to my ancestors because during this time the birth certificate was invented that separation would keep me from entitlements my origins, and my birthright. Yet a Mexican whore named Michelle who is employed by the OC HEALTH AGENCY ALONG WITH THAT GOUK FRANK KIM WHO WAS RUNNING it (claiming to be retired) stealing birth certificates and other pedigree information. I'M YET TO GET YOU BITCH, SO WATCH OUT!!!   What's wrong with this picture? There is a REAL PROBLEM NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT! AMERICA today is still infected AND has gotten WORSE and will continue to until no HUMAN BEING IS LEFT that is the poisonous essence of the white race to infect the world with murder, sexual abuse, and human trafficking all for monetary gain.


I found myself thinking I have little understanding of my ancestors there is much more but it too has been stripped and eliminated and all because of hate, no one hates more than the white man controlling the prison system, the hospitals, the false church, and politics. I was watching this interesting video of this young man pointing out the history of CROWN POINT. The reason it's called CROWN POINT is because of the BRITISH, they believe they own AMERICA (or at least have tried to) but they control it through the banking industry and will steal property when people can NO longer pay for their homes. However, after this war of murder was over and the FRENCH moved toward Canada the entire situation blew up in their faces and they deserved it. It still carries the title but the Brits don't own the land anymore that I know of. Yet they still own AMERICA through the banking system and they're NOT ROYAL only liars, murderers, and thieves controlling the world's wealth. 

This entire problem of murdering my ancestors really pisses me off because I can recall a few things that triggered me knowing how fucked up and STUPID WHITE PEOPLE ARE!! Let's begin with this, years ago I was at the La Habra museum which has many artifacts but one image I found had my ancestors along the basin. Where it is today I don't know but what has become of that museum is the white race displaying their crap of the changes of white people growing in the community. All of the history that should be there of the indigenous people has too been stripped and killed off! Another problem I have faced most of my life is the ignorance and STUPIDITY of many people (especially white people) who assume I don't speak a word of fucken English or I can't comprehend anything so I must be retarded. One of my favorites is being told when walking into a tattoo shop that the owner doesn't play MEXICAN MUSIC, well that's good I guess ass wad since I don't understand Spanish. I just love it when people are so fucken STUPID so I can throw it in their faces! Yet so many fucked up white people are still on Facebook with the rest of the child molesters, no problem there. 

Let's SUPPORT CHILD MOLESTERS AND MARK ZUCKERBERG WITH MEN's SADISTIC POINTS OF VIEW! The white man doesn't own AMERICA and he NEVER WILL by nature he is a MURDERER CHILD MOLESTER and WAR CRIMINAL. THE WHITE MAN HAS RUINED THE LAND AND SEA all in the name of money!!! Stop listening to white people in the church, and on Facebook. The city of La Habra participates in Human Trafficking and so does Law Enforcement, it's the reason why pieces of shit like Mark Zuckerberg are not in prison! As for the white bitch with blonde hair years ago who was working at the museum when it was opened to the public. She was there with her husband and this whore had the nerve to lie and tell me how my ancestors were NEVER HERE on this land. Yet she stands there to tell me how these fucken Armenians who come here to America on their EB Visas are good people stealing things but never knowing what they're doing, they are innocent. 


The crap that was coming out of her mouth was so convoluted I needed to leave before I punched her in the face. Why is white trash like this thinking she is so much better when in fact she is fucken stupid and a liar? I couldn't believe my ears. That museum is closed now and all for the better but these fucked up white trash not AMERICAN, or CHRISTIAN and they sure as fuck don't own AMERICA! This was all a setup from the start, from the British invading and killing over land that all of us have the entitlement and human right to live on for FREE! AMERICA HAS BECOME THE INFESTATION OF CHILD MOLESTERS STEMMING FROM THE CHURCH, ALL SOCIAL PLATFORMS, AND POLITICS! THIS FALSE GOVERNMENT IS FRAUD AND ABUSE AGAINST THE HUMAN RACE AND THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE WHO ARE TRUE AMERICANS!