Adult Protective Services is Fraud and Abuse let me explain why I express this. Todd Taylor died under three years ago, Todd was my man we were together for nearly 10 years and went through many hardships, but it didn't compare to the nightmare I dealt with when realizing how corrupt all Gov agencies are. Todd was suffering from Dementia and Hyperthyroidism which is associated with Dementia, I didn't know this at the time, nor did Todd ever say anything to me about how he was feeling. Doctors were not helping and Mr. Gonzales Todd's PCP MIA on us and I had no decent doctor to help. We had LA CARE at the time which displayed GROSS MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE, because as you MARY WANTANBE SUED LA CARE AND POCKETED 55 MILLION DOLLARS!! PATIENTS NEVER SAW A DIME! I was asking everyone for help and no one would help us. When I went to Whittier Hospital is when my problems started all because of that cunt social worker Pat Eddgings. Todd was admitted to Whittier Hospital and treated very badly, they were drugging him up behind my back.  The nurses were not helping him shower or keeping him clean, he was peeing in his pants, and when I walked into the room that stupid fat nurse was sitting on her ass doing nothing. 

She was useless as a nurse and dealing with young people who are grossly incompetent at a hospital is more frustrating than Todd's medical problems. As for Pat (this black bitch) was forcing Todd into a facility against his human will, which is illegal. One day I arrived at the hospital and witnessed Todd's clothes were wet from peeing his pants numerous times and the nurse was just sitting on her ass not helping him. I took his things and we left, of course, Pat tried to stop me and called security and I told this kid to get the "FUCK" out of my way. Understand this, NO ONE has to stay in a hospital, yes they will try and stop you and say, "You're going against our medical advice", fuck medical advice all they care about is money while subjecting Todd to abuse and medical neglect! Kickbacks are the reason these employees are forcing people into facilities, the state loves those kickbacks, it's required. Now at some point that negro Pat calls Joyce (Josilan) Maturano Adult Protective Services who is nothing more than some Pilipino immigrant from off the boat. 


It's amazing how a corrupt Gov brings immigrants into the country and gives them jobs that belong to the American people. Now I have this bitch up my ass harassing me at home. Not once does this uneducated idiot ask me how she can help, not one time? She was so dumb with no sense about her and was spineless. After bothering me a couple of times I told her to fuck off this is when she began making false calls to La Mirada Police. Adult Protective Service is Fraud because this Gov wants to lock people up against their human will. You can read more here as I posted about Joyce Maturano, which was only a matter of time before her co-worker saw it, and the coward started talking shit lying about how Todd and I are a same-sex couple. Whatever you fucken coward why don't you say it to my face you fucken IMMIGRANT gouk? I am a woman and Todd was my man and I struggled to care for him alone and it tore me apart because one thing I learned about this fucked shit system, is it doesn't give a fuck about anyone. As for the hospitals, they are just as guilty of trying to lock people up. It's all about incarceration

After the police continued to harass me I finally told that bitch, you want to know about abuse, okay let me call the media and Internal Affairs and tell them how the police gang banged on Todd 6 against 1 and beat him nearly to death behind the Ralphs Supermarket. Isn't that abuse? Investigate that BITCH!!! I never heard from them again. Pat is STUPID I told that dumb bitch Todd had Dementia but she REFUSED to listen to anything I said and then called me one day about HOW HE HAS DEMENTIA, I yelled at her "I already know you dumb bitch"! I told you this, her response was who told you? OMG, I can't believe I am dealing with gross incompetence and this bitch is a social worker? Are you fucken STUPID? The problem was trying to figure out what else was hurting Todd, which turned out to be "hyperthyroidism" which affects the body very badly, the organs are unbalanced. 

Once Dr. Meyers figured out it took a month for the medication to balance him out, Todd was okay after that. His body began to settle back into place I just didn't know how to help Todd. Nobody would listen to me these fucken people are so stuck on forcing people into a facility against their will, it's the answer to everything because of money!! I already had "power of attorney" before things got worse, I started to see signs and knew how shitty Todd's family was, I had to proceed with this if anything happened to him and I don't regret it. As for "adult protective services" they help no one, it's only to lock people up against their human will. What I found to be ignorant about these morons, is how they ask if Todd had children? Politicians have torn families apart, do you actually think kids today want to care for their parents as they grow old? No, most kids don't care about their parents. However, he had no children and they disregarded me being his significant other, this is another sign of stupidity on their part. YET NEVER ONCE DID THEY ASK HOW MAY I HELP? HOW FUCKEN STUPID AND THEY CLAIM TO CARE! BULLSHIT!

All I needed was answers and for the FUCKEN doctors to do their FUCKEN job, but instead, I got a knife in my back and gross incompetent FUCKEN morons who don't know a goddam thing. At St. Jude in Fullerton was not much different. As for Joyce Maturano, she was useless as a human being and a worker for the state. There was one time JOYCE called me asking if Todd had COVID-19 the reason she asked is that later I found out someone at     (Whittier Hospital) lied to Rite Aid pharmacy saying he did. It was all lies, he never had it, and neither did I we were isolated most of the time, but because of this, I told that bitch to stop harassing me and fuck off. Then she starts calling the police with her lies of abuse. This cunt is a vindictive bitch, the only abuse Todd received was from Whittier and St. Jude hospital and the police nearly killing Todd when they beat him up behind the market, but I guess that is not viewed as ABUSE as far as Adult Services is concerned, is it? I was right about one thing, Lisa Calce and Tina Zimmerman Calce Smith (whatever her fucken name is) didn't give a fuck about their brother, they never did. I reached out for help from both of these whores and all they did was back lash on me and cause me problems. 

I did the same in return and had the last word, may they burn in hell, and may their souls perish into black ash. Lisa and Tina are white trash and Tina thought she was funny having her heroine junkie son Steven Zimmerman (being in and out of prison) call me up with his foul mouth, indicating I am a NEGRO. In my response, I emailed Tina's employer to let it be known how racist she really is considering she works in radio selling 'air time". The customers should know what kind of whore is working at American General in Bakersfield. Adult Protective Services is not in the best interest of the people, it is a corrupt government agency out to ruin people's lives. Immigrant uneducated gross incompetent people are employed from off the boat that this Gov brings into the country because they will be trained not to question the corruption of the system. White men are usually in charge of a corrupt agency such as "Adult Protective Services" because they think they're better equipped for the job. White people are NOT, but they are just as corrupt to align themselves to lies and betrayal of a corrupt system. Yet the white man wants to speak on abuse in the video, let's compare that abuse to the abuse coming from the same fucked up white people who are "war criminals" child molesters, human trafficking children, and pimping and pandering calling Epstein a rich guy. Yeah right that's why people like Bill Gates are predators and Trump a murderer. You white people are the problem - the poison in America!! 


The majority of convalescent hospitals are privately owned by IMMIGRANT ASIAN married couples and are usually in pending lawsuits because when it comes to quality of care it doesn't exist. Immigrants from other countries come to America buying into this business and running them into the ground. These places prefer to stay short-staffed to pocket more money for themselves. Bedridden people are STRUNG OUT on drugs so much they can't move or eat their food. I WITNESSED this at a place in Santa Ana, CA. The facilities are one step up from county jail, which is abuse but do assholes like the white man in the video do anything about it, hell no! He could care less he is just another asshole speaking for a corrupt system.

Yet the white man in the video is a piece of shit who wants to make this corrupt agency be viewed as a need because of abuse that is imposed on people, maybe I don't know of any cases like this, but I am aware that the video shut off the comments, why are they afraid of what the public is going to say? Not too many people are happy with this corrupt agency, especially when it's being employed by morons IMMIGRANT like Joyce Maturano!! What I find interesting is when you need to complain about a worker from this corrupt agency there is no one to be found to complain to, that is how dishonest it is, just like the Social Security System, it is rotten to the core. It's all about INCARCERATION! 

This white man should describe how the white race imposes abuse on every human being in America with slavery, financial theft, war crimes against the human race, and murder for monetary gain. White people are liars child molesters and the poison that pisses on humanity, yet they think they're righteous! The Human Race DOESN'T NEED to follow your fucked up medical advice which leads to death! Your video is nothing compared to the crimes and murder against humanity preach on that, you worthless white trash piece of shit!